Some sentences in use of “ephemeral”

How to use in-sentence of “ephemeral”:

– The NHC, however, decided the convection was too ephemeral to justify classification as a tropical depression and the TCFA was discontinued.

– What behavioral data known has been gleaned from ephemeral encounters with ROVs; animals are often damaged during capture and survive for no more than about two months in aquaria.

– Kaltukatjara is located on the western bank of an ephemeral watercourse called Docker River.

– The differences between perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are not exact and can change if different measures are used by different groups.

– Graduate from the “École nationale de l’aviation civile he founded the ephemeral “Magazine hebdo” while managing the “groupe Media” and “L’Histoire magazine”.

– It is marked by Lake Acraman, a circular ephemeral playa lakedry lake about The evidence for impact includes the presence of shatter cones and shocked quartz in shattered bedrock on islands in Lake Acraman.

– They are also different to ephemeral streams that flow only for hours or days after rainfall.

– Generally, streams that form only during and immediately after precipitation are termed ephemeral streams.

Some sentences in use of ephemeral
Some sentences in use of ephemeral

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