Some in-sentence examples of “stored”

How to use in-sentence of “stored”:

– Boeckmann removed from the car, including the frame which was too rusted to reuse, were stored away.

– Some already stored glucose in the liver can be released through another process called glycogenolysis.

– The icon data is stored at Module:Icon/data.

– As of 2020, Peakware is offline but the wealth of mountain data it contained is stored in the Internet Archive.

– Using stored water in river dams is sometimes complicated by irrigation needs which may happen out of phase with peak electrical demands.

– The eggs are kept in a cool place so that they can be stored for a long time.

– They are large terra cotta pots where the kimchi is stored until it can be eaten or until it ferments.

– The price of silver could go very high when the stored silver runs out and investors start asking for their metal back, instead of taking more I.O.U.’s.

Some in-sentence examples of stored
Some in-sentence examples of stored

Example sentences of “stored”:

- Extra glucose that is not needed right away is stored in some cells as glycogen.

- This helps to prevent the charge from crossing the gap between the two electrodes, which allows more charge to be stored in this manner.
- The amount of vitamin C in foods of plant origin depends on the kind of plant, the kind of soil where it grew, how much rain and sun it got, the length of time since it was picked, and how it was stored since then.

– Extra glucose that is not needed right away is stored in some cells as glycogen.

– This helps to prevent the charge from crossing the gap between the two electrodes, which allows more charge to be stored in this manner.

– The amount of vitamin C in foods of plant origin depends on the kind of plant, the kind of soil where it grew, how much rain and sun it got, the length of time since it was picked, and how it was stored since then.

– At present there is no way of telling whether a piece of information will be stored as short-term memory or not.

– Microsoft Agent characters are stored in files of the.ACS file format, and can be stored in a number of compressed.ACF files for better World Wide Web distribution.

– But mask of life that was stored inside Mata Nui was sent out to space to find a new planet.

– The website can send a message to the person’s browser, asking if a cookie from the website is already stored in the browser.

– The special walls of the home took energy from the sun and stored it in liquid salt.

– Disk image files contain all the data stored on the source drive including not only its files and folders but also its boot sectors, volume attributes and any other system-specific data.

– That is why riding a bike up a steep hill is very hard, but when you are coming back down, you will not need to pedal at all – you are being powered by the gravitational potential energy that you stored when you rode up the hill.

– This laboratory made the first working, modern computer that stored programs in 1948.

– The collected papers of Avery are stored in two locations: the Tennessee State Library and Archives, and the Rockefeller Archive.

– To use the energy stored in the triglyceride, our body breaks down the triglycerides into smaller molecules, called Acetyl-CoA.

– Both types use and arrangement of a magnet and a coil of wire which will convert the vibrations into an electrical signal which can be stored in a computer for analysis.

– Furthermore, relics and monstrances were stored in the shrine.

– The boiler stored steam.

– Here, 42 and ax are added together and the result is stored back in ax.

– Shelf life is length of time that food can be stored safely.

More in-sentence examples of “stored”:

– It can then be stored in piles, or tied into blocks called “bales”.

– The My Computer folder is a gateway to all the data stored on the computer, attached devices, and the network — as well as a shortcut to most of your system information.

– Some 170,000 items which are not on current display are stored at Blythe House in West Kensington.

– This hub also includes Smart DJ which compiles a playlist of songs stored on the phone similar to the song or artist selected.

– The actual isolation of lithium metal would be done by others, lithium is a very dangerous alkali metal since it is very flammable and reactive and stored it in natural oil.

– This instruction adds the value of the 2 byte integer stored at 1000h to ax and stores the answer in ax.

– The project can be disassembled and stored if needed, or even taken apart with fittings and pipe recycled into a new project.

– It is stored in the Gallerie dell’Accademia in Venice, Italy.

– A VCD movie is stored in the popular MPEG format, that is also often used to download movies from the internet.

– Sodium and potassium can be stored in oil but lithium cannot because it is so light.

– The dried leaves are stored in clean, dry, airtight containers, and will keep for 12–18 months.

– This digital Informationdata must be gathered and stored so that the physicist can later analyze the data and reconstruct the physics that occurred.

– An entrepôt is a port, city, or trading post where goods may be imported, stored or sold.

– This changed with the introduction of the fast-wheel, early forms of which used energy stored in the rotating mass of the heavy stone wheel itself.

– It downloads the HTML file stored at that address.

– Instead, cows are artificially inseminated with bull semen that is stored kept frozen in liquid nitrogen, and is “bred” by a person who artificially inseminates cows for a living.

– The plant is used because of its large food reserves, which are stored over the winter in its leaves.

– Organizations, including governments, private businesses and others have much information stored and processed on computers.

– To be particular, it is like a gateway to access data stored on hard drive partitions.

– There, all the man good and bad are stored in an kind of archive.

– A tuple stored in an index of the dictionary contains a certain index of the dictionary and a character.

– Then the force of the mainspring turns the clockwork gears, until the stored energy is used up.

– Virus Malware Attack:- If a system is attacked by a virus, the important boot files stored in the internal hard disk may be deleted, leading to boot failure.

– Dates stored in the Julian calendar must have attached to the end.

- It can then be stored in piles, or tied into blocks called "bales".

- The My Computer folder is a gateway to all the data stored on the computer, attached devices, and the network -- as well as a shortcut to most of your system information.
- Some 170,000 items which are not on current display are stored at Blythe House in West Kensington.

– The fly line is stored in a coil.

– Information previously stored in the cache can often be re-used.

– They can lay up to five clutches of one or two eggs during the five month breeding season, and may use some of the stored sperm to fertilize each clutch.

– Espionage usually involves having access to where the needed information is stored or to the people that know the information.

– The two important parts of a computer are: It responds to a specific instruction set in a well-defined manner and it can execute a stored list of instructions call a program.

– However, if too much electricity is stored in the plates, it can jump across the gap causing less energy to be stored.

– Some of the other animals just slow down their metabolism and eat food they stored during the summer and fall months.

– This contains lots of stored energy which the plant needs to release.

– Such tickets require a minimum amount of stored credit.

– Web pages are usually stored in HTML code which describes what to show on the page like words or pictures.

– In the past, firmware was stored in ROMs but now it is often stored in media that can be written to such as EEPROMs and Flash.

– The information that is stored in RAM is usually volatile.

– That color comes from the beer being stored for some time.

– They eat on stored fabrics.

– The OCR software then looks at the image and compares the shapes of the letters to stored images of letters.

– The sugar can be stored in the form of starch.

– Given the names of a taxon and the required item of information stored in the taxon’s taxonomy template, this function returns the value of the item, following one “same as” link if available and the value would otherwise be the empty string.

– This type of memory is encoded and it is presumed stored by the striatum and other parts of the basal ganglia.

– Similarly, we could have 100 coulombs of charge with 1000 joules of electric potential energy stored somewhere, maybe in an electric circuit.

– Although oxygen stored in the blood and lungs can keep a person alive for several minutes after breathing stops.

– The opposite of short-term memory is long-term memory, which is where things are stored in the brain for a long time.

– It is a control memory in which stored information can be altered, but not as easily as in ordinary memory.

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