Some sentences in use of “far”

How to use in-sentence of “far”:

– They had to stay in far away areas of China.

– The train picture above was photographed on March 29, 1881, not far from DeSmet.

– A unicycle is more expensive than a cheap bicycle, because unicycles are far less common.

– By far the greatest diversity exists in New Caledonia, due to the island’s long isolation and stability.

– In Derveni, not far from ThessalonikiSalonica, a tomb has provided a great krater with bronze volutes dating from approximately 320 BC and weighing 40 kilograms.

– He liked to write music that sounded Far Eastern in character.

– Many civilians and military officers in Siberia and the Russian Far EastFar East moved to Shanghai and other surrounding areas of China, Central Asia, and Eastern Turkestan.

Some sentences in use of far
Some sentences in use of far

Example sentences of “far”:

– At that point, he sees “Kate’s” plane flying far overhead, and then closes his eyes, for the last time.

– Ocean ships can travel as far as Ciudad Bolívar, upstream.

– He said that he went to the woods far from his family’s house in New York, prayed, felt evil powers fighting him, and was rescued when a bright light appeared above him.

– As far as I see though, this is on the brink of notability ? – In other words, we can delete this a week from now if notability cannot be shown.

– General Longstreeet’s command will pursue the same road as far as Boonsboro, MarylandBoonsboro, where it will halt with the reserve, supply, and trains of the army.

– A problem in studying planetary nebulae is that astronomers can not always work out how far away they are.

– The pelvic fins usually have one spine and up to five soft rays, positioned unusually far forward under the chin or under the belly.

– It is listened to in countries such as Iran, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India and even as far as China and Japan.

– It is sufficient to submit one quotation that explains the sense and content of this book, which far outdoes the current demonization of the Serbs: ” it was not without reason that I tried to show how the Serbs today are dangerous for their ideas and their racial composition, how a bent for conspiracies, revolutions and coups is in their blood.” JUŽNOSLAVENSKO PITANJE.

– Census Bureau definition of Asians refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent.

– So this slow collision sqeezed the Eurasian plates, and caused mountains to build from the western edge far into Asia.

- At that point, he sees "Kate's" plane flying far overhead, and then closes his eyes, for the last time.

- Ocean ships can travel as far as Ciudad Bolívar, upstream.

– The part of the name “syriacus” seems to say that the origin of this plant is from Syria, but the exact origin is so far unknown.

– A panic attack is far worse than an anxiety attack, though both attacks require the person to learn how to calm down or get professional help if it becomes a problem in their daily lives.

– Highway 60 is not far from Greenland.

– From southern Brazil, its range spreads through Uruguay, Paraguay, northern Argentina, Bolivia, and along the eastern slope of the Andes in Peru, as far north as the Amazonas Region.

– Furthermore, “in vitro” evolution experiments can generate far larger libraries because the library DNA need not be inserted into cells.

– In 2016, it is not known how far this influence extended.

– Over the days that follow, the Professor and Bormenthal look far more relaxed than at any time before Sharikov’s arrival.

– Tadzio continues walking far out into the sea.

More in-sentence examples of “far”:

– As for the things that you have been doing good for this site so far, you are doing a great job at understanding what an appropriate redirect is, and you have also created some very nice articles so far :.

– It is far beyond the capacity of today’s particle accelerators to propel any probing particles at energy levels high enough to overcome a quantum particle’s own energy and determine whether it is a string.

– With over 2,800 edits, over half them in mainspace, over 100 created articles and 15 created categories, at least 100 QD tags almost all, if not all, of my deleted edits come from them, as far as I can tell.

– As far as I know I meet all the requirements, and I have not done anything to horrific recently – to those concerned about the sock situation, look on Admin noticeboard where you will find that I didn’t do anything.

– Matthew has borrowed these words from the Old Testament where they are often used to show that humankind is very far from God.

– Even a bullet shot into the sky will fall back down, because its initial speed of nearly 1 kilometer per second is far from escape velocity.

– Modern historians believe that Gallic forces were far smaller than Caesar claimed, and that they suffered tens of thousands of casualties.

– Culture history archaeologists started with a modern culture and traced its roots back as far as they would go.

– Major has so far declined a life peerage on standing down from Parliament.

– Mount Woodroffe is in the far northwest of South Australia, in the Musgrave Ranges.

– Areas of the state far away from the Gulf can still feel the effects of the storms, which often dump big amounts of rain as they move inland and weaken.

– It was was far more diverse in the late Paleozoic and contained gigantic species, including the griffinflies of the order Protodonata.

– V-type asteroids or Vestoids are asteroids that are similar to 4 Vesta, by far the largest asteroid in this class.

– In the case of lines, the cone extends infinitely far in both directions from the apex, in which case it is sometimes called a double cone.

– In areas with a low population density, people usually live far away from each other, such as in rural areas out in the countryside.

– This phenomenon, too, will affect world markets as multinational corporations will attempt to take advantage of the enormous potential markets in the BRICs by producing, for example, far cheaper automobiles and other manufactured goods affordable to the consumers within the BRICs in lieu of the luxury models that currently bring the most income to automobile manufacturers.

– Players from one team run between the wickets to score runs, but can’t score anymore if the wicket is hit with the ball when that team’s players are too far away from the wicket.

– I’ve tried reverting it but I can’t get it back far enough and all the other articles have the same problem.

– It measures how far an egg spreads if broken on a flat smooth surface.

– This is important because it allows us to compare the absorption lines of say, the atmosphere of a far away planet, to the absorption lines of elements we know to exist in a lab.

– Of course, it still doesn’t comply with guideline 3, since so far only I have edited it; so your reviews are most welcome.

– The largest machine built so far generated 250 kW in 1999 and was made by the US.

– People can guess how far away the lightning is by counting the number of seconds between the time they see the lightning and hear the thunder.

– This season is the only season so far which has had two of its players returning in two other seasons.

– He despises Rick more than he does Neil – when Rick, Mike and Neil meet his mother at a bar in the episode “Boring”, he calls both Neil and Mike his friends, but not Rick, whom he refers to as “a complete bastard.” Ironically, this antagonistic relationship between Rick and Vyvyan makes them virtually inseparable, as the two spend by far more time together than with the other housemates.

– For an observer on one of the moons, the most prominent feature of the sky by far would be Jupiter.

- As for the things that you have been doing good for this site so far, you are doing a great job at understanding what an appropriate redirect is, and you have also created some very nice articles so far :.

- It is far beyond the capacity of today's particle accelerators to propel any probing particles at energy levels high enough to overcome a quantum particle's own energy and determine whether it is a string.

– Even though these answers were very different both were very far from the true answer, which was 40,320.

– In a far away, long ago kingdom, Cinderella is living happily with her mother and father until her mother dies.

– There was moderate to severe damage up the Atlantic coastline and as far west as West Virginia.

– As far as I can tell, a category for a decade is for series that “had first-run episodes” during the decade.

– Vaihingen is an old city, going back as far as the year 799 a.d..

– The purpose of this expedition was to map and describe the Oregon Trail as far as South Pass, Wyoming.

– It was punishable by death and the execution was carried out in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley, Ancient Greece, The Roman Empire, and of course, China, which is by far the most populated country in the world, to this day.

– It was located on the far north of the Ardennes battlefield.

– This is far below the rate needed to replace each person, 2.1.

– However, instead, a disorder called Neurasthenia was far more common.

– Olaf dissipated, and the remnants moved far out to sea.

– Since British insects are better known than those elsewhere, this means that by far the majority of insect species throughout the world are parasitic.

– The courses have taken place mostly with difficulty, without continuity or by unqualified teachers and very often, far from where Leonese is spoken.

– Thousands of British soldiers brought back to Netley were nearly far too many for the hospital, but others had been built by then and so they were able to deal with the number of troops.

– It is far less developed than those industries of its Macaronesian neighbours, Madeira and Canary Islands.

– He was more used to ruling in Scotland, where the king was far more powerful.

– Hello there, I think this matter is being stretched far too ahead.

– Rashford has scored 15 goals so far in the 2020-21 season.

– Elk Point is a city in the far southeastern part of the U.S.

– Luongo first said that he was sad because he was leaving so suddenly and Vancouver was very far away.

– In humans, it is by far the largest part of the brain.

– Not far beyond the church are fields and woods.

– But elephants can hear these sounds far away.

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