Some sentences in use of “excessive”

How to use in-sentence of “excessive”:

+ If the infobox for a particular church becomes excessive WP:BOLD applies and less significant parameters should be removed.

+ French and Chinese colonization didn’t involve an excessive migration of people to Vietnam.

+ To prevent excessive clutter on the user talk page and to make future changes easier, please do not this template.

+ Many of its bones were hollow, making them strong but light, so they did not add excessive weight to this large predator.

+ He died the same day at the hospital for excessive loss of blood.

+ The user has been banned for a while for excessive sockpuppetry and recently has been on a binge of tagging his pages.

Some sentences in use of excessive
Some sentences in use of excessive

Example sentences of “excessive”:

+ Gorsky gave continuity to the plots of Petipa’s ballets and removed excessive choreography that did not relate to the story.

+ We should stop using excessive water and consider our actions, to save the Sahel and lake Chad before it is too late.
+ Almost everyone thinks excessive inflation is bad.

+ Gorsky gave continuity to the plots of Petipa’s ballets and removed excessive choreography that did not relate to the story.

+ We should stop using excessive water and consider our actions, to save the Sahel and lake Chad before it is too late.

+ Almost everyone thinks excessive inflation is bad.

+ I believe that this range should be range blocked for having an excessive case of vandalism from this range.

+ In November and into December 2015, Emanuel has been criticized for his handling of the Laquan McDonald shooting, mainly for covering and allowing Chicago police to get away with excessive use of force on black minorities.

+ Then much blood was shed for trifles, men were afraid to offer anything for sale, and the scarcity became more excessive and grievous than ever.

+ Insurance claims in the wake of the extreme damage caused by Andrew led to the bankruptcy and closure of 11 insurance agencies and drained an excessive amount of equity from 30 more.

+ The red pigment of some species is an intracellular protection against excessive visual light and ultraviolet radiation of the sun, which otherwise can cause photoinhibition of photosynthesis or mutations.

+ It is advisable to avoid excessive precision; even if the start value is known to be exact, the template’s result will not be because the inflation index tables are rarely accurate to more than about 1%, and a granularity of whole years is used.

+ Limiting Alcohol alcohol use, eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as well as avoiding red meat, and excessive sunlight, all lower the risk of cancer.

+ In a separate study of people practicing anal sex, condom breakage was linked more to excessive friction than to penis size.Penis size did not influence slippage, but penis circumference and broken condoms were strongly correlated, with larger sizes increasing the rate of breakage.

+ They concluded that the probable cause of the in-flight separation of the vertical stabilizer was the result of the loads beyond ultimate design that were created by the first officer’s unnecessary and excessive rudder pedal inputs.

+ General anxiety symptoms are things such as; continual tiredness / exhaustion, inability to relax, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, fear of public places, fear of socializing, frequent feelings of irrational anxiety / fear, compulsive behavior, worrying about making mistakes, regular nightmares, disturbed sleep patterns, excessive crying, headaches, stomach problems, diarrhea, nausea, aching muscles, and so on.

+ He also consumed excessive amounts of tatty and opium, at one point employing a special servant just to manage his supply of intoxicating drugs.

+ High altitude balloons have also been used by astronomers and cosmologists to take readings of certain particle frequencies or gather light readings free of excessive disturbance from Earth’s lower atmosphere.

+ Along with this, the structures and textures became denser, helped by the excessive size that was commonplace during the era.

+ Sometimes an excessive algae bloom will occur.

More in-sentence examples of “excessive”:

+ It was during this period that Zevon's excessive vodka consumption earned him the nickname "F.

+ It is about a police Sergeant, Tom Hardy, who rats out his partner for using excessive force on a suspect.
+ Water quality issues of the Bou Regreg include tidal saltwater intrusion, excessive surface runoffrunoff of mercury contamination from use of some pesticides in the drainage basin.

+ It was during this period that Zevon’s excessive vodka consumption earned him the nickname “F.

+ It is about a police Sergeant, Tom Hardy, who rats out his partner for using excessive force on a suspect.

+ Water quality issues of the Bou Regreg include tidal saltwater intrusion, excessive surface runoffrunoff of mercury contamination from use of some pesticides in the drainage basin.

+ Generalized anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder which consists of excessive and irrational worry of everyday things.

+ Infobox road small is a compact version of that is intended to be used where the full infobox would be a bit excessive or unwieldy, such as in a subsection of an article.

+ One post to this noticeboard does not constitute excessive canvassing or campaigning, IMHO.

+ Another 10% are, due to obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity, or excessive drinking of alcohol.

+ It is important not to import excessive detail from enWP.

+ This template is used to identify articles or sections featuring excessive jargon, not enough explanation of concepts and too difficult for readers to understand.

+ The most obvious signs of Foot and Mouth Disease are excessive slobbering.

+ To prevent excessive clutter on the user talk page, and to make future changes easier, this template should NOT be subst:ed.

+ When excessive variation is identified by the control-chart detection rules, or the process capability is found lacking, additional effort is exerted to determine causes of that variance.

+ Boyd 1965, pages 68–69 Tyler also required that improvements be made to the railway’s first two steam locomotives, as locomotive No.1 suffered from excessive “vertical motion” and No.2 was said to suffer from “horizontal oscillation”.

+ Fluid retention is treated with drugs called “diuretics” which will remove excessive water collected in the body.

+ In of the article, the degree of POV by Centaur is excessive as is the use of unverified sensational language.

+ He removed excessive ruffles and frills and used rich fabrics in simple, but flattering, outlines.

+ An example of building design overcoming this excessive heat loading is the Dakin Building in Brisbane, California, where fenestration was designed to achieve an angle with respect to sun incidence to allow maximum reflection of solar heat; this design also assisted in reducing interior over-illumination to enhance worker efficiency and comfort.

+ It is considered better and safer to control acid levels by consuming water and by eliminating foods that may cause excessive acid.

+ The film received negative reviews for its plot, excessive gore and violence.

+ Medium doses can cause confusion, agitation, analgesia, fever, excessive salivation, and “schizophrenic-type” behavior.

+ In May 2016, C2 products in Vietnam were found to have excessive lead content in two batches by food inspection agencies and was a major scandal in social media.

+ In the case of bacteria, the original function of the reaction was probably to detoxify excessive oxygen.

+ Carbon monoxide poisoning explains many of the occurrences in haunted houses, such as feelings of being watched, hearing footsteps or voices, seeing “ghosts”, headaches, dizziness, and sudden death or illness of people or pets, and also strange behavior in pets such as excessive barking or meowing.

+ Especially, because it stays always indoors, it doesn’t get wet, so can block all kinds of diseases caused by excessive humidity.

+ Injury, excessive nose-picking and cocaine usage can cause septum perforations, or holes developing in the septum.

+ Some individuals can reach excessive lengths.

+ The body’s chief executive David Poley claimed that in failing to show the negative consequences of this action, the series was presenting a “highly irresponsible portrayal of excessive and rapid drinking”.

+ Prevention “is” better than cure, so we wouldn’t want to risk excessive vandalism with no one to take action.

+ This is hopefully done before they have spent excessive money and time on a project deemed to remain unprofitable.

+ Plants and other organisms in these areas are destroyed and mobile animals escape from those places to find another habitat causing an excessive crowding and possible competitions among different animals.

+ In assault, the competitors need to be concentrated on the technique during they are trying make contact; refrees punish with penatlties the usage of excessive force.

+ When detecting excessive text removals, feel free to revert any self-righteous deletions, and try to restore text as intended by the writers, but always mindful of discussions on the talk-page.

+ A great advantage that rubble walls offered is that when heavy rain falls, their structure would allow excessive water to pass through and therefore, excess water will not ruin the products.

+ Yet, the appearance of a contradiction of Paul’s teaching on justification by faith has given excessive prominence to this section.

+ Technically, there is no excessive harm in having left alone admin accounts.

+ Imlach later revealed that he had played the prank because of his frustration with the excessive tedium and length of that year’s draft proceedings.

+ However, uf using a large, graphical template produces odd layout problems, like the excessive white space shown on the right of this screenshot, then switch to a different sister template.

+ Underinflation causes excessive heat and reduces the diameter of the tires.

+ This restriction is in hope that he will stop his excessive disruption.

+ Urban runoff from streets in cities around the creek flow into it, contributing to an increased year-round flow and excessive pollution.

+ Seventeen different species of seabird can be found, the rarest of which is the Short-tailed Albatross, otherwise known as the “Golden Gooney.” Fewer than 2,200 are believed to exist due to excessive feather hunting in the late nineteenth century.

+ For Japan, the previously forbidden topic of eroticism and even porn, the excessive naturalism of combat fights, BDSM turned out to be very successful.

+ Frequently, these changes are due to new governments, treaties between countries standardizing on a currency, or revaluation of the currency due to excessive inflation.

+ Brett was also notorious for putting excessive amounts of pine tar on his bats, which sometimes led to confrontations and interventions with the umpires, as there is a league rule governing the use of pine tar on the bat.

+ Splitting by specific sexual orientation seems excessive for both the by-occupation tree and the LGBT tree.

+ The play makes its point that excessive democracy has its problems.

+ A governor device engages knurled roller, locking the elevator to its guides should the elevator move at an excessive speed.

+ Activities such as bathing and washing clothes near lakes, ponds or rivers add nutrients like nitrate and phosphate into the water bodies.This leads to excessive growth of algae on the surface of water.

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