Some in-sentence examples of “resultant”

How to use in-sentence of “resultant”:

+ Professor Ronald Hutton has considered the possible events which could have followed the successful implementation of the Gunpowder Plot, with the resultant destruction of Parliament and death of the king.

+ These coloured sections are made by dyeing half of the cake mixture pink, and half yellow, then cutting each resultant sponge into two long, uniform cuboids, and joining them together with apricot jam, to form one cake.

+ Various properties of such a “combining function” are important for ensuring the security of the resultant scheme, for example, in order to avoid correlation attacks.

+ Using equipment he had created himself, Ohm found that there is a direct proportionality between the potential difference applied across a conductor and the resultant electric current.

+ Most of the native flora and fauna of Munnar have disappeared due to severe habitat fragmentation resultant from the creation of the plantations.Most of the native flora and fauna of Munnar have disappeared due to severe habitat fragmentation resultant from the creation of the plantations.

+ Selection acted on the resultant conical shells to form them to overlap into protective armour.

Some in-sentence examples of resultant
Some in-sentence examples of resultant

Example sentences of “resultant”:

+ Gives the resultant of characters "creating a substring of characters" from the start of the trimmed string i.e.

+ When graphed to show the entire Set, the resultant image is striking, pretty, and quite recognizable.
+ The resultant fritter is served by placing inside a bread bun, accompanied with one or more chutneys and fried green chilli.

+ Gives the resultant of characters “creating a substring of characters” from the start of the trimmed string i.e.

+ When graphed to show the entire Set, the resultant image is striking, pretty, and quite recognizable.

+ The resultant fritter is served by placing inside a bread bun, accompanied with one or more chutneys and fried green chilli.

+ A resultant force, also called a net force, is a force equal to the sum of all forces applied to an object.

+ Isaac Newton worked out that resultant force equals mass times acceleration, or in symbols,.

+ The resultant carbocation is also stabilized by both Inductive effectinductive stabilization and hyperconjugation from attached alkyl groups.

+ If 40N is applied to the left and 30N applied to the right, the resultant force is 10N to the left as the force is bigger or heavier on the left.

+ Depending on the location, time, and nature of the emergency, a large variety of limitations could present themselves when it comes to communicating details of an emergency and any resultant actions that may need to be taken to protect life and property.

+ If 30N and 60N are applied to the right, then the resultant force is 90N to the right.

+ The second parameter is used to change the resultant link.

+ Since these aligned spins produce a resultant magnet field they can be detected and even used to move the electrons.

+ In circular sections, the resultant shearing stress is perpendicular to the radius.

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