Some sentences in use of “burnt”

How to use in-sentence of “burnt”:

+ The city was burnt down and almost entirely destroyed.

+ He was on the vanguard of animal welfare and attempted a model pig farm, and experimented with early ecological agriculture, but Wolf House burnt to the ground in what could have been arson.

+ The tribes burnt and destroyed both Verulamium and Londinium and massacred all they could lay their hands on.

+ The last words of William Tyndale, before being strangled and burnt at the stake: “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes”.

+ In the November of 2007, the village exploded, with the remains afterwards being burnt down, with firefighters attempting to put out the blaze, but having so few people and being so far away from any other main towns, the thirty firefighters were unable to reach it in time.

+ In the Philippines, “the Basilica del Santo Niño” was built at the place where a partly burnt box was found in 1565.

Some sentences in use of burnt
Some sentences in use of burnt

Example sentences of “burnt”:

+ It was opened in 1967, burnt down in 1969, and rebuilt in 1970.

+ In Redesdale, a fire burnt west of the town.

+ In 1814, the British army had burnt the White House.

+ He was imprisoned and burnt alive by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

+ Her body was burnt and the ashes blew away in the wind.

+ The fires had burnt near Boolarra and Darlimurra, south of the city of Morwell.

+ He burnt the first manuscript of the novel in 1930, seeing no future as a writer in the Soviet Union.Cornwell, Neil Christian, Nicole 1998.

+ In 1780, his army swept down the Eastern Ghats and burnt the villages.

+ It was opened in 1967, burnt down in 1969, and rebuilt in 1970.

+ In Redesdale, a fire burnt west of the town.
+ In 1814, the British army had burnt the White House.

+ During the next two centuries it was burnt down twice.

+ The annual Alabama Blueberry Festival is held at Burnt Corn Creek Park and downtown Brewton.

+ The mill’s east wall fell into the river and the whole building was burnt up.

+ His gangs attacked the town and burnt many houses and killed many of the people.

+ In the summer of 2007 a big part of forest was burnt because of a destructive wildfire.

+ These included a small tree fire near Delburn, Victoria and one which nearly burnt a pine tree plantation.

More in-sentence examples of “burnt”:

+ There is evidence on the walls that shows that, at some point, the roof burnt in a fire.

+ In the first movie a mom told her kid that a long time ago, Freddy killed a bunch of people’s kids and the parents got mad and they burnt Freddy.

+ In an accident, Tanuja’s face gets burnt badly and mistakenly she gets Tanu’s face.

+ Traditionally, in the weeks running up to the 5th, children made “guys”—effigies supposedly of Fawkes—usually made from old clothes stuffed with newspaper, and with a grotesque mask, to be burnt on 5 November bonfire.

+ In 1457, the kingdom was again outraged when it was discovered that Pierre de Brézé, a powerful French general and an adherent of Margaret, had landed on the English coast and burnt the town of Sandwich.

+ A ten-year drought made the land and forests very dry and they burnt quickly.

+ However, so far, nobody has found a good enough solution to the fact that oil has to be burnt along with the fuel.

+ In the year 875 Halfdene the Dane ravaged the whole of Tyneside and Hexham Church was plundered and burnt to the ground.

+ At age 17, Sparano had an incident which burnt his eyes, which is why he always wears his signature sunglasses even at night.

+ From the period of Sultan Nazuk Shah by Mirza Douglat in 1548 AD to the reign of Maharaja Ranbir Singh in 1872 AD, this shine was burnt down around eleven times.

+ After she died, the English showed people her burnt body so no one could say she had escaped alive.

+ Although the city of Athens was burnt down, most of the people had run away to the nearby islands for safety.

+ Sangria can also be called a burnt red.

+ He also burnt himself badly because he was smoking in bed, and he tried to put out the flames with a glass of whisky which made the fire worse.

+ He refused again and she burnt another three.

+ It is not clear why she burnt it.

+ After a successful campaign in the Aegean, the Persians defeated, captured and burnt Eretria.

+ He missed the 2007 European Championships because he said he was burnt out.

+ It causes pain, but only the top layer of skin is burnt and no nerves are injured.

+ For some time, the police believed that someone lit the fire that burnt Marysville, and several people were investigated.

+ A new house was built but this one also burnt down in a fire in 1849.

+ However, the castle tower itself has not been rebuilt after it was burnt down in 1795.

+ Up until his invention, all engines were external-combustion engines steam engines and burnt their fuel in a separate compartment.

+ Savonarola died in the same place where he had burnt the paintings and books.

+ By 21 December 2019, the fires had burnt over 3,000,000 hectares, destroyed over 700 houses and killed at least 9 people.

+ He burnt the first manuscript of the novel in 1930, seeing no future as a writer in the Soviet Union.

+ There is evidence on the walls that shows that, at some point, the roof burnt in a fire.

+ In the first movie a mom told her kid that a long time ago, Freddy killed a bunch of people's kids and the parents got mad and they burnt Freddy.

+ Likewise, the Ghost in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” may also presuppose a belief in purgatory, “I am thy fathers spirit, Doomd for a certaine tearme to walke the night, And for the day confind to fast in fires, Till the foule crimes done in my dayes of nature Are burnt and purg’d away”.

+ The city burnt down in 711, one year after the move to Nara, and was not rebuilt.

+ If they were built of wood, this meant they could be burnt down.

+ It meant he was strangled by hanging but released while he was still alive, his body cut open, and his bowels burnt before him.

+ Krajcberg was against the destruction of the Brazilian forests, using materials such as burnt wood from illegal forest fires in his artworks.

+ The main occupations are cashew nut processing, manufacture tiles and burnt bricks.

+ Two previous buildings were burnt down in 1838 and 1887.

+ During the thirty years war, Bötzow was pillaged, and burnt down.

+ He left instructions that after his death his papers were to be burnt and his body buried in an unmarked grave.

+ Although his daughter Julia burnt many of his private papers, many of his friends have written about him.

+ The look and feel of the animation is somewhere between Pixar and a Slipknot music video that’s been burnt on one side and left out in the desert.

+ The fire burnt a pine plantation that covered the mountain, destroyed much of the observatory and water treatment plant.

+ The team colours are pacific teal, grey, burnt orange and black.

+ Himmler was so worried by the rumors, and the thought of poor security at the camps, that he said that all bodies should be burnt or buried as quickly as possible.

+ The coal is burnt and gives off carbon dioxide which goes into the atmosphere.

+ That one burnt down too, but it was rebuilt and reopened in 1856.

+ In 1928, the wooden grandstand at Ochilview Park burnt down in a fire, which lead to a new stand being built in its place, although staircases had to be added later due to planning errors.

+ She lies that the spa was burnt down.

+ After they had married, Sir John Belmont burnt up the marriage papers, and said that it was the same as if they had never married.

+ Mount Stromlo was burnt during bushfires in 2003.

+ Bruno was burnt at the stake by the Holy Inquisition.

+ More alterations were in progress when the palace burnt down in around 270, after which it was abandoned.

+ However, his grandson Kylo Ren somehow receives Vader’s burnt helmet in later time.

+ In the seventh game, the player’s soul is trapped in a purgatory-like state after being burnt alive in the previous installment.

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