Some sentences in use of “freedom of religion”

How to use in-sentence of “freedom of religion”:

– The North Korean constitution states that freedom of religion is permitted.

– With the American Revolution the idea of freedom of religion began to expand.

– As with gay marriage, this has been questioned in the courts, usually due to the freedom of religion clause in the First Amendment.

– The edict was an early example of freedom of religion in Europe.

– Others left to find freedom of religion or just to make a new start.

– Despite these issues, compared to the past, the 1990s have brought the most freedom of religion in Ethiopia.

– He tried to give freedom of religion to non-Anglicans.

– Many people say the government stops people from having freedom of speech, freedom of religion and other political rights that people in other countries have.

Some sentences in use of freedom of religion
Some sentences in use of freedom of religion

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