Some sentences in use of “Apollo”

How to use in-sentence of “Apollo”:

+ Another launch shot often said to be Apollo 11 was shot on this day.

+ In ancient tales, Hestia refused the marriage offers of Apollo and Poseidon.

+ The third stage was used for 2 minutes and 30 seconds to put Apollo into an Earth orbit.

+ It is also known as Apollo Soucek Field.

+ The Apollo 16 crew could not have survived solar flares when they were on their way to the Moon.

+ Eugene Cernan of Apollo 17 was the last person to touch the moon.

+ It was launched by itself on three suborbital and low Earth orbit Apollo test missions using the Saturn I launch vehicle.

Some sentences in use of Apollo
Some sentences in use of Apollo

Example sentences of “Apollo”:

+ Some of his greatest creations ever were the silver bows and arrows of Artemis and Apollo as well as Apollo’s golden chariot.

+ When Apollo reached to his adulthood, he slayed Python in Delphi and decreed that the humans will built a temple there in honour of his victory against Python.

+ Some even say that he created this laurel wreath to remind him of the prize he can never win still Apollo loved that laurel with all his heart.

+ After the death of Michael Collins in 2021, Aldrin became the last surviving member of the Apollo 11 crew.

+ NASA said that the mission was a complete success, and it helped the Apollo program very much.

+ The Apollo Lunar ModuleLunar Module landed in the Fra Mauro formation; this had been the target of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission.

+ Engineers checked every inch of Apollo 1, and found several places that may have started the fire.

+ Some of his greatest creations ever were the silver bows and arrows of Artemis and Apollo as well as Apollo’s golden chariot.

+ When Apollo reached to his adulthood, he slayed Python in Delphi and decreed that the humans will built a temple there in honour of his victory against Python.

+ This was chosen for Apollo program in early 1962.

+ The last few Gemini missions were science experiments and spacewalks designed to prepare for the Apollo Program, which would land human beings on the Moon.

+ The United States’ Apollo 11 was the first crewed mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.

+ Apollo 1 was going to be the first flight of an Apollo spaceship.

+ The almost perfectly executed odyssey of Apollo 11 amazed many around the world, and some people doubted it was real.

More in-sentence examples of “Apollo”:

+ It was the fourth crewed mission and was a full rehearsal for the actual landing by Apollo 11.

+ Although GermanyGerman intended it as the launch vehicle for crewed Apollo flights.

+ In the 1950s he made a tour with the Ray Charles big band, playing at the Apollo Theatre.

+ Apollo 13 was the seventh mission of NASA’s Project Apollo and the third crewed lunar-lander mission.

+ The mission was designed to test the re-made Block II Apollo Command/Service Module.

+ He was the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14.

+ Apollo 7 was a mission in the NASA’s Apollo program.

+ The city is the birthplace of the Apollo space program, and is the hometown of Richard and Karen Carpenter.

+ The footprints that Neil Armstrong and List of Apollo astronauts#Apollo astronauts who walked on the Moonother Apollo astronauts left on the Moon will be erased by space weathering.

+ Other accounts state that Apollo made the laurel himself, taking from the tree.

+ Eros got angry and shot Apollo with his magic arrow, making him fall in love with a nymph named Daphne.

+ After Apollo 11, six more Apollo flights went to the moon.

+ Through out house of Hades and at the end of blood of Olympus,it is said that Nico has a crush on Percy,though he gives up that dream and goes to Will Solace,the son of Apollo,and in trials of Apollo they are seen as a couple.

+ NASA assigned 32 American astronauts to the Apollo programApollo lunar landing program, and 24, flying on nine missions between December 1968 and December 1972, orbited the Moon.

+ A contract with the prime builder was signed on January, 1963, almost two years after the Apollo project began.

+ This made Apollo angry, but he could only change his gift and not take it away.

+ Huntsville’s economy was nearly crippled and growth came to a near standstill in the 1970s following the closure of the Apollo program.

+ While Apollo was chasing Daphne, the mischievous baby god Hermes stole the cattle and confused Apollo by making the cattle walk backward as they left their pen.

+ The project’s main success came in 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon as part of Apollo 11.

+ Also, nine of the twelve Apollo astronauts who flew to the Moon without landing between 1968 and 1972 are still alive, for example Michael Collins.

+ Apollo 10 was a crewed Apollo program#MissionsF-Type mission of NASA’s Apollo program to land a man on the surface of the Moon.

+ Crew of Apollo 13 mission failed to land on Moon because of loss of electric power and failure of both oxygen tanks due to technical problems.

+ After Artemis and Apollo was born, Hera was furious.

+ Since Apollo 4 had also tested the heat shield at a full speed re-entry, a third unmanned flight was cancelled.

+ The game shows the story of the three main lawyers in “Dual Destinies”, Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, and Athena Cykes.

+ It was the fourth crewed mission and was a full rehearsal for the actual landing by Apollo 11.

+ Although GermanyGerman intended it as the launch vehicle for crewed Apollo flights.
+ In the 1950s he made a tour with the Ray Charles big band, playing at the Apollo Theatre.

+ The Apollo Lunar Module was the lander lander part of Apollo spacecraft.

+ He helped to develop the Apollo 11 EVA activities, and served as CAPCOM for the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 missions.

+ During the Apollo 15 mission, an attempt was made to use the Lunar Roving Vehicle’s TV camera to view such an eclipse, but the camera or its power source failed after the astronauts left for Earth.

+ He was one of the Apollo 11 astronauts and the List of people who have walked on the Moonsecond person to have ever walked on the moon.

+ According to Greek mythology, the god Apollo insulted Eros, otherwise known as Cupid, the god of love.

+ Every day, Apollo would drive the “Sun Chariot” across the sky.

+ As of November 2018, four of the twelve Apollo astronauts who landed on the Moon between 1969 and 1972 were still alive, including Buzz Aldrin.

+ The low Earth orbital test of the Apollo Command/Service Module never made its target launch date of February 21, 1967.

+ There was a public memorial service at Apollo Theater.

+ Apollo 6 would test the Saturn V launch vehicle’s ability to send the entire Apollo craft to the Moon.

+ When Apollo went looking for them, it looked like they had walked into the ranch instead of out.

+ As an astronaut, Scott became the List of Apollo astronauts#People who have walked on the Moonseventh person to walk on the Moon.

+ The Apollo 13 Lunar module, called “Aquarius”, played an unexpected role in saving the lives of the three astronauts after the explosion.

+ It’s purpose is to make and test out rocket parts such as the Apollo Command/Service Module, Lunar Module, Space Shuttle Spacelab modules, and truss components for the International Space Station.

+ The Apollo command and service module was one of two spacecraft, along with the Apollo Lunar ModuleLunar Module, used for the astronauts on the Moon.

+ The Sibylline Books were still to be found in the Temple of Apollo at Rome at this time, so it is thought possible that at least some of these “Sibylline Oracles” were partly the same.

+ However she was in labor with Apollo for nine days.

+ However problems in the fuel lines of several Saturn V second and third stage engines stopped it from reaching the speeds Apollo would need to reach the Moon.

+ Meliboea was one of Niobe and Amphion’s fourteen children, and the only one not killed when Artemis and Apollo killed the children as revenge.

+ There was a movie made about the problems that happened on the Apollo 13 mission.

+ He became the List of people who have walked on the Moonninth person to walk on the Moon as Commander of the Apollo 16 mission in 1972.

+ Oxygen is not just used to breathe; on the Apollo spacecraft it was used in a device called a Fuel cell to generate electricity.

+ When Zeus began to lust for her, Asteria escaped his advances by leaping into the sea and becoming the floating island Delos, upon which her sister Leto eventually gave birth to the twins Apollo and Artemis.

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