Some in-sentence examples of “so many”

How to use in-sentence of “so many”:

– This device still connected to the ears through wires so many people still did not think it was appealing.

– He ruled for at least 20 years, but he had so many temples, tombs and monuments built that some experts say he may have ruled for up to 30 years.

– These people wanted to stop Hitler from taking over so many countries and killing so many people.

– There’s so many different skills people could have, you could not agree who was “good stock” and who was “bad stock”.

– Because of her top three finishes in so many races, Perales was awarded the Gran Cruz del Mérito Deportivo and the Medalla de Oro de la Real Orden del Mérito Deportivo.

Some in-sentence examples of so many
Some in-sentence examples of so many

Example sentences of “so many”:

- Paramirbo used to be called in French "Bourg nommé des Juifs" because so many Jewish people lived there.

- The book says “…in all fairness, it must be said, she was very, very beautiful and her beauty was that typical Russian beauty which inspires passion in so many men… She was twenty-two and she looked exactly her age.” She is very clever, for instance.

– Paramirbo used to be called in French “Bourg nommé des Juifs” because so many Jewish people lived there.

– The book says “…in all fairness, it must be said, she was very, very beautiful and her beauty was that typical Russian beauty which inspires passion in so many men… She was twenty-two and she looked exactly her age.” She is very clever, for instance.

– Yet, since it survives in so many species, it must have survival value.

– Alyssa discovers the only reason the Butkises had adopted so many kids was to put them to work in their salvage yard.

– I know that expanding the album articles would be the best thing to do, but we have so many of these now that few of us would have the time to do that.

– However, because there are so many different NP-Complete problems and nobody so far has found a way to solve even one of them quickly, most experts believe that solving NP-Complete problems quickly is not possible.

– Urchin barrens are places in the ocean where sea urchins have eaten and killed so many kelp plants that they turned a kelp forest into something like a desert.

– I have recently noticed so many pages that are Nominated to be merged.

– He wanted Ruth to participate in the study because he wanted to find a reason for why Ruth hit so many home runs.

– One reason why lions are shown in so many different ways is because when heraldry developed, a lot of people wanted a lion on their coat of arms, but no two coats of arms can be the same.

– However, this happened so many millions of years ago, that the original pattern is now hard to see.

– I noticed that in Simple English pages, especially project pages, there are a very large amount of links to Wiktionary, and I would like to ask why there are so many of them.

– And so many people had learn the method of how to make baozi but his baozi never be surpassed.

– It is multithreaded and fragmented in so many ways.

– This is s serious question – editing this board is very technically difficult especially for light posters, so many rules and things to learn.

– I can’t believe I am the only person who is totally baffled by the field that comes up with stuff about template and field name {This term has so many meanings.

– Lancaster is also a hub for automobile traffic, with so many major roadways passing through or around the city, including US-30, US-222, PA-283, PA-72, and PA-272.

– Many people were killed because there were so many people living above the epicenter.

– There are so many different skills people could have, you could not agree who was “good stock” and who was “bad stock”.

– Anyone can join it, so many people from all over Japan, about 9000 people ran in the race in 2019.

More in-sentence examples of “so many”:

– Many reptile groups first appeared during the Triassic period, possibly because so many niches were vacant at the time.

– Because Hendrix had so many fans, people were worried that the crowds of people wanting to look at his grave would damage other graves, so Hendrix’ father, Al Hendrix, had another memorial site built far from other graves.

– The county is a popular place for toruism, because there are so many lakes and rivers in the county for activities such as fishing and camping.

– He began to wonder how so many new species came to be on these islands.

– The climate of Pune is suitable to reside in, so many people settled there.

– They think that there would not be so many conflicts in Africa if African nations had built in a nationalist way.

– There are so many sperm that they cannot swim, but use peristalsis from muscles in the vas deferens.

– Also, because so many legislators have to approve every amendment, it is very difficult for small “special interest” groups cannot control the vote.

– There are so many worship centers in Avaneeswaram.

– There can be so many Colorado potato beetles in potato farms that they destroy the potatoes.

– It has been writing about the 2020 Belarusian protests and 2020 Belarusian presidential election, so many journalists of “Belsat” have been tried and arrested for that.

– With so many people working in factories, issues like child labor and protection for workers became important.

– People can only make so many unique ideographs for the huge number of words and morphemes that make up a language.

– Since AIG had sold so many of these, people were afraid that AIG would just give up on trying to pay them all.

– It is illustrated by so many examples, some of which are discussed below.

– In fact, so many athletes are being helped by sports psychologists, that some organizations are starting to limit how many coaches can be on the field during a game.

– Unfortunately this data is propagated on so many places and it is causing problem is address searches.

– The fighters who did not leave Algeria were force to hide because there were so many French soldeirs in Algeria.

– As to a redirect to the game company or developer or whatsoever, there are so many targets possible and let’s discuss.

– For example, many cultures see foxes as clever, so many people will assume a fox furry character is clever.

– Moss also designed a charm in a necklace for Wallis in 2007 in aid of Cancer Research UK and said “I am happy to give my support to help fund crucial research, as so many lives are affected by this terrible disease”.

– In user space, they could be worked on without urgency and without so many people needing to be involved.

– In the 1850s so many had been found, that they were numbered by a Minor planet designation starting with 1 Ceres.

– Why are there so many sleeping and sluggish WikiProjects? Some of them have so many members and haven’t had any change in such a long time.

- Many reptile groups first appeared during the Triassic period, possibly because so many niches were vacant at the time.

- Because Hendrix had so many fans, people were worried that the crowds of people wanting to look at his grave would damage other graves, so Hendrix’ father, Al Hendrix, had another memorial site built far from other graves.
- The county is a popular place for toruism, because there are so many lakes and rivers in the county for activities such as fishing and camping.

– One of the reasons large trees have so many parasites is that they may have lived a long time in a particular area compared with other types of plant.

– Vote spoiling is not an issue with approval voting, so many candidates may run for office.

– The encyclopaedia managed to get so many people by inviting their friends to help.

– Fields are often hard to study because there are so many possible combinations of numbers, that the internal structure is hard to decipher.

– I have so many subpages from my User Page that it is crazy.

– Like so many others she was tired of being treated as a lower class person because of the color of her skin.

– Americans who supported United States’ part in the Vietnam War believed that the US already spent so much money, so much time, and so many lives of veterans and civilians that if the United States were to let the communists win the war, then all the loss would have been for nothing.

– A small orange creature called the Lorax urged him to stop cutting down so many trees.

– However, the apostrophe was not well understood by people who do not know the Wade-Giles spelling, so many people who read the apostrophe ignored the apostrophe when reading or copying Chinese words down.

– This would be really helpful to know since so many pages are still blank.

– He introduced so many families to American Popular Song highlighting that the books and recordings are available in the libraries.

– He did not think that reaching his goal in life would cause so much excitement or make so many people laugh.

– Like with so many other fishes though, commercial overfishing is posing a problem.

– Toads mainly evolutionevolved in dry climates, so many toads have rougher, browner skin.

– The Chief Guard of the checkpoint frantically telephoned his superiors hoping to get answers as to why so many people thought that the wall was to open.

– My personal opinion is that CM16 meant well, but it would’ve been better not to blatantly canvass so many people.

– Because so many governments told people to stay at home, there was less air pollution than usual for that time of year.

– The philosophy of Bhakti seeks to tap into the universal divinity through personal form, which explains the proliferation of so many gods and goddesses in India, often reflecting the singular inclinations of small regions or groups of people.

– According to his mother, he shot so many hockey pucks that he destroyed the cedar hedge and broke every window of his garage at least two times.

– People killed so many sea otters that they almost went extinct.

– It has been grown for so many years, we are not sure where it came from.

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