Some in-sentence examples of “reliably”

How to use in-sentence of “reliably”:

+ For this reason, if Peggy reliably appears at the exit Victor names, he can conclude that she is very likely to know the secret word.

+ In many cases, he lost in many areas of the state that are normally reliably Republican.

+ Even though later astronomers tried to find it again, it has not been reliably seen since.

+ In any event, Michigan had once been reliably blue in presidential elections, having voted for the Democrat in presidential elections since 1988, but then in 2016 it swung red to support Donald Trump.

+ According to Monier Williams and Yudit Greenberg, “linga” literally means ‘mark, sign or emblem’, and also refers to a “mark or sign from which the existence of something else can be reliably inferred”.

+ Yeah most of the gadgets for simple don’t work reliably at all.

+ These users need to be able to cite relevant reliably sourced publications.

+ Tidal power is reliably predictable.

Some in-sentence examples of reliably
Some in-sentence examples of reliably

Example sentences of “reliably”:

+ Results from a nomogram are got quickly and reliably by drawing one or more lines.

+ This test will show whether they can reliably switch from one data center to the other.

+ On the other hand, the removal of reliably sourced critical material is not permitted.

+ Dance which has been reliably recorded on notation and perhaps backed up by video recording, can be and has been used to copyright choreography.

+ In IE7 and later, when the cache is cleared, the cache files are more reliably removed, and the index.dat file is overwritten with null bytes.

+ No single recording can be reliably identified as “the first” to use the technique.

+ The museum’s visitor leaflet says that manufacture by Neanderthals “is reliably proven”.Holdermann, Claus-Stephan, and Jordi Serangeli 1999.

+ Different articles should “not” be created until there is enough reliably sourced information about a future release.

+ This climate has helped tourism, because visitors to the island can reliably expect warm, sunny weather.

+ Lorenz popularized FAPs as instinctive responses that would occur reliably in the presence of specific stimuli.

+ The Shannon–Hartley theorem tells us that, all else being equal, a paper sent along a path that picks up less dirt can reliably deliver more information than another paper sent along a path that picks up more dirt.

+ Results from a nomogram are got quickly and reliably by drawing one or more lines.

+ This test will show whether they can reliably switch from one data center to the other.

+ Most people expected that the same thing would happen when dirt is added to the paper before the message was written—the more dirt, the less information can be reliably sent.

+ This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other.

+ Programs and applications received ‘Universal Binary’ updates to make them run reliably and use less resources of the Rosetta environment, instead hardware accelerating themselves.

+ Prior to IE7, clearing the cache used to clear the index but the files themselves were not reliably removed, posing a potential security and privacy risk.

+ Basil can also be propagated very reliably from cuttings in exactly the same manner as “Busy Lizzie with the stems of short cuttings suspended for two weeks or so in water until roots develop.

+ Inclusions of artist names in film infobox captions should be reliably sourced.

+ The replication of functional units was only made possible when the integrated circuit area of a single-issue processor no longer stretched the limits of what could be reliably manufactured.

+ The process of selecting, distributing and storing keys is known as key management, and is difficult to achieve reliably and securely.

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