Some sentences in use of “germanic”

How to use in-sentence of “germanic”:

+ Human migrationMigrating Germanic peoples spread throughout Europe, mixing with existing local populations, forming the future basis of many nations, that are connected by similar languages and common history, and culture.

+ The North Germanic languages of Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic are also part of the Germanic language branch.

+ The branch has three parts: the North Sea Germanic languages, the Weser-Rhine Germanic languages, and the Elbe Germanic languages.

+ Because of their association with Germanic mythology, runes were also used by the Nazis to support a new mysticism and a romantic sense of Germanic heritage.

+ The Germanic dialects of these different tribes became what is now called Old English.

+ The name comes from an old Germanic word that means “time of water” and refers to the rain and snow of winter in middle and high latitudes.

+ The division of peoples into West Germanic, East Germanic, and North Germanic is a modern linguistic classification.

Some sentences in use of germanic
Some sentences in use of germanic

Example sentences of “germanic”:

+ German is a part of the West Germanic languagesWest Germanic English and Dutch.

+ The Sons of Mannus Istvaeones, Irminones, and Ingvaeones are collectively called West Germanic tribes.
+ Houston Steward Chamberlain believed the Germanic race was there "to save the world".

+ German is a part of the West Germanic languagesWest Germanic English and Dutch.

+ The Sons of Mannus Istvaeones, Irminones, and Ingvaeones are collectively called West Germanic tribes.

+ Houston Steward Chamberlain believed the Germanic race was there “to save the world”.

+ It was then suddenly attacked by Germanic warriors who were carrying some light swords, large lances and spears that came with short and narrow blades, so sharp and warrior friendly that they could be used as required.

+ They spoke Germanic languages and are identified by Bede as the descendants of three powerful tribes.

+ But the Germanic tribes did not have a self name that included all Germanic-speaking people.

+ However, the most common words are more often those of Germanic origin.

+ Later he became a part of the Heathen Front and wrote several writings on Germanic neopaganism.

+ Under Germanicus, the Romans marched another army, with allied Germanic soldiers, into Germania in 16 AD.

+ Dutch is a West Germanic languagePierre Brachin, “The Dutch Language: A Survey” Leiden: E.J.

+ It is a Germanic language.

+ After the Roman Empire fell and Germanic peoples swarmed the countryside, Vulgar Latin was changing quickly.

+ Around the year 100 the Roman EmpireRomans had fights with the germanic peoples.

+ The Wulfila bible is the oldest written text of a Germanic language.

+ German is a West Germanic language.

+ As part of the Upper Germanic Limes the Saalburg belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage sites since 15.

+ The word “elf” is found throughout the Germanic languages and seems originally to have meant “white being”.

+ Many of them had little combat experience with Germanic fighters under local conditions.

More in-sentence examples of “germanic”:

+ The circumstances of the Empire had changed; the Western Roman Empire now relied heavily on units of mostly Germanic peopleGermanic tribes living within the borders, who fought in the name of Rome during the Migration Period.

+ Later, the Roman Empire controlled Spain for about five hundred years; then as the Roman Empire broke up, groups of Germanic people including Visigoths moved in and took control.

+ When Germanic tribes took over the Roman Empire they took the lands from the wealthy Romans.

+ The Anglo-Saxons were people from Germanic tribes.

+ The Germanic warriors then stormed the field and slaughtered the Romans; Varus committed suicide.

+ The English words “Wales” and “Welsh” come from the old Germanic word “Walh”. “Walh” itself came from a Celtic tribe, called the “Volcae” by the Romans.

+ Anglo-Saxon law was based on Ancient Germanic law which was a system of laws based on kinship.

+ These groups all developed separate dialects, the basis for the differences among Germanic languages down to the present day.

+ When the runes were first used, the Germanic languages were not yet split into their modern branches; there was only one unified language with many regional dialects.

+ At first they helped defend the border as allies; for example, when a major invasion of mostly East Germanic tribes crossed the Rhine in 406, the Franks fought against these invaders.

+ Norse mythology is a version of the older Germanic mythology and was later replaced by Christianity for the most part.

+ The High German languages or High German dialects is a variant of the Germanic languages.

+ About 400 BC Celtic and Germanic tribes lived there.

+ In the late 19th century, Richard Wagner and other artists in the Romantic musicRomantic period made operas and other artwork about ancient Germanic culture.

+ Alemannic German is a group of dialects of the Upper German branch of the Germanic language family.

+ The Franks—one of the Germanic peoples who had moved their homes over the River Rhine into the Roman Empire as it was falling apart—were, by the year 700, the rulers of Gaul, and a lot of Germania east of the Rhine.

+ Once his allied Germanic coalition had been broken and honour avenged, the huge cost and risk of keeping the Roman army operating beyond the Rhine was not worth any likely benefit to be gained.

+ Norway had been settled over many centuries by Germanic peoples from Denmark and Sweden who made farming and fishing communities around its coasts and lakes.

+ Burgundy was named for the Germanic Burgundian tribe who moved there from an island in the Baltic Sea.

+ A Germanic tribesGermanic leader Arminius ambushed three Roman legions under the command of Varus.

+ The Germanic tribes were led by Arminius; the Roman legions by Publius Quinctilius Varus.

+ The Germanic warriors surrounded the entire Roman army and rained down javelins on the intruders.

+ Similar to the original mythological location, it is one of the Nine Realms, home to a race of beings known as the Asgardians, whom the Germanic peoples once worshipped as gods.

+ The name of France comes from the Germanic peoplesGermanic tribe known as the Franks.

+ The circumstances of the Empire had changed; the Western Roman Empire now relied heavily on units of mostly Germanic peopleGermanic tribes living within the borders, who fought in the name of Rome during the Migration Period.

+ Later, the Roman Empire controlled Spain for about five hundred years; then as the Roman Empire broke up, groups of Germanic people including Visigoths moved in and took control.

+ The names for Tuesday through Friday were replaced with Germanic versions of the Roman gods.

+ They came from Northern Europe and are identified by their use of the Germanic languages.

+ After the fall of Western Rome, the Germanic tribes that took over tried to learn from Roman civilization, but much was forgotten and up to the Renaissance not many achievements happened in Europe.

+ Some were Germanic peoplesGerman tribes: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes.

+ The Empire was in fact Germanic and not Roman since it was mainly in the regions of present-day Germany and Austria.

+ In the 4th century AD, the Germanic peoplesGermanic tribes, principally the Franks invaded the Gauls.

+ Rome was sacked by Alaric, the leader of the Germanic tribe known as the Visigoths, in 410.

+ Later it was used for Germanic peoples because of new ideas about the Aryans.

+ Its Germanic root is Hrōþirīkaz.

+ The pressure from the Goths moving west pushed settled Germanic tribes into invading Roman client states in Gaul, and across the Danube.

+ During the fall of the Roman Empire most of the old Celtic land ended up being ruled by migrating Germanic tribes and they merged with Romano-Celtic stock to eventually form several European nations of today.

+ She also remarks that fruit and Nut have been discovered in the early graves of the Germanic peoples in England.

+ The name “borough” comes from of “Bury”, which has cognates in other Germanic languages such as the Old Norse “borg” meaning “wall, castle”; and Gothic “baurgs” meaning “city”.

+ The Vandals were an East Germanic tribe.

+ Germanicus rallied the mutineers and led them on a short campaign across the Rhine into Germanic territory, stating that whatever treasure they could grab would count as their bonus.

+ Both names are from the Germanic root “lind”.

+ The Germanic tribes were each politically independent, under a hereditary king.

+ Tacitus, Annals 2.22 Suetonius, Caligula 1.4 Although Arminius could not keep unity among the Germanic tribes, the loss of Roman legions in the Teutoburg forest had a far-reaching effect on the Germanic tribes and the Roman Empire.

+ Ellis Davidson suggests that apples were related to religionreligious practices in Germanic paganism.

+ Five years later, Arminius was killed on the orders of rival Germanic chiefs.

+ The Angles, together with the Jutes, Saxons and Frisians, were among the Germanic tribes who sailed across the North Sea in the 5th century to invasioninvade Britain.

+ Sarmatians started to battle with Roman Empire forces together with Germanic tribes around 1st century AD.

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