Some sentences in use of “as much”

How to use in-sentence of “as much”:

+ I don’t think anyone can do as much with the guitar as Allan Holdsworth can.” Charupakorn, Joe.

+ This was not unusual for the time, as much of the Indian subcontinent was then in turmoil, with the Hindu Maratha Confederacy struggling with the remnants of the Muslim Mughal Empire.

+ For example, the city of Boston has 9% open space, over twice as much as Los Angeles’ 4% open space.

+ Apartment numbers with a lot of the number 4 are hard to sell, and often they are not worth as much money.

+ Critics did not like it as much as “White Teeth”.

Some sentences in use of as much
Some sentences in use of as much

Example sentences of “as much”:

+ Personally I haven’t made up my mind, I like Monobook but have been working on trying to use vector as much as possible.

+ But it is usually important to cause as much damage to an enemy as possible.

+ It has only 10% as much sediment as the Nile RiverNile because the Niger’s source is in very old rocks that have little silt.

+ I am trying to have this article as much simple I can.

+ She did not like playing music that was written by other people as much as she liked playing her own music.

+ When they do this, it takes a lot of energy, and the adult can lose as much as 83g of body weight a day.

+ Cosmic rays can have as much energy as 10 eV that man-made particle accelerators can produce.

+ Subsequent poll numbers put him ahead of López Obrador from March to May; some polls favored him by as much as 9 percentage points.

+ Personally I haven't made up my mind, I like Monobook but have been working on trying to use vector as much as possible.

+ But it is usually important to cause as much damage to an enemy as possible.
+ It has only 10% as much sediment as the Nile RiverNile because the Niger's source is in very old rocks that have little silt.

+ The first method – generating energy from tidal currents – is becoming more popular because people believe that it does not harm the environment as much as barrages or dams.

+ In the political division between Guelphs and Ghibellines that characterizes the Italian Middle Ages, Pavia was traditionally Ghibelline, a position that was as much supported by the rivalry with Milan as it was a mark of the defiance of the Emperor that led the Lombard League against the emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who was attempting to reassert long-dormant Imperial influence over Italy.

+ There is more than ten times as much dust surrounding Tau Ceti as in the Solar System.

+ Jumping spiders can jump long distances for their size, as much as 16cm.

+ I will not be editing as much as I have in the past, but you will see me on here every now and again, reverting vandalism and nonsense changes, QDing stuff that needs to be QDed, and generally chatting it up with other users.

More in-sentence examples of “as much”:

+ This was a problem for Japan as its military-industrial complex was unable to produce as much as the Americans.

+ Every population which has been studied shows that animal and plants vary as much as humans do.Maynard Smith, John 1993.

+ Non-sport fish that are not said to be worth as much can sometimes be taken by many ways like snagging, bow and arrow, or even gun, because they are seen as competing with more valuable fish.

+ Rechargeable batteries can power a device for longer than the EDLC per charge, but cannot deliver as much instant energy.

+ They are larger than prokaryote cells: they can be as much as 1000 times greater in volume.

+ Silty soil retains water longer, but it can’t hold on to as much nutrients as you’d want it to though it’s fairly fertile.

+ Then there can be as much as 30% zinc in the orichalcum.

+ OK guys, I’m leaving, probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise after my months of inactivity, but there’s no way I can contribute here any more.

+ During the war, these policies brought as much as 40% of total German income.

+ Some of these animals weighed as much as 700kg or more.

+ Because of these two things, people did not have to migrate as much any more.

+ If the Sun is almost completely covered, the pupil opens because there is not as much light.

+ With a radio advertising campaign featuring the jingle “Pepsi-Cola hits the spot/Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot/Twice as much for a nickel, too/Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you” arranged in such a way that the jingle never ends.

+ Oil supply in Dubai is less than 1/20th as much as the emirate of Abu Dhabi, and oil money is now only a small part of the city’s total money.

+ The additional ports share one USB connection to the computer; for this reason, each of them cannot carry as much data as a direct USB connection can.

+ Japan was disappointed with the end of World War I because it did not gain as much as it wanted.

+ She was ordered to hold Midway and do as much damage to the enemy as possible.

+ It grows up to 12metres long, and may weigh as much as 47,000pounds.

+ Her vagina will be less lubricated as much as usual.

+ A high number means that the aperture is small, and does not let in as much light.

+ The plantain is the main food source of the Dominican Republic, and is used just as much as, if not more than, rice.

+ It is a small yellow electric mouse, but does not have as much power as a Pikachu.

+ Roosevelt became a champion of medical research and treatment for crippling illnesses, but kept his illness as hidden as much as possible from the public, fearing discrimination.

+ When his gang boss goes missing, Kakihara is angry because he thinks nobody else will be able to give him as much pain and pleasure as his boss did.

+ Some coins which are worth almost nothing in poor condition can be worth thousands of times as much in new condition.

+ The fruit is oblong in shape, and sometimes as much as six inches in length.

+ This means they cannot lose as much water as adults before they start to have serious health problems.

+ Visiting cards are not used as much as they used to be.

+ Its main feature was to allow as much independence as possible to the individual child.

+ The Beatles spent nearly as much time there as they did at Abbey Road Studios.

+ Barnum tried to get as much publicity as possible from Jumbo’s death.

+ In other words, the building does not shake as much because it is sitting on the elevated building foundation, and will probably take less damage from the earthquake.

+ Like the minarai, maiko do not charge as much money to go to parties or gatherings as a full geisha.

+ Usually, cider contains a little alcohol, about as much as beer.

+ This is the first, hopefully not the last, article that I’ve written for Simple News and I hope that with each one it brings you as much excitement to read as it does for me to write.

+ The star will get brighter, sometimes as much as ten thousand times as bright as when it was on the main sequence.

+ They are still in use today, although not nearly as much as 100 years ago when there were many more horses.

+ Catholic people can come to this sacrament as much as they want.

+ Roads pass near the southern and western slopes, but there are not many on the mountain itself, as much of the mountain is part of a park.

+ This is because high places do not have as much air above them, pushing down.

+ The quake moved parts of northeast Japan as much as making parts of Japan’s land “wider than before” according to geophysicist Ross Stein.

+ The Dice snake lives a lot in eastern Europe and western Asia, though not as much as the grass snake.

+ If interested, please let me know ASAP so that we have as much time as possible before the edit-a-thon ends at the end of November.

+ They grabbed as much gold as they could.

+ Along with eating as much of the food there as they could, Joe meets a who finally treated him the way he had always wanted to be, in New York City, and paid him likewise.

+ Such physical characteristics suggest this bat did not fly as much as modern bats do, rather flying from tree to tree and spending most of its waking day climbing or hanging on the branches of trees.

+ Reversals occur at intervals from less than 0.1 million years to as much as 50 million years.

+ For different reasons, adults who are functionally illiterate try to avoid writing and reading as much as possible.

+ The person will not be able to breathe in as much air.

+ This was a problem for Japan as its military-industrial complex was unable to produce as much as the Americans.

+ Every population which has been studied shows that animal and plants vary as much as humans do.Maynard Smith, John 1993.
+ Non-sport fish that are not said to be worth as much can sometimes be taken by many ways like snagging, bow and arrow, or even gun, because they are seen as competing with more valuable fish.

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