Some sentences in use of “interruption”

How to use in-sentence of “interruption”:

– Rainfall can be torrential, so if you’re travelling to Sierra Leone around this time of the year, it is advisable to bring water proof clothing as it can rain for a whole week without interruption from sunlight.

– The transition to the CW caused an interruption in the broadcast of “SmackDown!” in the state of Utah beginning in June when KPNZ in Salt Lake City stopped airing all UPN programs early.

– Activities on the margins of specific wilderness areas, such as fire suppression and the interruption of animal migration, also affect the wilderness.

– Iran had been a monarchy ruled by a shah, or emperor, almost without interruption from 1501 until the 1979 Islamic revolution, when Iran officially became an Islamic Republic on 1 April 1979.

– They ruled Babylonia almost without interruption for about four hundred years — the longest rule by any dynasty in Babylonian history.

– In the 19th centurynineteenth century the Genzano Flower Festival took place annually, except for some periods of interruption: the first interruption was from 1845 to 1863 ; the second interruption, also lasting nineteen years, from 1875 to 1894.

– The work on the construction of St Luke’s commenced in 1854-55, with initial delays due to slow fund-raising and then a brief interruption due to the Indian War of Independence and it was completed and then consecrated by the Bishop of Calcutta in October 1864.

– Work on it began in 1939, with an interruption by the Second World War, and The Herbert opened in 1960.

Some sentences in use of interruption
Some sentences in use of interruption

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