Some sentences in use of “disability”

How to use in-sentence of “disability”:

– Angie Ballard is an Sportspersonathlete with a disability from Australia.

– Her disability was because of the radiation from the accident in 1986.

– Dysgraphia or agraphia is the learning disability to write texts, even though the person has the necessary motoric skills.

– Sledge hockey is a sport that is designed to allow players who have a physical disability to play sport.

– He got a disability because the accident hurt his spine.

Some sentences in use of disability
Some sentences in use of disability

Example sentences of “disability”:

– Robert “Bob” McCullough OAM was an Australian sport administrator in the area of disability sport.

– Moderate and severe intellectual disability can be seen before a child starts school.

– Lack of proper nutrition can lead to intellectual disability over time.

– It means that a person with a disability should be able to use a product or service to access society at the same level as a person without a disability.

– TBI can result in physical, cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral symptoms, and outcomes can range from complete recovery to permanent disability or death.

– The benefits provided include disability compensation, pension, education, home loans, life insurance, vocational rehabilitation, survivors’ benefits, medical benefits and burial benefits.

– Just before to his nomination as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Peake served as a member of the Board of Directors for QTC, one of the largest private providers of government-outsourced occupational health and disability examination services in the United States.

– The first, disability glare, is the loss of visibility because of too many lights.

– Some previous words to describe people with intellectual disability are “cretin”, “idiot”, “imbecile”, “moron”, and “retarded”, all of which are now regarded as insulting.

- Robert "Bob" McCullough OAM was an Australian sport administrator in the area of disability sport.

- Moderate and severe intellectual disability can be seen before a child starts school.

– From April 2002, Liming Family sent some orphans without serious diseases or disability to foster families in order to give orphans a normal home.

– Words that were used to describe people with an intellectual disability have changed a lot.

– Children with a disability are two times more likely than children who do not have a disability to use an orthopedic aid.

– It says that crimes which were committed because of the victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity or disability are hate crimes.

– Mild intellectual disability may not be noticed until a child starts school.

– If the disability is too bad they can not get an education.

More in-sentence examples of “disability”:

- The country banned abortions even if there are cases of severe disability or incurable and life-threatening disease of the unborn child.

- The ADA says that a disability is a physical or mental problem that makes it very difficult to do at least one "major life activity." Major life activities are things like walking, breathing, learning, reading, communicationcommunicating, seeing, hearing, thinking, and other very important tasks.
- He has a disability and is a T41 type athlete.

– The country banned abortions even if there are cases of severe disability or incurable and life-threatening disease of the unborn child.

– The ADA says that a disability is a physical or mental problem that makes it very difficult to do at least one “major life activity.” Major life activities are things like walking, breathing, learning, reading, communicationcommunicating, seeing, hearing, thinking, and other very important tasks.

– He has a disability and is a T41 type athlete.

– Krip hop expresses disability identity politics.

– There are many places around the world for someone with intellectual disability to get help.

– She has a physical disability and is an S5 type swimmer.

– If a person with a disability thinks that they have been discriminated against by a state or local government, they can complain to the United States Department of Justice.

– The most common congenital disability is congenital heart disease – problems in the way the heart grows and works.

– She also served as Chair of the Disability Committee which lead on the EHRC Disability Programme.

– He has a disability and is T46 type athlete.

– Countries must admit that person with disability have the right to an adequate standard of living including right to housing without discrimination and must give Social Securitysocial protection or financial aid for person in poverty.

– Bush became the first President to formally use the Disability Clause.

– In the 17th century, Thomas Willis suggested that intellectual disability was a disease caused by issues with the structure of the brain.Wickham, Parnell.

– She has a disability where she cannot use her legs and can only use some of her arms and hands, and is an S4 type swimmer.

– She has a physical disability and is an S9 type swimmer.

– In the early 20th century, people with intellectual disability were made to not be able to have children and could not marry.

– Davis worked in state and national disability programs as a young lawyer, beginning at Rehabilitation International in New York in 1980.

– According to the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in the United States, the most common type of disability in the United States is major mental illnesses.

– He opposed school integration, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, interracial marriage, civil rights, feminism, gay rights, disability rights, affirmative action, tax increases, abortion, the United Nations, foreign aid, communism, and giving government money to art that had nudity in it.

– A person with a disability can also file their own lawsuit in a federal court, saying that the state or local government discriminated against them.

– They may be abused because their disability makes them vulnerable.

– Being involved with activities like scuba diving may even result in giving a person with a disability a renewed interest in life and provide positive and lasting benefits.

– This is called disability hate crime.

– The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 is an Act of ParliamentAct of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which has now been repealed and replaced by the Equality Act 2010, except in Northern Ireland where the Act still applies.

– For example, if a child does not get enough oxygen during birth, it can hurt the brain and lead to intellectual disability later.

– Most importantly, they passed laws which said that people who were thought to have mental illness or mental disability could be sterilised against their will.

– Because of his disability he was mostly kept out of public view and forced to live quietly at the Palace’s of Capodimonte and the Palace of Caserta.

– The dignity and human rights of people with intellectual disability are protected by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as well as other disabilities and equally like other persons without disabilities.

– Countries must admit the right of person with disabilities to work in just, good, safe and healthy condition and do policy that forbid all discrimination and disability bullyingbullying because of disability, and further must promote chance for person with disabilities to do self-work, entrepreneur and start one’s own business.

– The social model of disability invokes the idea that disability isn’t just about limitations within daily life but also acknowledges that most of what creates disability are the social and infrastructural challenges faced, such as inaccessible housing, sidewalks, elevators.

– She has a disability and is an S4 type swimmer.

– Deidre Davis Butler was an American disability rights activist and federal official.

– Mainstreaming refers to a type of education where children with a learning disability are mixed into classes with children without learning disabilities to help them learn better and to become comfortable with the “mainstream” of student life and life in their community.

– In some countries, discrimination against somebody on the basis of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability is illegal.

– Traumatic brain injury is one of the most common causes of disability everywhere in the world.

– Any infant that seemed weak, sick, or had any kind of disability was killed.

– People with a disability or disabilities may need to use special equipment that can help them.

– People with non-syndromic intellectual disability do not look any different than a person without a disability.

– In 2012, he competed in the World Intellectual Disability Indoor Athletics Championships and finished third in the in the 4 x 400 meter race.

– There are few sponsors for disability sportspeople in Romania.

– He was the first person with a disability to be elected to that office.

– There are also fewer people with intellectual disability being sent to asylums.

– If a person with a disability thinks that they have been discriminated against by a public accommodation, they can complain to the United States Department of Justice.

– A person with a disability gets these benefits as well as increased social activity by taking up an activity like scuba diving.

– If the EEOC thinks discrimination has happened, they will send a letter that tells the person with the disability that they have the right to sue their employer.

– He has a disability and uses a wheelchair.

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