Some sentences in use of “attributed to”

How to use in-sentence of “attributed to”:

+ This celebration is attributed to the mythical king Jamshid.

+ Some people say that some of the works attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon were not actually written by him.

+ Although much of this can be attributed to war-time fear, some historians, like James Gelvin, assert that Israeli policy in Plan Dalet partially contributed to this crisis.

+ He points out that the gracefulness of the Minuet can be attributed to the flowing, even accompaniment and the “falling chromatic theme”.

+ The Eee’s success is attributed to the relatively low-price compared with standard-sized laptops.

+ The majority of these topics were later attributed to studio interferences and creative differences between Sony, Raimi and Arad.

Some sentences in use of attributed to
Some sentences in use of attributed to

Example sentences of “attributed to”:

+ In 2000, the Medal of Cultural Merit was attributed to Manuel Pereira da Silva for the City Council of Vila Nova de Gaia.

+ The earliest fossils attributed to the Poales date to the late Cretaceous period about million years ago, though some suggest the origin of the group may be 115 million years ago in South America.
+ This weaker upper bound for the problem, attributed to an unpublished work of Graham, was eventually published and named by Martin Gardner in Scientific American in November 1977.

+ In 2000, the Medal of Cultural Merit was attributed to Manuel Pereira da Silva for the City Council of Vila Nova de Gaia.

+ The earliest fossils attributed to the Poales date to the late Cretaceous period about million years ago, though some suggest the origin of the group may be 115 million years ago in South America.

+ This weaker upper bound for the problem, attributed to an unpublished work of Graham, was eventually published and named by Martin Gardner in Scientific American in November 1977.

+ Spread of the game to other countries, particularly in Asia, is often attributed to the U.S.

+ Henry I of England was attributed to passing the law that the foot was to be as long as a person’s own foot.

+ Contrary to some beliefs, the Nigerian civil war was not only attributed to religious intolerance.

+ A satiresatirical publication against attributed to him.

+ The term is generally attributed to a British politician who became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1970, Iain Macleod, who coined the phrase in his speech to Parliament in 1965.

+ The reliability of Old Faithful can be attributed to the fact that it is not connected to any other thermal features of the Upper Geyser Basin.

+ The “Adhyatma-ramayana”, the most important embedded set of chapters in the extant versions of the Purana, is considered to have been composed centuries later, possibly in the 15th-century, and is attributed to Ramananda – the Advaita scholar and the founder of the Ramanandi Sampradaya, the largest monastic group in Hinduism and in Asia in modern times.

+ At first many of his works were attributed to Albrecht Dürer, even though Dürer’s style of paining is completely different.

+ The fast growth and success of the battle royale genre has been attributed to many factors, including the way all players start weak and removing any obvious advantage for players, and being well-suited for being a spectator eSport.

More in-sentence examples of “attributed to”:

+ The most famous dish attributed to Dugléré is almost certainly “Pommes Anna”.

+ The term “relational database” was originally defined by and is attributed to E.F.

+ That is probably the meaning attributed to “Altaic” by most general linguists.

+ Turtle Beach Corporation, a manufacturer of headphones and microphones for gaming, reported an increase of over 200% in total revenues for the second season of 2018 over the same season in 2017, which they attributed to the popularity of the battle royale genre.

+ Uncertainty about whether Stride’s murder should be attributed to the Ripper, or whether he was interrupted during the attack, stems from the absence of mutilations to the abdomen.

+ These are also attributed to Cristobal Balenciaga or John Bates.

+ Many of the programs that exist can be attributed to the passage of the Great Society.

+ The defeat of the Armada is often attributed to a severe storm which scattered the Spanish vessels before they met the British fleet, meaning they could not use the many more ships they had to their advantage as planned.

+ Orphism is a mystic religion of ancient Greece, originating in the 7th or 6th century BC and based on poems attributed to Orpheus, emphasizing the necessity for individuals to rid themselves of the evil part of their nature by ritual and moral purification throughout a series of reincarnations.

+ But the history of colonization is attributed to Greece only.

+ He had separated himself from the Ballets Russes after his libretto for “Schéhérazade” had been attributed to Léon Bakst in the ballet’s theatre programmes.

+ This was a move largely attributed to the financial burdens brought on by the Russian Ice Hockey Federation’s mandate that foreign teams pay for the travel, accommodations, and meals of visiting teams.

+ The site is attributed to the palace of king David, and includes a water tunnel that was built by the king Hezekiah.

+ Following works are attributed to him.

+ As in Chinese, a semantic meaning is attributed to every syllable.

+ The birth of Komala and its rapid growth among large sections of Kurdish society in Iran, apart from its own hard work, discipline and dedication, can be attributed to a combination of social factors during a period of Iran’s transition from a traditional and patriarchal society to a so-called pseudo-modern one.

+ The Prince of Wales’ offices and staff are also based at Clarence House, and any announcements made by his staff are attributed to “Clarence House” as an entity, just like announcements from The Queen are said to be made by “Buckingham Palace”.

+ Under the current voting system, the highest scoring winner is him winning the Eurovision Song Contestcontest in Kiev, Ukraine, with 758 points, with both the maximum points from the jury and the public vote being attributed to him.

+ Parables attributed to Jesus are also found in other documents apart from the Bible.

+ The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them common ocean-dwelling monsters in various fictional works.

+ Much of the information in more recent biographies is attributed to these earlier works.

+ Use it when no specific examples of identifiable individuals from that group are named who could be used to verify the statements or beliefs attributed to the group.

+ There are borings dating back to the Devonian which have been attributed to phoronids.

+ When it requires the world or universe to be destroyed, Shiva does it by the Tandava, and Lasya, which is graceful and delicate and expresses emotions on a gentle level and is considered the feminine dance attributed to the goddess Parvati.

+ They are attributed to “Hylonomus”.

+ A Literacy at Work study, published by the Northeast Institute in 2001, found that business losses attributed to basic skill deficiencies run into billions of dollars a year due to low productivity, errors, and accidents attributed to functional illiteracy.

+ Nine paradoxes have been attributed to him.

+ The first all-metal locks appeared between the years 870 and 900, and are attributed to the English craftsmen.

+ His legacy lives on in many tales but these can be attributed to Kenneth II, a later Scottish monarch.

+ The actual term “polar coordinates” has been attributed to Gregorio Fontana and was used by 18th-century Italian writers.

+ Tacitus tells about this in his Annales: In the passage, Tacitus talks about the burning of Rome, which Nero attributed to the Christians: “Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their center and become popular”.

+ In the meantime, the song had been attributed to Michael Haydn.

+ The overall mass difference between measurements before and after aridity exposure is attributed to body water loss.

+ Today, only about six paintings can be clearly attributed to him.

+ Many events and characteristics attributed to Quetzalcoatl are therefore exceedingly difficult to separate from the political leaders who took his name.

+ The term “desktop publishing” is attributed to Aldus Corporation founder Paul Brainerd, who sought a marketing catch-phrase to describe the small size and relative affordability of this software in contrast to the expensive commercial phototypesetting equipment of the day.

+ The sieve was described and attributed to Eratosthenes in the “Introduction to Arithmetic” by Nicomachus.

+ This can be attributed to progress in computing technology, which has allowed larger and more sophisticated models of atomic structure and associated collision processes.

+ Assuming good faith also does not mean that no action by editors should be criticized, but instead that criticism should not be attributed to badness unless there is specific evidence of badness.

+ This series and all subsequent novels were written by Neiderman, but are attributed to Andrews.

+ The city’s growth is attributed to the construction of the university, and local residents feel a strong attachment to it by means of attending football games and displaying Gators paraphenalia in local businesses and homes.

+ He drew the attention of Subway and the media when an acquaintance wrote an article in the “Indiana Daily Student” about Fogle losing which he attributed to eating Subway sandwiches.

+ The first two interpretations seem to point to groupthink, and in my view it can be partially attributed to the fact that a large proportion of active editors also happen to be administrators.

+ Two people died in Florida in road traffic accidents attributed to the weather conditions, as the cyclone slowly moved northward across the southern half of the peninsula.

+ Red Bull’s invigorating effects are attributed to its high caffeine content.

+ This is attributed to hunting by humans, and climate change.

+ The term “Mania” denoting the era is attributed to “Hulkamania” being the dominant aspect of the era.

+ The accuracy and tremendous success of science is primarily attributed to the accuracy and objectivity i.e.

+ It is a disease attributed to the Celts, a race of people originally found in northern U K,and spread from Scotland to Ireland,the Isle of Man, and north Wales,and now,of course, can be found in any part of the United Kingdom,even to the extent that some members only of a family may have the classical signs of a celt and are prone to complaints which show poor circulation.

+ The most famous dish attributed to Dugléré is almost certainly "Pommes Anna".

+ The term "relational database" was originally defined by and is attributed to E.F.

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