Some in-sentence examples of “rate”

How to use in-sentence of “rate”:

– The rate of sexual abuse in the general population is lower.

– In the rate equation, which is an equation to calculate the speed of the reaction from the concentration of molecules, usually the only step that is important is the rate-determining one.

– People who abuse drugs have a high rate of suicide.

– Several reasons are blamed for Greenland’s high rate of suicide.

– The adoption rate was very good.

– Literacy rate of Bhatgaon city is 75.97% higher than state average of 70.28%.

Some in-sentence examples of rate
Some in-sentence examples of rate

Example sentences of “rate”:

– Arm wounds had a lower mortality rate of 24%.

– Most people in ventricular tachycardia have a heart rate of at least 170 beats per minute.

– The taluk had a literacy rate of 73.87.

– The carbocation intermediate formed in the reaction’s rate limiting step is an “sp” hybridized orbitalhybridized carbon with trigonal planar molecular geometry.

– The district had an average literacy rate of 65.96%, higher than the national average of 64.8% and the state average of 57.36%.

– Essentially, transfer pricing in banking is the method of assigning the interest rate risk of the bank to the various funding sources and uses of the enterprise.

– Average literacy rate of Navi Mumbai city is 91.57 percent of which male and female literacy was 95.05 and 87.33 percent.

- Arm wounds had a lower mortality rate of 24%.

- Most people in ventricular tachycardia have a heart rate of at least 170 beats per minute.
- The taluk had a literacy rate of 73.87.

– The taluk had a literacy rate of 72.65.

– It has a very high complication rate and is now banned in the United States and many other countries.

– Global population is going up, but the population growth rate is declining all over the world.

– The death rate was higher than the birth rate in 2010, but has since slowly reversed.

– The unemployment rate in Merced as of June 2014 is 14.10%.

More in-sentence examples of “rate”:

– As the humidity increases, the rate of evaporation decreases.

– Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails.

– The pups have a very slow growth rate and remain within nursery grounds for quite a long time, where they are in less danger from predators.

– Three different colors are used to rate the difficulty of the trail.

– BASE jumping has a death rate averaging about one fatality for every sixty jumpers.

– The population growth rate for 2013 is estimated to be 0.46%.

– Nowadays it usually means lending at a high, often extortionate rate of interest on a loan.

– Adult Literacy rate in Jarral is more than 80%.

– In these times the rate of extinction can be much higher.

– By the late 1990s, the birth rate had fallen so low that Lee’s successor Goh Chok Tong extended these incentives to all married women, and gave even more incentives, such as the ‘baby bonus’ scheme.

– With total population of 38,749, in 29 March infection rate is 1 case per 472 people.

– During this period of political struggle, the rate of lynchings in the South reached an all-time high.

– The millage rate is the amount of taxes levied per $1,000 of property value.

– The lowest rate was 10 per cent in Urban areaurban Bangladesh.

– Ofsted rate the school as ‘outstanding’.

– South Goa has a sex ratio of 980 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 85.53%.

– The rate of evaporation depends on the liquid’s exposed surface area.

– Most skydivers also equip themselves with small barometric computers that will automatically activate the reserve parachute if the skydiver has not deployed a parachute to reduce his rate of descent by a preset altitude.

– That means there was a rate of unemployment of 11.1 percent.

– Morgan to sell the bonds and to make interest rate swaps on its debt.

– One of the major reasons why the mortality rate was lower than in other European countries was the high number of tests performed in Norway.

– The syndrome has a very low rate of survival.

– But methanol fuel cells have low output densities as its reacting rate is slow.

– The trip was fast, but the rate of people dying was the highest in the history of transportation to Australia.

– A higher metabolic rate affects the whole of their lives, and is the main reason why they have shorter lives than large animals.

– Glendale is known for its low crime rate and being one of the safest cities in the United States.

- As the humidity increases, the rate of evaporation decreases.

- Failure rate is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails.
- The pups have a very slow growth rate and remain within nursery grounds for quite a long time, where they are in less danger from predators.

– A large production of seeds that are spread by the wind and rapid growth rate all contribute to its ability to invade native habitats, which suffer a loss of species diversity.

– Mathematically, jerk is the derivative, or the rate of change of acceleration by time.

– Infant Mortality Rate for 2005 9.95.

– The rate of babies delivered through Cesarean section varies: It is at a record level of 46% in China; levels of 25% and above are common in many Asian and European countries, Latin America, and the United States.

– Jianguo Liu of Michigan State University, the rate of destruction is higher after the reserve’s creation than before its creation.

– The forward rate k was found to decrease by a factor of 4.5 going from cyclohexane to methanol.

– In 1991, Barak valley have 22 thousand christians but in the year of 2021, it have grown to almost 1.3 lakh approximately due to high rate of conversion from various church denomination of the valley.

– This is because during the cast the line is coming off the reel at a high rate of speed.

– A differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves variables like x or y, as well as the rate at which those variables change.

– Something has to be done to remove the things that are harmful to their survival, and their rate of reproduction needs to increase.

– The taluk had a literacy rate of 77.3.

– The normal jails could no longer sustain the rate of new inmates and the Ustaša government started preparing the grounds what would become the Jasenovac concentration camp by July 1941.

– It meant that each country had to have a monetary policy that kept the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value—plus or minus one percent—in terms of gold.

– This slow birth rate makes their populations vulnerable in present-day circumstances.

– The taluk had a literacy rate of 64.96.

– This newer specification and corresponding products allow a transfer rate of 786.432 Mbit/s.

– It was the lowest jobless rate of the Regierungsbezirk Chemnitz.

– In mathematics, the derivative is a way to show instantaneous rate of change: that is, the amount by which a function is changing at one given point.

– The infection rate was higher in care homes than in the community.

– Catalysis is using a catalyst to change the rate of a chemical reaction.

– In Manipur, the literacy rate of the Zou tribes is low and it is around 61.6 percent according to 2001 Census report.

– In this type of graph, a wide base means a very high birth rate and a narrow base means a low birth rate.

– The taluk had a literacy rate of 75.15.

– Because the program and data cannot be accessed at the same time, the data transfer rate is smaller than the rate the CPU can work, limiting the effective processing speed of the CPU.

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