Some in-sentence examples of “phenomenon”

How to use in-sentence of “phenomenon”:

– This commercial success has led to bands such as the Arctic Monkeys being both successful in the extreme and being championed by the NME; a phenomenon not seen since Britpop.

– The resulting response by the total magnetization of the nuclear spins is the phenomenon that is used in Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyNMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging.

– In 1898, Marie CurieMarie and Pierre Curie called this phenomenon radioactive decay.

– Many legends are associated with the aurora in all countries where this phenomenon regularly occurs.

– The first person to give a correct scientific explanation of this phenomenon was Mikhail Lomonosov, around 1750.

Some in-sentence examples of phenomenon
Some in-sentence examples of phenomenon

Example sentences of “phenomenon”:

- This phenomenon was first discovered by the brothers Danil and Yakov Doubochinski in 1968–69.

- More precisely, it is the square of the amplitude that gives the probability of some phenomenon showing up.

– This phenomenon was first discovered by the brothers Danil and Yakov Doubochinski in 1968–69.

– More precisely, it is the square of the amplitude that gives the probability of some phenomenon showing up.

– While economies in the pre-industrialization period grew extensively, intensive growth is a relatively recent phenomenon that came with modern economic growth.

– Food shortages and epidemics, as well as discontent with the British fed the movement.  The most influential person in this phenomenon was Neolin, known as the “Delaware Prophet”.

– A phenomenon sometimes called “auto-mimicry” is when the model belongs to the same species as the mimic.

– She researched the phenomenon of “hidden children” during World War II and wrote four books on the subject in the 1990s.

– This phenomenon is called a red tide, from the color the bloom imparts to the water.

– Nuclear magnetic resonance is the physical phenomenon in which magnetic nuclei in a magnetic field absorb, then re-emit electromagnetic radiation.

– Below the cutoff frequency, the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect stops altogether.

– In the evening, it is the other way around and that phenomenon is called dusk.

– The Genovese crime family is one of the “Five Families” that controls organized crime activities in New York City, within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the Mafia.

– This difference is due to the phenomenon of surface tension or wall tension.

– The phenomenon of programmed cell death was first described by Carl Vogt in 1842.

– The serial position effect is a Psychologypsychological phenomenon that suggests that people are more likely to remember the first and last items on a list, rather than the middle ones.

More in-sentence examples of “phenomenon”:

- The phenomenon is better understood if we assume that the inherited trait is controlled by a large number of recessive genes.

- Penang's proximity with the island of Sumatra makes it susceptible to dust particles carried by wind from perennial but transient forest fires, creating a phenomenon known as the Southeast Asian haze.

– The phenomenon is better understood if we assume that the inherited trait is controlled by a large number of recessive genes.

– Penang’s proximity with the island of Sumatra makes it susceptible to dust particles carried by wind from perennial but transient forest fires, creating a phenomenon known as the Southeast Asian haze.

– Inspired by the cultural phenomenon that online video gaming has become, and the series creators’ personal online experiences; the series actually spawned from a project for film school.

– So, critics came to the idea to call that phenomenon artivism.

– The phenomenon of rupture and flow in solids.

– A vortex is a dynamic phenomenon of fluids.

– The new century brings the phenomenon of “open-source” or “open-content” record label.

– The phenomenon was booming in Sweden by the late and mid 1980s.

– Since the colour phenomenon relies on the adjacency of light and dark, there are two ways to produce a spectrum: with a light beam in a dark room, and with a dark beam i.e.

– It is also the site of the “Lake Mungo geomagnetic excursion” the first convincing evidence that Geomagnetic excursions are a geomagnetic phenomenon rather than sedimentological.

– Since the engines turn very fast, a phenomenon known as thermal inertia helps to keep the plug glowing as the engine runs.

– Abstractions may be formed by reducing the information content of a concept or a phenomenon as viewed, often to keep only the information which is needed for a particular purpose.

– This phenomenon is a kind of hysteresis.

– This phenomenon can still be seen today, most notably in a place called Griffith Park where water rises out of the ground and feeds the river.

– It is believed to be a widespread phenomenon in the Solar System and beyond.

– Nematodes have a fixed, genetically determined number of cells, a phenomenon known as eutely.

– A large number of body plans appeared nearly simultaneously at the start of the era—a phenomenon known as the Cambrian Explosion.

– This weather phenomenon is known as Catatumbo lightning.

– Many historians now believe that Harry Truman was a great president.<!– Ethical dilemmas are a common phenomenon in organizations, governments, management, and individuals.

– Although the McGurk effect’s importance may seem isolated to just psychological researchers and scientists, this phenomenon has been expanded to everyday audio and visual speech perception as well.

– Electrical conductance is an electric chargeelectrical phenomenon where a material contains movable particles with electric charge, which can carry electricity.

– The phenomenon known as planetshine happens when sunlight from a planet lights the dark side of one of its moons.

– The concept of the general store is very old, and although some still exist, there are far fewer than there once were, due to urbanization, urban sprawl, and the relatively recent phenomenon of big-box stores.

– This is called pleiotropism, a widespread phenomenon in genetics.

– An interesting example of culturally transmitted learning in birds was the phenomenon dating from the 1960s of blue tits teaching one another how to open traditional British milk bottles with foil tops, to get at the cream underneath.

– It follows that the phenomenon must be extremely common, since most genes will have effects in more than one tissue.

– This is due to a phenomenon called the Plateau–Rayleigh instability, which is entirely a consequence of the effects of surface tension.

– The liquid-drop model is able to reproduce many features of nuclei, including the general trend of binding energy with respect to mass number, as well as the phenomenon of nuclear fission.

– La Niña is a coupled ocean atmosphere phenomenon that is counterpart to El Niño.

– Once he was called upon to perform an exorcism, and in order to demonstrate that this phenomenon was more due to suggestibility than anything else, in performing a spurious exorcism on the “possessed” subject, he read from Bocaccio’s famous bawdy work the “Decameron”.

– However, if the excited atom has been previously ionized, in particular if one of its inner shell electrons has been removed, a phenomenon known as the Auger effect may take place where the quantity of energy is transferred to one of the bound electrons causing it to go into the continuum.

– This phenomenon states that the information a physical system has can be lost when it enters a black hole.

– These groups include such a wide range of different types that lt is difficult to say how common the phenomenon is.

– Likewise, the Florida Panthers attempted to draft Russian hockey phenomenon Alexander Ovechkin in 2003, even though his birthday was two days after the cut-off.

– It is noted for the phenomenon of the Brocken spectre and for witches’ revels which reputably took place there on Walpurgis night.

– The show is such a massive phenomenon that I can’t quite believe I am going to be a part of it.

– One thing that can be the source of that phenomenon might be the Introduced speciesintroduction of the common starling from Europe.

– Closely related to light deflection is the gravitational time delay, the phenomenon that light signals take longer to move through a gravitational field than they would in the absence of that field.

– Galton’s explanation for the regression phenomenon he observed is now known to be incorrect.

– The University of Washington studied this phenomenon with crows: There is a tradeoff between acquiring costly information firsthand and learning that information socially.

– This phenomenon is called reborrowing.

– This phenomenon is called aposematism.

– A phenomenon is an observable event or, quite literally, something that can be seen.

– This Earth light reflected on the Moon’s darkened near-side half is bright enough to be visible from Earth – a phenomenon known as Earthshine.

– As regards the kilogram, relativity’s effect upon the constancy of matter’s mass is simply an interesting scientific phenomenon that has zero effect on the definition of the kilogram and its practical realizations.

– Near Pharwala Fort it cuts through a high mountain range and that is a wonderful phenomenon of nature.

– The phenomenon was first described in Griffith’s experiment of 1928, which suggested DNA was the material of heredity.

– In addition to all these, one of the major contributions of medical anthropology has come from it’s ability to help explain health phenomenon and create and test hypothesis relating to such explanations, in a way that epidemiologists have been unable to due to their strict focus on quantitative data.

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