Some in-sentence examples of “silt”

How to use in-sentence of “silt”:

– Their oddly shaped beaks are specially adapted to separate mud and silt from the food they eat and, uniquely, are used upside-down.

Silt is chemically distinct from clay, and unlike clay, grains of silt are about the same size in all dimensions.

– It attaches the animal to the seabed but clear of silt that would block the opening.

– Archaeologists have not yet succeeded in identifying the location of Rhapta, though many believe it lies deeply buried in the silt of the delta of the Rufiji River.

– By then the harbour had started to silt up, so the packet station was transferred to Waterford city.

Some in-sentence examples of silt
Some in-sentence examples of silt

Example sentences of “silt”:

- The silt goes down a little with the water and makes a layer because it is small.

- The earthearth’s surface may have stones, soil, silt etc.

– The silt goes down a little with the water and makes a layer because it is small.

– The earthearth’s surface may have stones, soil, silt etc.

– Port Silt Loam is the List of U.S.

– His name mean “risen land” or “exalted earth”, as well as referring to the silt of the Nile.

– The clumps are made when sand and silt and clay stick together.

– The silt also makes a good place for seeds of local plants to grow.

– The name “Yellow Sea” comes from the silt particles that color its water.

– When rain falls, it pushes silt across top of the field.

– Though these lands were lower than the peat fens before the peat shrinkage began, the more stable silt soils were reclaimed by medieval farmers and embanked against any floods coming down from the peat areas or from the sea.

– A lot of silt that is carried by the river has been trapped in the reservoir.

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