Some sentences in use of “carrot”

How to use in-sentence of “carrot”:

+ The plant is closely related to carrot and parsley; all belong to the family Apiaceae.

+ Some carrot cakes are even layered.

+ Picked carrot and radish, Jalapeñojalapeno, cilantro are some vegetables put into bánh mì.

+ One part of the cake is that the Orange orange flakes of cut carrot give the cake color and texture, along with sweetness and moisture.

+ The Carrot is a type of plant.

+ Frequent guests included Dave Matthews, Arianna Huffington, Michael McKean, Ann Coulter, Carrot Top, and Christine O’Donnell.

+ Other vegetable, as cabbage and carrot are also grown as well as some tropical fruits.

Some sentences in use of carrot
Some sentences in use of carrot

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