Some in-sentence examples of “resignation”

How to use in-sentence of “resignation”:

– Following Brown’s resignation as Labour leader on 11 May 2010, Harman was the acting leader of the Labour Party until Ed Miliband was elected on September 25, 2010.

– His resignation caused the party to have a leadership election.

– From 1983 until his resignation in 2016, Lehmann was the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mainz.

– In March 2016, Maher became interim executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation following the resignation of then executive director, Lila Tretikov.

– Upon Deniz Baykal’s resignation in 2010, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu became the leader with a record voting rate.

– He served as the first chairman of the United States Senate Committee on FinanceSenate Finance Committee and its predecessor from December 4, 1815, until his resignation from the Senate on April 20, 1818; on this occasion to accept appointment as United States Ambassador to Russia, a position he held from 1818-1821.

Some in-sentence examples of resignation
Some in-sentence examples of resignation

Example sentences of “resignation”:

– Note: Kate Brown became governor in 2015 following the resignation of John Kitzhaber; she was elected in 2016.

– Law was the Archbishop of Boston from 1984 until his resignation on December 13, 2002.

– He served as chief from 2010 until his resignation in 2012.

– In July 2018, May appointed him Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union following the resignation of David Davis.

– On 24 May 2019, she announced that her resignation as party leader would take effect on 7 June and she would leave her position as Prime Minister when her 2019 Conservative Party leadership electionreplacement is selected.

– He was the 67th List of Presidents of PeruPresident of Peru following the resignation of President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.

– After the loss for his team, Contreras announced his resignation from the Team and that he no longer aspires to enter the Soccer arena.

– He announced his resignation from the PRD on September 9, 2012.

- Note: Kate Brown became governor in 2015 following the resignation of John Kitzhaber; she was elected in 2016.

- Law was the Archbishop of Boston from 1984 until his resignation on December 13, 2002.
- He served as chief from 2010 until his resignation in 2012.

– On 22 June 2006, Benedict XVI accepted Sodano’s resignation as Secretary of State on 15 September 2006.

– Following Metiria Turei’s resignation in August 2017, Shaw became the Green Party’s only leader for the 2017 general election.

– In 2005, 31 years after Nixon’s resignation and 11 years after Nixon’s death, a family attorney stated that former Federal Bureau of Investigation Associate Director Mark Felt was Deep Throat.

– Interpol received Meng’s letter of resignation after he was arrested by Chinese authorities in October 2018.

– In June 2016, Chattey was awarded an OBE in David Cameron’s resignation honours list and gained an OBE for “political service” in his role of Head of Fundraising.

– She announced her resignation of Homeland Security in July 2013 to become president of the University of California.

More in-sentence examples of “resignation”:

– On June 23, 2006, Mineta announced his resignation after more than five years as Secretary of Transportation, effective July 7, 2006, making him the longest-serving Transportation Secretary in the Department’s history.

– Gordon Brown travelled to Buckingham Palace and tendered his resignation as Prime Minister to The Queen.

– Upon the resignation of 37th president Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford became the 38th president even though he simply served out the remainder of Nixon’s second term and was never elected to the presidency in his own right.

– He served from 1987 until his resignation in 2014.

– On August 6, 2019, Huntsman submitted his resignation letter to President Donald Trump as Ambassador to Russia, effective October 3, 2019.

– On November 15, 2004, Paige announced his resignation after overseeing the President’s education agenda for four years.

– It happened after the resignation of President Charles de Gaulle on 28 April 1969.

– Jenkins was then elected on November 6, 2018 to fill a remaining six year term as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia due to the resignation of Robin Davis.

– Maya Jribi From the PDP merged into the Republican Party in April 2012, until her resignation in 2017, she was the Secretary-General of the centrist party.

– He was appointed by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to replace Sherif Ismail following his government’s resignation in the wake of Sisi’s re-election.

– In 2007 he became the founding editor-in-chief and lead columnist of “Taraf”, a daily Turkish newspaper, and remained in the position until his resignation in December 2012.

– After his resignation, she acted as the only Vice President of Martín Vizcarra from 23 March 2018 until her resignation on 1 October 2019.

– He was elected in 2015 as vice-mayor and was sworn in as acting mayor after Megan Barry’s resignation on March 6, 2018.

– On 16 April 2914, O’Farrell announced his resignation as Premier after giving misleading evidence to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

– The game can now only be won by mate or resignation by one of the players.

– He was a long-time member of the European Commission, and acting President during the Santer Commission following the resignation of the Jacques Santer.

– On November 5, 2020, shortly after the 2020 presidential election, it was reported that Esper had prepared a letter of resignation from his position as Secretary of Defense.

– He submitted his resignation as archbishop on reaching his 75th birthday in 2007; Pope Benedict XVI accepted it on 3 April 2009.

– The office has been vacant since Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta announced his resignation on 19 August 2020.

– He was Mayor of MontrealMayor of Montreal from 2002 until his resignation in 2012.

– Following the resignation of Liberal Party of AustraliaLiberal Senator Dame Annabelle Rankin in 1971, Bonner was chosen to replace her.

– After his resignation he worked as German Ambassador to Israel until 1981 and Director General of the Deutsche Welle broadcaster from 1981 to 1987.

– He was elected leader after the resignation of Richard Di Natale in February 2020.

– Pope Francis accepted his resignation as Bishop of Port-de-Paix on 14 April 2020.

– On 2 April 2019, he became the Acting President of Algeria following the resignation of Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

– This and his health led up to his resignation as Prime Minister.

- On June 23, 2006, Mineta announced his resignation after more than five years as Secretary of Transportation, effective July 7, 2006, making him the longest-serving Transportation Secretary in the Department's history.

- Gordon Brown travelled to Buckingham Palace and tendered his resignation as Prime Minister to The Queen.
- Upon the resignation of 37th president Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford became the 38th president even though he simply served out the remainder of Nixon's second term and was never elected to the presidency in his own right.

– His resignation took effect on 22 November 2013.

– After the resignation of Enda Kenny as Leader of Fine Gael in May 2017, Varadkar announced his candidacy for party leader.

– I disagree that his resignation was “under a cloud”, only his actions were and a desysoping did not take place.

– On 31 May 2010, Köhler announced his resignation as President of Germany.

– He worked at the ministry of health and submitted his resignation in 1975.

– King asked for leave, and was told his resignation was accepted.

– In September 2015, Boehner said he would step down as Speaker and that his resignation would be in effect on October 30.

– It called for the resignation of Shinawatra and two later Prime Minister of Thailandprime ministers, Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat.

– Shortly after his resignation as president the capital city was named after him in his honour.

– He was chairman of the PDS from 1993 until his resignation in 2000.

– He is most famous for his resignation in the fall of 1973 after he was under investigation for the crimes of extortion, tax fraud, bribery, and conspiracy.

– He was Acting Secretary General of the Organization of American States in October 2004 after the resignation of Secretary General Miguel Ángel Rodríguez.

– The second time came on July 25, 2000 after the resignation of Secretary West; this time Gober served in the post until the end of the Clinton presidency.

– After the resignation of Stuart Dunnings III as the result of a scandal, Whitmer was unanimously chosen as his successor in the position of Prosecutor of Ingham County.

– On July 27, 2018, Pope Francis ordered McCarrick to observe “a life of prayer” and accepted his resignation from the College of Cardinals.

– He was the Bishop of Barahona from 1976 until his resignation in 1999.

– Dame Karen Pierce is the current British Ambassador, after being appointed on the 7th February 2020 after the resignation of Sir Kim Darroch after a diplomatic disagreement between the UK and US over Kim Darroch describing then-President of the United StatesPresident Donald Trump as “inept”.

– This is not a resignation under a cloud and he is entitled to it back by asking any crat if desired, within policy.

– Lie remained active in Norwegian politics after his resignation from the UN.

– He was elected President of France later that year, a position to which he was re-elected in 1965 and held until his resignation in 1969.

– He was the 12th Lieutenant Governor of Alaska from 2014 until his resignation on October 16, 2018.

– He represented parts of San Diego County, CaliforniaSan Diego County in the United States House of Representatives from 2009 until 2020, representing the from 2013 until his resignation in 2020.

– He announced in January 2014 that he would leave the senate at the end of the 113th United States Congress and submitted his resignation letter to Governor of Oklahoma Mary Fallin.

– She became the 38th Governor of Oregon on February 18, 2015 after the resignation of John Kitzhaber.

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