Some sentences in use of “hole”

How to use in-sentence of “hole”:

+ When black holes suck in other stars, the black hole lets out X-rays, which can be seen by telescopes.

+ In a Twitter post for her clothing line, Never the Bride, on November 29, 2010, Courtney Love announced that Hole had broken up.

+ Each hole is a certain number of strokes that golfers are expected to need to get their ball into the hole.

+ More than 70 soldiers and teamsters were killed in these actions, which Anglo-Americans called the “Devil’s Hole Massacre”, the deadliest engagement for British soldiers during the war.

+ A hole was punctured in the leading edge of the wing.

Some sentences in use of hole
Some sentences in use of hole

Example sentences of “hole”:

+ If the animal is allowed to survive after spinning its cocoon, it will make a hole in the cocoon when it exits as a moth.

+ A black hole singularity is similar, except on a smaller scale.

+ Decades later, astrophysicists identified a supermassive black hole in the center of perhaps every galaxy.

+ In the third story they take a saw and make a hole in the tiny wooden bridge outside the tailor’s house.

+ The four Teletubbies live in a house which appears to be situated in a hill, known as the “Tubbytronic Superdome.” Located in the ground, it has two entrances: a hole at the top, and a large semicircular door at the dome’s foot.

+ Semen moves through the urethra and comes out of the hole at the tip of the penis.

+ The penetrometer is dropped on soil or it is pressed against soil to measure how deep a hole it makes.

+ The other way to execute those who he only injured was to stab them with a bayonet and throw them into a hole in the Amur River.

+ On 7 March, 1867, Moondyne Joe escaped through a hole he had made in the prison wall.

+ If a stream or river passes through it, it could be swallowed up by a hole called a swallow hole.

+ They shoot into the fish, making a hole that the 64 cells can go into.

+ A circular hole was cut into the backdrop and covered with a transparent material.

+ He defeated two other players on the second hole of a sudden-death playoff.

+ This mechanism explains why quasars were more common in the early universe, as this energy production ends when the supermassive black hole consumes all of the gas and dust near it.

+ If the animal is allowed to survive after spinning its cocoon, it will make a hole in the cocoon when it exits as a moth.

+ A black hole singularity is similar, except on a smaller scale.

More in-sentence examples of “hole”:

+ The relation between the amount of entropy in a black hole and the size of the black hole's event horizon was first thought of by a research student and proven by Hawking, whose calculations said that black holes emit radiation.

+ Irate and paranoid, Norton hurls some rocks, which one of them rips a poster, finding a big hole in the wall.
+ The sound-detecting device has a thin plastic sheet on one side and a bell shape with a hole in on the other.

+ The relation between the amount of entropy in a black hole and the size of the black hole‘s event horizon was first thought of by a research student and proven by Hawking, whose calculations said that black holes emit radiation.

+ Irate and paranoid, Norton hurls some rocks, which one of them rips a poster, finding a big hole in the wall.

+ The sound-detecting device has a thin plastic sheet on one side and a bell shape with a hole in on the other.

+ The first hole of the right hand position is left open.

+ When a more northeastward track became apparent, a tropical storm watch was issued about 33hours before moving ashore from Woods Hole, MassachusettsWoods Hole to Plymouth, Massachusetts, including Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard.

+ The deepest hole ever dug is only about.

+ For example, a grenade could not destroy a television but a gun could put a bullet hole in the screen.

+ In April 1990, Hole released their first single, “Retard Girl.” The single was not popular but was played on the radio in the United States and the United Kingdom: on KROQ-FM in Los Angeles and BBC Radio 1 in London.

+ There are two golf courses in the town, Annanhill Golf Course and Caprington Golf Course, which has both an 18 hole course and a nine hole course.

+ Originally thought to be a large cloud or cyclonic storm system, it was later guessed just to be a hole in the visible cloud deck.

+ The smaller a black hole is, the shorter its life.

+ A surgeon can fix the hole with surgery.

+ Golf is a game played in an open field where the golfer plays his golf ball into a hole by using different types of clubs.

+ For a deadfall trap, a trapper digs a deep hole in the ground and hides it so the animal falls in the hole and can not get out.

+ An extremely small hole in a thin material can create an image when all light rays from a scene go through a single point.

+ A burrow is a hole or tunnel in the ground made by an animal.

+ In 2008 astronomers found evidence that a supermassive black hole of more than four million solar masses is near the Sagittarius A* region in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

+ This hole on the Jurassic Coast behind the cliff shows contorted strata.

+ The door below the clock has a round hole near its base.

+ Hawking radiation reduces the mass and the energy of the black hole and is therefore also known as “black hole evaporation”.

+ Some key-hole limpets have a hole at the top, through which gas exchange can occur.

+ It contains stars, gas, dust, dark matter and a supermassive black hole at its centre.

+ S10+ uses a double hole punch design for the front camera, while S10 uses a single hole punch design.

+ There is a supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy.

+ The long sticky tongues, which have bristles, help the birds grab and extracting insects from deep in a hole of a tree.

+ Some believe that if Bennu enters a specific hole between the earth and the moon its orbit could change in a way that would make it likely to hit Earth.

+ With 18 holes, it is designed to create a challenge for players hoping to seek a hole in one.

+ Anything that is small enough to fit inside the hole of its incurrent siphon enters the bivalve.

+ If the hole is exactly the same size as the photon it won’t pass through.

+ These include a domed or oblong hut similar to a wickiup, a permanent structure made of wood and earth, or even a simple hole dug into the ground and covered with wood.

+ A salt holder or a salt cellar is placed on top of the bread loaf or secured in a hole on the top of the loaf.

+ They dig a hole in the side of the river bank.

+ The song was also performed by Hole in 1991.

+ A strong light behind this hole represented the moon.

+ Evelyn Welch is a Professor of Renaissance Studies and Academic Dean for Arts at Queen Mary, University of London When she was 13, Welch found comfort in the music of Hole Hole, Nirvana, Green Day, Kate Bush, Annie Lennox, The Velvet Underground and Celine Dion.

+ A well is a hole that is dug into the Earth to get a fluid.

+ In 1993, Hole released a new single “Beautiful Son.” Patty Schemel was the new drummer for the band and played on all of the songs.

+ The hole is in a valley south of the Mosul near a village called Al Athba.

+ Mario and his friends set out to collect eight Pure Hearts in each chapters, in order to destroy the Chaos Heart and prevent the black hole from destroying the world.

+ Recent observations suggest the largest globular cluster in the Milky Way, Omega Centauri, is actually the core of a dwarf galaxy with a black hole in its center.

+ Unlike mammals, birds only have one opening as the exit hole for body fluids, and for reproduction.

+ The people who made the hole said they wanted to learn about the different levels of the Baltic Shield, how sound and heat move under the ground, or what kinds of rocks make up the deep crust, and to create new skills and tools for going deep into the Earth.

+ Astrophysicists agree that once a black hole is in place in the center of a galaxy, it can grow by attracting matter and by merging with other black holes.

+ A “camera” is, in its simplest form, like a box with a hole in front of it.

+ It joined two pieces of wood by putting a separate tenon into a hole of the same size cut into each piece.

+ River dives through the hole in the door and closes it from the other side.

+ With a black hole nearby, even objects as big as a star move in a different way, usually faster than they would if the black hole was not there.

+ A black hole is a region of space from which nothing, even light, can escape.

+ The black powder was packed in a closed tube that had a hole in one end for escaping hot gases.

+ A hole is made in the hearth at the level of the slag with a special drill.

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