Some in-sentence examples of “shaken”

How to use in-sentence of “shaken”:

+ She is very forgiving, as seen when she forgives Lady Delacour, but has good self-control over her feelings – for example, she does not blush later when people talk about Clarence Hervey, and is not shaken by Mrs.

+ Then the “mate” is turned upside-down, and shaken vigorously, but briefly and with gradually decreasing force, in this inverted position causing the finest, most powdery particles of the “yerba” to settle toward the preparer’s palm and the top of the mate.

+ However, in their second game of the final, Lasker reduced Capablanca to a helpless position and Capablanca was so shaken by this that he blundered away his next game to Tarrasch.

+ Afterwards, shaken by his brutal victory, he decided to become a Buddhist and lead with peace, not war.

+ Some plants can only be pollinated by bees because their anthers release pollen internally, and it must be shaken out by buzzing.

+ The mate is then shaken very gently with a side-to-side motion.

+ Franklin and Jane survived, merely shaken up, but saw their 11-year-old son Benjamin get crushed to death.

+ A special wooden spatula is used to force the tea through the sieve, or a small, smooth stone may be put on top of the sieve and shaken gently.

Some in-sentence examples of shaken
Some in-sentence examples of shaken

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