Some sentences in use of “asymmetric”

How to use in-sentence of “asymmetric”:

– Modern constructions use secure techniques such as Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding to protect messages while preventing these attacks.

– Meaning, a user knowing the encryption key of an asymmetric algorithm can encrypt messages, but cannot calculate the decryption key and cannot decrypt messages encrypted with that key.

– Minitel used a half-duplex asymmetric data rate via its modem.

– Due to the asymmetric responses to losses and gains in the decision-making process, the consideration of “loss avoidance” is far greater than that of “gain seeking” so people value more on a good they own.

– Torquoselectivity is a discrimination “between” these possible enantiomers that requires asymmetric induction.

– They have alternate, simple, single- or doubly-serrate leaves, usually asymmetric at the base and sharply pointed at the tip.

– In the latter half of the twentieth century, chemists began to develop methods of asymmetric catalysis and kinetic resolution.

– If an asymmetric key cipher with the public/private key property, both will need the other’s public key.

Some sentences in use of asymmetric
Some sentences in use of asymmetric

Example sentences of “asymmetric”:

– Typically, upload speed is lower than download speed for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.

– Computers can also use asymmetric ciphers to give each other the keys for symmetric ciphers.

– This simplifies the key distribution problem, because asymmetric keys only have to be distributed authentically, while symmetric keys need to be distributed in both an authentic and confidential manner.

– Public-key cryptography, also called asymmetric cryptography, is a communication where people exchange messages that can only be read by one another.

– He was known for his work creating asymmetric synthesis, such as using modified prolines as asymmetric auxiliaries.

– Catalytic asymmetric Diels Alder reactions.

– It has a bean-shaped asymmetric nebula with H Schuster M.T; Humphreys R.M.

- Typically, upload speed is lower than download speed for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.

- Computers can also use asymmetric ciphers to give each other the keys for symmetric ciphers.

– He was awarded the 1996 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with James Mirrlees for their research into the economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information, becoming the only Nobel laureate born in British Columbia.

– When a speaker of one language can understand what a speaker of another language is saying but not the other way around, it is called asymmetric intelligibility.

– Such techniques are referred to as asymmetric synthesis.

– It is an asymmetric Cryptographycryptographic algorithm.

– This relationship has asymmetric information though.

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