Some sentences in use of “importance”

How to use in-sentence of “importance”:

+ Luciani said that Escriva also gave importance to work.

+ As a cultural expression, it is the result of a long process of acculturation between indigenous peoples and Europeans, and it is one of the richest expressions of miscegenation and of syncretism, in which the participation of the vanquished Indian is seemingly of minor importance as compared to the dominant European contribution.

+ Three years later, because of the importance of the Publix theater chain, it was later known as Paramount-Publix Corporation.

+ While dolls are usually for children, they are also collected by adults, for remembering things from the past, their beauty, their historical importance or their financial value.

+ The importance of this work was to show there is no “absolute” dividing line between the human species and their nearest living relative, at least in this respect.

Some sentences in use of importance
Some sentences in use of importance

Example sentences of “importance”:

+ The city lost its prime importance around 2000 BC, after the struggle of Babylonia with Elam.

+ The Planck constant is of importance in many applications.
+ The island is part of the Port Davey Islands Important Bird Area, so identified by BirdLife International because of its importance for breeding seabirds.

+ The city lost its prime importance around 2000 BC, after the struggle of Babylonia with Elam.

+ The Planck constant is of importance in many applications.

+ The island is part of the Port Davey Islands Important Bird Area, so identified by BirdLife International because of its importance for breeding seabirds.

+ In the early 1800s, the importance of the city diminished, and Nancy took its place.

+ For example, Homer uses “spears” as a virtual synonym for “warrior”, suggesting the continued importance of the spear in combat.

+ Organizations such as teach people about the importance of rare and local varieties of fruit.

+ Divine kingship gained importance as the cults of gods like Horus, Seth and Neith spread across the country.

+ Hasidism teaches about the importance of serving God with happiness and believes in Jewish mysticism.

+ This ambitious project is of great importance in the history of mathematics and philosophy.

+ The Valdes PeninsulaValdés Peninsula is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its importance as a nature reserve.

+ Since it controls access to the Gemmipass, it had some importance from the time of Roman EmpireRoman Raetia.

+ Beliefs in the importance of the mind/brain/head emerge as early as 4000BC with the Sumerians.

+ The teachers give attention to the importance of the Principles and Creed of Tangsudo, the students learn discipline and respect.

+ Jiwani holds strategic importance in the region, because it is next to the shipping lanes to and from the Persian Gulf.

More in-sentence examples of “importance”:

+ Views on the importance of these writings vary.

+ The importance of this scenario, of two parties with strong support, and the one with weak support being the Condorcet winner, may be less than one would expect, though, as it is common in plurality voting systems, but much less likely to occur in Condorcet or IRV elections, which unlike Plurality voting, punish candidates who are opposed by a significant block of voters.

+ Giza’s infrastructure saw much attention from both the British government prior to the 1952 coup d’état as well as the current Egyptian government due to the city’s importance in tourism.

+ And this Declaration insists the international solidity and in the sprit of burden-sharing to ensure the right to political asylum according to the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees including for Palestinian people and also insists the importance of education about international human rights law, humanitarian aid, peace, tolerance, rule of law, democracy and social justice for all at any level of educations against illiteracy.

+ Therefore, the SETI League says the importance of the Drake equation is not in solving it, but in thinking about it.

+ However, the importance of each food is different according to each species.

+ These are string sections or orchestral parts and put more importance on the vocal presentation before the listenners.

+ It is the scene where Jesus says “You are Peter, and on this Rock I build my Church.” This part of the story is of the greatest importance to the Roman Catholic Church because Peter was the first Bishop of Rome, and so the Pope rules as his direct line.

+ Jefferson underlined the importance of this work in a November 26 letter to Madison in which he identified “protestations against violations of the true principles of our constitution” as one of the four primary elements of the Republican Party plan.

+ According to Hitchcock, the MacGuffin has no importance other than moving the story forward, and it has no meaning by itself.

+ In the letter, the Pope reaffirmed the importance of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

+ Catholics normally believe in the importance of “faith working through love” and sacraments in receiving salvation.

+ The recent efforts of former Prime Minister of JapanPrime Ministerinterventionistforeign policy have also heightened the importance of the position.

+ The sword, symbolizes the importance of the inscription by underlining it.

+ The British philosophyphilosopher Bertrand Russell was an enthusiastic advocate of the importance of Pavlov’s work for philosophy of mind.

+ Ten years later in 1950 that his career had a breakthrough with his adaption of the Oscar Wilde play, The Importance of Being Earnest in “Al compás de tu mentira”.

+ The village has been of vital importance in maritime history.

+ It is of national and international importance for wildlife conservation.

+ The strategic importance of the glacier is debatable, military experts say.

+ Although it was unearthed thirty years ago in 1981, its true importance was not realized until 1994.

+ The utilization of these products is increasing day by day after knowing the importance of solar energy use.

+ The town, located in a mountainous district, gradually lost importance in the 20th century.

+ The different types of swords have been of great importance throughout history.

+ The editor of the local newspaper “Cohuna Farmers Weekly” notified authorities and the importance of the discovery was realised.

+ Many are of economic importance as horticultural ornamentals.

+ WW Norton and Company London 1998 page 469 Her work emphasized the importance of the ego and its ability to be trained socially.

+ In the Dominican Republic, only Spanish is spoken even if Haitian Creole is gaining importance because the massive immigration from Haiti.

+ These channels are of particular importance to the nervous system and the heart.

+ This principle was traditional since the days of the samurai, and gave great importance to the sense of duty and obedience.

+ The importance of this new development in dance was instantly recognized by the public as well as by the media.

+ However, as this was prohibited by authorities for the historic importance of the place, so Brugsen sold the ground to the folk music ensemble Tingluti in 1978.

+ Surveys suggest that in the United States, health problems have decreased in importance as a contributor to nervous breakdowns, as these accounted for 28% of nervous breakdowns in 1957, 12% in 1976, and only 5.6% in 1996.

+ Then Tortuga Island lost its importance and very few people have lived here after those years, including today.

+ With the importance of the Holy Trinity in the church, it is unlikely that the choice of three types of beers was accidental.

+ Prime Minister Rutte’s promotion of free trade, efforts to combat the threat of climate change, and belief in the importance of the transatlantic relationship in sustaining European and global security hits at the core of the Atlantic Council’s mission.

+ A revival of the city’s importance started in the 1980s.

+ Regarding urban regeneration the city transformed of way such that now all his historical centre has revalorizado like tourist destination beside works of importance to the long and width of the city like the TeleferiQo, the park Itchimbia, the museum Midalae, the Museum of the Water, the Museum of technology, the recovery and construction in process of the new international Airport of Remove and a lot of more important works have gone back of the city an important place to visit being this recognised by diverse skilled publications like NY Times that it situates it between the most important destinations to be visited of all the world sharing this category with cities like Paris, Rome, Shangai etc.

+ Lev Vygotsky built his theory of child development on the importance of three things.

+ The ‘culture of health’ means recognizing health’s central importance in life.

+ The lake lost importance when the Byzantines lost control of it.

+ The group of major studios long numbered seven, but was reduced to six with the fading from importance of MGM in the 1980s.

+ Work on understanding the Enigma, and on breaking German military signals, was of vital importance in the Battle of the Atlantic, the greatest threat to Britain during the war.

+ Although it is not the first book to be printed by Gutenberg’s new movable type system, it is his major work, and of central importance for the start of the “Gutenberg Revolution” and the “Age of the Printed Book”.

+ Throughout the years, the importance of video cards has grown.

+ Even if fishing was a very important activity, its importance has been reduced because the Yuna River has been filling the Samaná Bay with solid material.

+ Views on the importance of these writings vary.

+ The importance of this scenario, of two parties with strong support, and the one with weak support being the Condorcet winner, may be less than one would expect, though, as it is common in plurality voting systems, but much less likely to occur in Condorcet or IRV elections, which unlike Plurality voting, punish candidates who are opposed by a significant block of voters.
+ Giza's infrastructure saw much attention from both the British government prior to the 1952 coup d'état as well as the current Egyptian government due to the city's importance in tourism.

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