Some in-sentence examples of “unpleasant”

How to use in-sentence of “unpleasant”:

+ The holes are drilled in at an angle so that the upper register is not overblown and produces an unpleasant sound.

+ Viewed as unpleasant by some, diapers are mostly used by children from birth until the child has learned to use a toilet.

+ They had to undergo an unpleasant experience.

+ To humans, getting “bombed” by a bombardier beetle is a decidedly unpleasant experience.

+ Unlike many biplanes, the Camel was unpleasant to fly.

+ On the other hand, the words stench, reek, and stink are used specifically to describe unpleasant odors.

+ If the two instruments are not in tune with one another it will sound unpleasant because two notes which are very slightly different in pitch will produce a “beat”.

Some in-sentence examples of unpleasant
Some in-sentence examples of unpleasant

Example sentences of “unpleasant”:

+ User188.220.4.94 blanked a page and replaced it with an unpleasant word, after receiving a final warning.

+ Feces are known for their unpleasant odor.

+ User188.220.4.94 blanked a page and replaced it with an unpleasant word, after receiving a final warning.

+ Feces are known for their unpleasant odor.

+ Everything else was the same, except for one group who had to go through an extra, less unpleasant experience at the end.

+ This resulting in rough-running engines with unpleasant vibrations at certain engine speeds.

+ The format saw Grahame attempt several jobs on each show, which included various unpleasant tasks such as rubbish collecting, deep sea fishing, and waste management.

+ Sweat itself has no odor, but when bacteria on the skin and hair metabolize the proteins and fatty acids, they produce an unpleasant odor.

+ This feeling is called being “high.” Some people who take cocaine also have unpleasant feelings.

+ Some people say that when doctors use difficult medical words to hide unpleasant things from patients, they are using obfuscation.

+ The early supporters of helicopters hoped that heliports would become popular, but they have not been popular in urban areas due to the unpleasant noise caused by helicopter traffic.

+ These chemicals have a very strong and unpleasant smell.

+ Many beginners who start to use vibrato will try to vibrate too fast and this makes an unpleasant sound.

+ Adding a positive peak can establish a good memory of an experience even though there may be unimportant unpleasant moments in between.

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