Some in-sentence examples of “worried”

How to use in-sentence of “worried”:

– They were worried that the emperor would do bad things to them if they did not give him a feast, so they quickly put the food they had not yet eaten back into the pot, cooked it again and served the food to the emperor.

– However, some of the Founders, like Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, worried that this gave Congress too much power.

– He was also worried that the Woodville family would soon be telling the king what to do and ruling the country for themselves.

– The family was worried that the police would still try to get the bodies.

– Scientists are worried that this will harm the numbers of native fish.

– They were worried that the limits of the powers of the Commonwealth or States could be changed by parliament.

Some in-sentence examples of worried
Some in-sentence examples of worried

Example sentences of “worried”:

– They were also worried that the bumps would force them into the wall on the outside of the corner.

– He forgives this when he learns that she was worried that would be a problem with the baby because of traveling in the TARDIS so much.

– He was worried that the new young king would not be able to rule the country properly.

– Parents also worried that thiomersal might cause autism because it contains mercury.

– The accident made many people worried about the safety of the Soviet nuclear power industry.

– He gets annoyed that Ellen is worried about the boy and runs off with him.

– He is worried that if he signs an autograph for one person, many other people will ask for autographs too.

– The opponents worried that it is a kind of censorship.

– Her phone keeps ringing and is getting more worried until 11:15 the murder happens.

– Though Bokul is not interested in marriage, her mother and grandmother are always worried about what would happen in future when she would be married off.

– He was also anxious about the threat to his carriers from Japanese air attacks, and worried about his ships’ fuel levels.

- They were also worried that the bumps would force them into the wall on the outside of the corner.

- He forgives this when he learns that she was worried that would be a problem with the baby because of traveling in the TARDIS so much.
- He was worried that the new young king would not be able to rule the country properly.

– This worried and angered members of the Fine Gael-Labour national coalition government.

– I am worried I might be called a sockpuppet and be blocked.

– His family members were very worried as they had thought he died.

– Chatham County Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley decided not to release William Bryan on bail because he was worried Bryan would run away.

– Chyna then threw white powder in Slaughter’s face causing a worried Hart to check on him, as he turned round to face the ring, Chyna low-blowed him from outside allowing Triple H to win the match with the Pedigree.

– The Soviets were worried that a single currency would help the economy of the western half recovered quickly from the damage caused by the Second World War, and that this stronger western half would eventually develop into a country.

– People sometimes try to make laws, treaties, and international agreements to try to control weapons because they are worried about all the killing done with them.

– He worried that these ideas would go against his leadership.

– People were worried that the person might try to kill him again, so he was given to someone else to be looked after.

More in-sentence examples of “worried”:

- After returning to camp, Danielle told Terry she was worried that if they were in the final three with Courtney, she thought he would pick Courtney to go to the final two with because she was less popular.

- Growing increasingly worried he changed the family name to “Windsor" to remove any association with a German heritage.
- The daughter, Sally, played by Sally Geeson, who is younger than Mike, is trendy and her parents are continually worried about her relationships with 'boys'.

– After returning to camp, Danielle told Terry she was worried that if they were in the final three with Courtney, she thought he would pick Courtney to go to the final two with because she was less popular.

– Growing increasingly worried he changed the family name to “Windsor” to remove any association with a German heritage.

– The daughter, Sally, played by Sally Geeson, who is younger than Mike, is trendy and her parents are continually worried about her relationships with ‘boys’.

– When people perform from memory they are often worried that they might have a memory lapse.

– Before this not many worried about environmental problems and conservation.

– Sometimes people are worried that the information inside a computer will be stolen when the computer is thrown away.

– Hana recognizes they are forming their futures, but is worried about it.

– I also not need web hosting for free images i provided to improves Wikimedia as you assumed in that way they might doing it but worried that i am in their way.

– Baldwin was worried people would not votingvote for them if they talked about making the military stronger, so he talked about housing and unemployment instead.

– With firefighters worried that the Rice Fire and Poomacha fire will meet in the Del Dios Canyon, firefighters have left the area and people living there have to leave.

– The drivers were worried that hitting the bumps could cause damage to the car.

– The SCLC was worried that people were so angry that they would get violent.

– But, Nixon was worried that these other men might have trouble getting approved by Congress.

– His father was worried about them, and sent David to check on them.

– Relations between the two occupying powers were bad and when China became Communist in October 1949, the President of the USA, Harry Truman, was very worried that other countries around China may also become Communist, such as Japan.

– People living here are worried about their privacy.

– At the same time, some foreign countries were worried about the communists ruling the Soviet Union.

– King’s words to worried parents summed up the overall attitude of the protesters and the seriousness in which they took their task.

– After the German attack on Denmark and Norway in April 1940, when the Germans used large numbers of airborne troops, the Dutch were worried about a similar attack.

– Miss Clavel is worried about Madeline because she is an orphan and has no family.

– This worried the people of Ghazni city about the water supply.

– Supporters worried that current copyright laws are not effective in shutting down piracy websites.

– The Americans were worried by this.

– The Aristocracy were worried about the number and power of combinations.

– Cleese served as co-director as the studio executives at MGM were worried about Crichton’s age.

– After this agreement, both the French and British governments were worried about the plane.

– Himmler was so worried by the rumors, and the thought of poor security at the camps, that he said that all bodies should be burnt or buried as quickly as possible.

– On the other hand she is worried that young people are using computers too much.

– During this time people were worried about noise from the airplanes, so in 1988 the county made a law against some kinds of airplanes flying into Buchanan Field.

– As far as your concerns raised in the e-mail thread, you said that something worried you.

– Liu Bang’s father, Liu Tai Gong, felt it strange and he worried over his wife’s safety.

– The Home Army became worried about possible revenge actions by the Germans or mass arrests, which would make it hard for the Poles to start an attack.

– Electra, worried that Ilia, a Trojan, soon will be Queen of Crete, feels the furies of Hades tormenting her.

– Doctors worried that, because of her cerebral palsy, Lucy would never be able to speak or use sign language to communicate with her deaf sister, but after the first volume was made, Lucy started to sign, and later, to speak.

– After the immunity challenge, Shane told Bobby that Bruce was the next to go, as his tribe was worried he would join La Mina’s alliance when the tribes merged.

– He was still worried that he could be sent to the United States.

– This cat’s eyes are gooseberry green, giving a worried look on its face.

– Lord Delacour feels worried for her when he hears this.

– Byron Rittenhouse’s voice is on the song saying “Uh huh, I ain’t worried ’bout my girl a’ight” in response to Beyonce’s line “I ain’t thinking ’bout my man tonight”.

– They worried that the government would use this to arrest Hong Kongers who spoke against the mainland government and bring them to China as political prisoners and scare the people of Hong Kong.

– This worried the literary elite.

– Rick is worried that the Alexandrians have forgotten how dangerous the world is.

– In 2002, Adidas said they were worried she was not concentrating on tennis enough.

– Takagi was worried about his ships’ fuel levels; his cruisers were at 50% and some of his destroyers were as low as 20%.

– The Russians were increasingly worried about their presence.

– Since Ruiz became well-known after its eruption in 1985, scientists and government officials in Colombia are worried the glaciers might melt completely.

– They also worried that a government ruled by a President might turn into a monarchy, where the President would become a King and have total power.

– The gnome was the enemy the fairy had been worried about; with the wand in his possession he would make the fairy his slave.

– Po has trouble on his journey because he’s worried about what happened to his real parents.

– In 1995, just as Death Row Records signed 2Pac, Young left the label because of a contract dispute and he was worried that Suge Knight wasn’t doing things legally.

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