Some sentences in use of “dissolve”

How to use in-sentence of “dissolve”:

– For example, when molecules of NaCl dissolve in water we don’t really have any NaCl as such in the solution.

– The bigger ones dissolve only in organic solvents.

– The officers are on a mission to dissolve an ecstasy trafficking organization.

– While it is in the air, CO can dissolve in water droplets to form weak carbonic acid.

– It can dissolve in water.

– It does not dissolve in water.

– Iodic acid is a white solid that can dissolve in water to make an acidic solution.

– It does not dissolve in weak acids.

Some sentences in use of dissolve
Some sentences in use of dissolve

Example sentences of “dissolve”:

- Hitler's first act as Chancellor was to ask Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag so that the Nazis and D.N.V.P.

- Does sugar dissolve faster in hot water or cold water? Does the temperature affect how fast the sugar dissolves? This is a question we might want to ask.
- In 2001 some of her cabinet ministers crossed over to the opposition and Chandrika was forced to dissolve Parliament and call an election several years early.

– Hitler’s first act as Chancellor was to ask Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag so that the Nazis and D.N.V.P.

– Does sugar dissolve faster in hot water or cold water? Does the temperature affect how fast the sugar dissolves? This is a question we might want to ask.

– In 2001 some of her cabinet ministers crossed over to the opposition and Chandrika was forced to dissolve Parliament and call an election several years early.

– It is the only heavy metal carbonate that can dissolve in water.

– It can dissolve fats and oils as well as other stuff such as iodine.

– The smaller carboxylic acids dissolve in water.

– It is one of the few lead compounds that can dissolve in water.

– It is dissolved in carbon disulfide because it does not dissolve in water.

– One simple experiment would be to dissolve sugar in water of different temperatures and to keep track of how much time it takes for the sugar to dissolve.

– Isagoras uprooted hundreds of people from their homes on the pretext that they were cursed, and attempted to dissolve the Council.

– It is not as toxic as other silver compounds that dissolve in water.

– Sometimes two or more liquids mixed together are needed to dissolve a crystal.

More in-sentence examples of “dissolve”:

- In addition, Jackey Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets did not dissolve and continued activities while repeating member changes, and after the death of Daisuke Inoue in 2000, the heyday We are returning to the organization of the remaining four people.

- Barium carbonate can dissolve in stomach acid, so it is toxic.
- It is interesting to note that we can dissolve more crystals to this particular saturated solution by heating it.

– In addition, Jackey Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets did not dissolve and continued activities while repeating member changes, and after the death of Daisuke Inoue in 2000, the heyday We are returning to the organization of the remaining four people.

– Barium carbonate can dissolve in stomach acid, so it is toxic.

– It is interesting to note that we can dissolve more crystals to this particular saturated solution by heating it.

– It can dissolve in acids and bases.

– The hydrate can dissolve in water.

– Sometimes, people also dissolve prescription medications in water and inject them intravenously.

– It is useful when removing materials that do not dissolve well in any solvent.

– The assembly also gave Shah the power to dissolve the national assembly.

– It does dissolve in dilute nitric acid.

– Many mercury compounds do not dissolve in water.

– It is used as an additive in gasoline, plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes and it is an industrial solvent, which means it can dissolve many other chemical molecules.

– It is miscible in water, which means that it can dissolve in water.

– Selenic acid can even dissolve gold! They are made by reacting hydrogen peroxide with selenium oxide, which dissolves in water to make selenic acid.

– Some species can dissolve away holes in rocks such as limestone, calcareous seashells or even cement piers; they then live in these holes which they line with their secreted tubes.

– Some species swallow the shell whole, and dissolve the contents inside their stomach, then push out the shell afterwards.

– It does not dissolve in sulfuric acidsulfuric or hydrochloric acid.

– Many phosphates do not dissolve in water.

– It does not dissolve in sulfuric acid.

– The rocks are made of minerals and some of the minerals dissolve in water.

– Tellurium oxide does not dissolve in water.

– Some species swallow the shell whole, and dissolve the contents inside their stomach, then push out the shell afterwards.Nichols, David 1962.

– Female Titans fall into and dissolve within the fiery pits.

– Lakes are more stable than dyes and are ideal for coloring products containing fats and oils or items lacking sufficient moisture to dissolve dyes.

– Most of them dissolve in water, making them very toxic.

– It is toxic, but not as toxic as mercury chloride because it does not dissolve in water.

– The ones that dissolve in water or stomach acid are very toxic.

– Cadmium chloride and cadmium sulfate are colorless solids that dissolve easily in water.

– Some people use chemicals that dissolve pubic hair.

– Fossils from the Gogo Formation are preserved in limestone nodules, so dilute acetic acid is used to dissolve the surrounding limestone and reveal the fossil.

– Plastics from biomass, like some made to dissolve in seawater, are made the same way as petroleum-based plastics, are actually cheaper to manufacture and meet or exceed most performance standards.

– He has a right to dissolve the parliament when it fails to form a Council of Ministers or pass the budget act.

– It can only dissolve in acidic solutions.

– This makes more gas dissolve in the diver.

– During the first three minutes, solvent-soluble soils dissolve into the perchloroethylene and loose, insoluble soil comes off.

– Then each black hole will dissolve into subatomic particles, and the universe will go into the Dark Era.

– It is used to find out how much potassium is in something because it is one of the few potassium compounds that do not dissolve easily in water.

– This solution can dissolve fibers in cotton.

– This takes some time, and the amount of gas that can dissolve depends on the pressure around the person.

– Items such as plastic pens will dissolve in the solvent bath and may damage textiles beyond recovery.

– The tank was not designed to dissolve this type of solution and was not designed to prevent such accidents to happen.

– Most inorganic hydroxide salts do not dissolve in water.

– The term of the National Assembly is five years; however, the President of France may dissolve the Assembly, unless he dissolved it in the preceding year.

– They are colorless solids that dissolve in water easily.

– These detergents help dissolve hydrophilic soils and keep soil from redepositing on garments.

– A mirage-like effect can be achieved by allowing a soluble substance like sugar or salt to slowly dissolve in a deep container of water, so that there is more sugar in the water near the bottom than in the water above it.

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