Some sentences in use of “Computer technology”

How to use in-sentence of “Computer technology”:

– Shortwave listenership has lessened with the rise of the Internet, but is still important to people worldwide, especially in areas the Internet and computer technology have not yet reached.

– Hewlett Packard is a computer technology company.

– While the technique was theoretically understood for some time, it was only advances in computer technology during the 1990s that finally made the technique practical.

– Changes caused by computer technology and the need to lower costs, led to the Press contracting out its printing and binding work.

– As computer technology improved, so did magnetic tape technology.

– During his time eluding capture, McNair had been making fake identification cards, and used computer technology to create driver’s licenses and solely monitor what the press was saying about him.

– In 1969, Hodgkin was able to use computer technology discover the structure of Insulin.

Some sentences in use of Computer technology
Some sentences in use of Computer technology

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