Some in-sentence examples of “separating”

How to use in-sentence of “separating”:

+ Lake Niassa forms the western border of the province, separating it from Malawi.

+ After separating from Marie, she began a 6-year relationship with actor Kyle MacLachlan, and then divorced Marie.

+ The “224e” of “60 Division d’Infanterie” stayed in the area separating the island of Walcheren from Zuid-Beveland.

+ An oil refinery uses fractional distillation to purify crude oil, separating several different liquids for different uses.

+ The official flag of the city of Chicago includes four red stars which represents city history, separating two blue stripes symbolizing the waters that meet at the city.

+ Several counties of Virginia that were in the process of separating from that state to form the new state of West Virginia were specifically named as exemptions, as were several Parishparishes around New Orleans in Louisiana.

+ The ridge runs directly through the populated Reykjavik and Thingvellir historic areas, and the tectonic activity of these plates separating is the source of the abundant geothermal energy in the region.

Some in-sentence examples of separating
Some in-sentence examples of separating

Example sentences of “separating”:

+ It is near the Tri-Cabusilan Mountain range, separating Luzon's west coast from the central plains.

+ After separating from her husband, a woman has a one-night stand with her new 19-year-old neighbor.
+ A separating funnel is a cone shape made from glass but has a half circle, or hemisphere, on top.

+ It is near the Tri-Cabusilan Mountain range, separating Luzon’s west coast from the central plains.

+ After separating from her husband, a woman has a one-night stand with her new 19-year-old neighbor.

+ A separating funnel is a cone shape made from glass but has a half circle, or hemisphere, on top.

+ The Co-Founder and Executive Chairman Jordan Greenhall would be changing from his current role as CEO to manage the separating Stage6.

+ Natural menthol is made by freezing peppermint oil and separating methanol from the frozen the peppermint oil by filtration.

+ A core component of the cochlea is the Organ of Corti, the sensory organ of hearing, which is distributed along the partition separating fluid chambers in the coiled tapered tube of the cochlea.

+ It also lacks a separating line.

+ The magnetic force produced by a bar magnet, at a given point in space, therefore depends on two factors: on both the strength separating them.

+ Is used when there is a need for separating a block of text.

+ His thesis discovered separating metal atoms in semi-aqueous solutions, which found that equilibrium constants are changed in semi-aqueous mediums.

+ Deconstructing job satisfaction: separating evaluations, beliefs and affective experiences.

+ These are visible in the finished piece, separating the different compartments.

+ This involved separating the form-halves from the card, trimming ragged edges, and gluing the two halves together.

+ At the top of the vagina is the cervix which is a ring of muscle separating the vagina from the uterus or womb.

More in-sentence examples of “separating”:

+ The mountains form a line between the San Fernando Valley and the Los Angeles Basin, separating "the Valley" on the north and west-central Los Angeles on the south.

+ It is a buried erosion surface separating two rock strata of different ages.
+ Although the exact timing is not well resolved, it is quite certain that Pallas's fish eagle is a descendant of those sea-eagles which inhabited the northwestern Bay of Bengal when it was a shallow straits separating mainland Asia from India, which still was an island at that time.

+ The mountains form a line between the San Fernando Valley and the Los Angeles Basin, separating “the Valley” on the north and west-central Los Angeles on the south.

+ It is a buried erosion surface separating two rock strata of different ages.

+ Although the exact timing is not well resolved, it is quite certain that Pallas’s fish eagle is a descendant of those sea-eagles which inhabited the northwestern Bay of Bengal when it was a shallow straits separating mainland Asia from India, which still was an island at that time.

+ They are studied using mathematical techniques for separating a signal into different frequencies.

+ The crew of the Voyager must decide what to do: they can kill Tuvix by separating him back into Tuvok and Neelix, or they can kill Tuvok and Neelix by letting Tuvix live.

+ It is based on hooking together an inductively coupled plasma as a method of producing ions with a mass spectrometer as a method of separating and detecting the ions.

+ Also, in many cases, separating the two patients may not be enough to make the condition go away in one of them.

+ After separating from the Beltway, I-83 is now known as the Baltimore-Harrisburg Expressway.

+ Not long after separating from Goldylocks, Abyss began to feud with Monty Brown and Raven.

+ In planetary science, planetary differentiation is the process of separating out different parts of a planetary body where the planetary body develops into distinct layers.

+ A mixture of oil and water is put into a separating funnel and then shaken and then left until it becomes stable again.

+ Wedges can also be used to lift heavy objects, or finely adjust the height of objects, essentially separating them from the surface they rest on.

+ The magnitude of the moment is equal to the strength of each charge multiplied by the distance separating between the charges.

+ Phylogeny of higher taxa in insecta: finding synapomorphies in the extant fauna and separating them from homoplasies.

+ On February 15, 2018, Aniston and Theroux announced that they were separating after two years of marriage and seven years as a couple.

+ The pipes must start at the beginning of a new line, except when separating parameters from content or when using to separate cells on a single line.

+ The peninsula is east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, a northwestern geographygeographic divider, separating Central America from the rest of North America.

+ A Büchner flask can be used with a Büchner funnel for separating solids and liquids.

+ A language border or language boundary is the line separating two languages.

+ It stars Zooey Deschanel as Jess Day, a teacher who moves in with three young men she meets on the Internet after separating from her partner with whom she lived.

+ Fractional distillation is a process of separating a mixture of chemical compounds.

+ The record broke down the walls separating the genres of heavy metal and hardcore, allowing the band to push itself into the forefront of the metal core scene.

+ The Santa Monica Mountains run through the city, separating it into the San Fernando Valley to the north and the Los Angeles Basin to the south.

+ Electronic cameras or document scanners make a digital version of a color image by separating out the full color image into separate red, green, and blue images.

+ There are many observation areas available for the guests, including underwater viewing, across from a moat, and even of the bears on land only with 3 inches of glass separating them from the visitors.

+ On 1 August 1947, the ward of Nerima was formed by separating from the ward of Itabashi.

+ The island of Saseno in Albania was annexed to the province, after separating it from the province of Zara.

+ Nielsen created the practice of separating parents and children accused of crossing over the U.S.–Mexico border illegally.

+ A redescription of “Entamoeba histolytica” Schaudinn, 1903 separating it from “Entamoeba dispar” Brumpt, 1925.

+ Sometimes, fractures can happen without the object actually separating into two or more pieces.

+ Galvanic isolation means separating two electrical structure from each other.

+ This is similar to separating wheat from chaff.

+ Rando takes responsibility and remarries Kawasaki after separating from Etaro’s mother.

+ The birds stay together as a family group, migrating southwards in autumn as part of a flock, and separating the following year.

+ The is a strait separating the Japanese islands of Kyūshū and Shikoku.

+ It uses light for separating two circuits from each other.

+ Superman arrives and assists Allen in evacuating the city, as well as Stone in separating the Mother Boxes.

+ It is a way to add to their rosters after separating into two separate rosters in 2002.

+ The doctor tells the three that he is world-famous for separating conjoined twins, but wants to join people together so they share a single digestive system.

+ For example, Martin and Russel showed that cell membranes separating contents from the environment and self-organization of self-contained redox reactions are the most conserved attributes of living things.

+ Winnowing is a farming method developed by Ancient historyancient people for separating grain from chaff.

+ It does this by explicitly separating structural information from descriptive attributes.

+ This means that the space separating the two halves is only 60km, or so.

+ It was historically used for separating writers before support for multiple parameters was added.

+ The San Andreas Fault, a transform boundary, runs south from the junction, separating the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.

+ Line breaks or newlines are used to add between lines of text, such as when separating paragraphs.

+ In mathematical notation, each column of numbers represents a power of the radix, with a radix point separating negative powers.

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