Some in-sentence examples of “traitor”

How to use in-sentence of “traitor”:

– The motives behind becoming a traitor to one’s class can include: survival, the belief that the person is of a higher class and so has political views that work against the working class, the pressure to follow rules and laws, or disagreeing with the view that society is divided up into classes that are fighting each other.

– At the conclusion of the season 1 finale, “The Siege of the North, Part 2”, Ozai sees Zuko as a failure and believes Iroh is now a traitor to the Fire Nation.

– The king, Creon, has forbidden the burial of Polyneices as a traitor to the city.

– The king accepts but labels Lysander a traitor and, to punish him, has his testicles hammered, so he is unable to produce children.

– When the Founders wrote “no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted” they meant: “No heirs may be punished, and Congress can make the traitor forfeit their property, but only during their lifetime.” Their heirs would have to be able to inherit their property when the traitor died.

Some in-sentence examples of traitor
Some in-sentence examples of traitor

Example sentences of “traitor”:

– Pasternak was said to be a traitor by their leaders, so he refused to accept the Prize.

– When John of Gaunt died in 1399, his estates and titles were declared forfeit to the crown as King Richard II named Hereford a traitor and commuted his sentence to exile for life.

– After Lin Biao’s death, he was branded a traitor by the Communist Party of China.

– When Louis Napoleon grabbed complete power in 1851, establishing an anti-parliamentary constitution, Hugo openly declared him a traitor to France.

– Peter Graves won the role of traitor prisoner Sgt.

– It described a boy who stole eggs from birds’ nests, pulled wings off insects, and engaged in other sorts of wanton cruelty, who then grew up to become a traitor to his country.

- Pasternak was said to be a traitor by their leaders, so he refused to accept the Prize.

- When John of Gaunt died in 1399, his estates and titles were declared forfeit to the crown as King Richard II named Hereford a traitor and commuted his sentence to exile for life.
- After Lin Biao's death, he was branded a traitor by the Communist Party of China.

– With the help of his new Glatorian and Agori friends he exposes a traitor known as Metus and defeats the Skrall and Bone Hunters.

– According to a story this skeleton belongs to the traitor Hnát.

– Each of Satan’s mouths chews on a famous traitor from history.

– Arnold’s contributions to American independence are largely underrepresented in popular culture, while his name became synonymous with traitor in the 19th century.

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