Some sentences in use of “cease”

How to use in-sentence of “cease”:

– On October 5, 2018, Vice-President of Lowery Division of Kawai America Corp., Seijiro Imamura, announced that Lowery Organ production would cease in January 2019.

– At a singularity, space and time cease to exist as we know them and current laws of physics cannot be applied to this region.

– On March 10, 2005, Viacom and World Wrestling EntertainmentWWE decided not to go on with the agreement with Spike TV, making it so “Raw” and other WWE programs on the network would cease when their deal expired in September 2005.

– The German Democratic Republic would cease to exist less than a year later; reuniting with the Federal Republic of Germany on October 3, 1990.

– All other Communists were imprisoned and Jewish families were taken hostage in the hope that the partisan movement would cease its operations.

Some sentences in use of cease
Some sentences in use of cease

Example sentences of “cease”:

– Each claim in the letters must be evaluated, and the person or group who receives it will have to decide what to do to sort out the cease and desist letter.

– It’s as if “Hair” will cease to be a concern of fashion or culturecultural trends or barbershops, and instead, all hair-related articles on English WP will be rewritten for medical concerns such as hair-follicle pathology, listing only major symptoms and treatment of hair diseases.

– This can mean that the kernel, and thus the entire computer, can cease to function.

– Although cease and desist letters are not exclusively used for stopping copyright infringement, such letters are also used to protect other issues related to intellectual property.

– As of September 28, 2008, the site was again put up for sale, and the picture changed once again because of a cease and desistlegal order from Fox Broadcasting Company ordering the owner to stop showing a picture of Bill O’Reilly.

– At the end of the generation the tribe will cease to exist.”.

– Speaking generally, the further his genealogy goes back, the more numerous and varied will his ancestry become, until they cease to differ from any equally numerous sample taken at haphazard from the race at large.” This is incorrect, since a child receives its genetic makeup exclusively from its parents.

– In Francia, and in return, the Normans would convert to Christianity and cease to raid.

– If someone receives many cease and desist letters, it will cost a large amount of money to manage them.

– There was a debate with the Militant Tendency whether or not to cease working within the Labour Party and the majority of the group decided to do so, although a minority around Ted Grant broke away to form Socialist Appeal.

– Despite its terrible fall, the statue did not cease to belong to the great wonders of the ancient world.

– In 2003, the BBC reached an agreement with the actors’ union Equity to cease offering walk-on drama series roles to members of the public as prizes.

– This means “to cease “.

– A cease and desist letter often causes both parties to make licensing negotiations, and is very often the first step towards a lawsuit.

– There are also those who do not believe that there is an afterlife, and that you simply cease to exist once you die.

– Zhou Dynasty made Shang cease to exist, but it accepted Shang’s culture.

– A peace treaty is different from an armistice, which is an agreement to cease hostilities, or a surrender, in which one side agrees to give up its arms.

- Each claim in the letters must be evaluated, and the person or group who receives it will have to decide what to do to sort out the cease and desist letter.

- It's as if "Hair" will cease to be a concern of fashion or culturecultural trends or barbershops, and instead, all hair-related articles on English WP will be rewritten for medical concerns such as hair-follicle pathology, listing only major symptoms and treatment of hair diseases.
- This can mean that the kernel, and thus the entire computer, can cease to function.

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