Some in-sentence examples of “stress”

How to use in-sentence of “stress”:

– With larger breasts the whole weight balance of the body is changed, which may cause stress to the muscular and skeletal systems.

– The difference is that post traumatic stress disorder is made by fear.

– For healthy adult humans, the systolic blood pressure should be below 120, and the diastolic blood pressure should be below 80 Even the stress of having blood pressure taken can make it higher.

– With the stress on vegetarianism and the sacred nature of the cow, it is no wonder that most holy cities and areas in India have a ban on selling meat-products and there is a movement among Hindus to ban cow-slaughter not only in specific regions, but in all of India.

– Therapists’ and patients’ stress responses during graduated versus flooding in vivo exposure in the treatment of specific phobia: A preliminary observational study.

– Some of Keats’s friends and admirers, like the poet Percy Bysshe ShelleyShelley, believed that the stress of this hostile reaction had a bad effect on Keats’s mind, and partly caused his early death from tuberculosis at the age of 25.

Some in-sentence examples of stress
Some in-sentence examples of stress

Example sentences of “stress”:

- She would stress about being an Olympian and would stress out about all of the mistakes she would make in practice.

- These markings are called stress markers or occupation markers.
- One is to reduce the stress the person feels.

– She would stress about being an Olympian and would stress out about all of the mistakes she would make in practice.

– These markings are called stress markers or occupation markers.

– One is to reduce the stress the person feels.

– The song is understood to be an ode to Noel and Liam Gallagher’s mother Peggy.In general, the lyrics to the song stress an optimistic outlook.

– He believed that helping people to relieve Stress stress and learn how to focus would improve their lives, and in time make a better world.

– Economic resilence is the ability of a local economy to retain function, employment and prosperity in the face of the perturbation caused by the Acute stress reactionshock of the loss of a particular type of local industry or employer.

– As a 41 year-old I know how much a person can learn and grow in a year, especially if they are not receiving the stress that caused them to mess up in the first place.

– The vessel in which he sailed was compelled by stress of weather to put in at Vega de Navia in Asturias where died on November 27 1811.

– In fact, it is a physical activity, so it helps to release stress and feel less pressure.

– Tonic immobility can be induced without causing any apparent stress to the animal.

– It may be said that you would watch a television for escapism so that you forget the stress or normal life.

– It is held in many mental health circles that masturbation can relieve depression, stress and lead to a higher sense of self-worth.

– Faulting occurs when shear stress on a rock overcomes the forces which hold it together.

More in-sentence examples of “stress”:

– Another type of stress disorder is a “psychosomatic illness” where a person has physical symptoms that are caused by an emotional stress, not by physical harm.

– Some types of CAM include stress management, natural health products, massage/therapeutic touch, acupuncture, and homeopathy.

– It is used in exercise or stress relief to improve one of three areas: physical strength, aerobic fitness or punching technique.

– Subsequent studies showed that quercetin, a mast cell inhibitor, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in the prostate.

– Rowling says she put Harry through extreme emotional stress to show his emotional vulnerability and humanity–a contrast to his nemesis, Voldemort.

– Combat stress reaction does not affect everyone equally.

– This is often used as an alternative to a dehorning process, which causes stress and often weight loss.

– Usually for animals memories that are made during times of stress and discomfort are important for adaptive values.

– Sex functions in conflict appeasement, affection, social status, excitement, and stress reduction.

– Some commanders used combat stress reaction as an excuse to keep soldiers from returning or kick them out of the military.

– Many people believe they will become a stress on social welfare systems.

– It adds stress in the same way English sometimes uses italics.

– Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate.

– The Briard is a working dog breed; it has also been used as a search-and-rescue dog, and in certain roles as a therapy dog, for example to help people with certain conditions, such as those with Post-traumatic stress disorder.

– A stress in accordance to Walter Cannon, is any disturbance that imbalances the internal environment of an organism also known as homeostasis.

– When a person is Stress stressed or in blood vessels get smaller.

– For example, people who have had chronic stress are more likely to get hypertension and heart disease.

– Symphonies did not ease the stress in the way ballet music did; he had to put too much of his inner life into symphonies.

– The capital of the state, BangaloreBengaluru is known to have more rainfall on an average, but in the last decade flood instances have cropped up time and again, it is attributed to amplified urbanisation causing stress on the natural resources, encroachment of flood plains, loss of vegetation and biodiversity, improper city planning leading to reckless constructions of sites and buildings.

– Tensile stress is the opposite of compressive stress.

– The acute stage of combat stress reaction is the best time to keep things from getting worse.

– Before 1982, when this bacterium was discovered, doctors thought that spicy food, acid, stress and lifestyle caused most ulcers.

– Health care professionals can help when stress is bad and affects physical or mental health.

– PTSD is different from traumatic Stress stress, which is less intense and shorter, and combat stress reaction, which happens to soldiers in wartime situations and usually goes away.

– On November 24, 2014, it was announced that Hagel would resign the position of United States Secretary of DefenseSecretary of Defense due to job stress and decisions on ISIS/ISIL.

– There will also be no sad feelings, stress or pain and related problems of life.

– Pollution, cigarette smoke, drugs, illness and stress can increase our exposure.

– It would also test the stress a launch would put on the Lunar Module.

– The crest is designed to stress the pursuit of knowledge.

– One result of this view is that specialists in the philosophy of science stress the requirement that observations made for the purposes of science be restricted to “intersubjective” objects.

– Mice that suffer unpredictable chronic mild stress show symptoms that look like depression in humans.

– Sex, Stress and Reproductive Success, 75-95.

– Constant shear stress can be applied by shaking or mixing.

– Milgram found that the “teachers” showed signs of stress and nervousness in the experiment.

– They state that rates of Stress stress, depression and obesity are high as people try to cope with the emptiness and disappointments of consumer life.

– Factors such as lack of oxygen, infection, or stress and lack of healthy foods in the mother during pregnancy, might result in a slight increase in the risk of schizophrenia later in life.

– Fugue occurs to avoid stress stress and anxiety.

– Therapies used for post-traumatic stress disorder may also help.

– Combat stress reaction is a medical problem that happens to some soldiers because of the Psychological traumatrauma of war.

– Organisms can respond to stress in different ways.

– Donahue, the show’s host, thought the fainting was caused by both stress from being on television and an overheated studio on a morning that was cold and snowy outside.

– Some experts have written that fabricated posttraumatic stress disorder should be considered when a patient’s symptoms are suspicious or unusual.

– They may be started by changes in mood, temperature, stress or visible changes around the animal.

– Maybe it is to relieve this stress that rituals are created, and to bring together those that knew someone so that the personal experience a person can no longer communicate for themselves, can be exchanged by others.

– Vitiligo may also be caused by stress that affects the immune system, leading the body to react and start eliminating skin pigment.

– Its cause is believed to be autoimmune, but many with the disorder lead relatively low stress lives.

– Behavioural response to stress can be transmitted from parents to offspring.

– Most of the stress of death seems to come for loved ones who “did not have a chance to say goodbye”.

– In the uniaxial manner of tension, tensile stress is induced by pulling forces.

– After the events of “The Avengers”, Tony suffers from post traumatic stress disorder after the Battle of New York as he realized that there are bigger threats out there and he must protect Pepper, people and everyone he loves from being killed.

- Another type of stress disorder is a "psychosomatic illness" where a person has physical symptoms that are caused by an emotional stress, not by physical harm.

- Some types of CAM include stress management, natural health products, massage/therapeutic touch, acupuncture, and homeopathy.

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