Some sentences in use of “inhabitant”

How to use in-sentence of “inhabitant”:

+ The surname Kissinger means inhabitant of Bad Kissingen.

+ The French word “bourgeois” comes from the Old French word “burgeis”, meaning “an inhabitant of a town”.

+ Man with the Red Eyes  –  A robot-like inhabitant of Camazotz who tries to hypnotize Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin in the CENTRAL Central Intelligence building.

+ Klimova’s character is a typical glamorous inhabitant of glossy worlds, idly wandering from one fashionable party to another, but rapidly transforming with the appearance of a real strong feeling in life.

+ I prefer the white man to the Black peoplenegro as an inhabitant to our country.He spent one two-year term as Governor of California after his election in 1861.

+ Many towns burned and every inhabitant was enveloped some way in the conflict.

Some sentences in use of inhabitant
Some sentences in use of inhabitant

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