Some in-sentence examples of “penicillin”

How to use in-sentence of “penicillin”:

– Fungi producing the antibiotic penicillin and those that cause athlete’s foot and yeast infections are imperfect fungi.

– Many common antibiotics such as penicillin that target cell walls do not affect mycoplasma.

– Rarely, patients who are allergic to penicillin get a fever, vomit, or have serious skin irritation.

– The most common Aminoglycosides used as alternatives to Penicillin are Erythromycin lit.

– After penicillin was discovered as a cure in the 1940s, researchers did not give penicillin to any study participants.

– Sheehan at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology did the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957.

– Florey’s most important work was turning penicillin into the first antibiotic.

Some in-sentence examples of penicillin
Some in-sentence examples of penicillin

Example sentences of “penicillin”:

- After accidentally finding penicillin he studied ways to use it.

- Instead, people with neurosyphilis usually need to be given large doses of penicillin for at least 10 days.

– After accidentally finding penicillin he studied ways to use it.

– Instead, people with neurosyphilis usually need to be given large doses of penicillin for at least 10 days.

– In 1943, it was officially decided that penicillin worked for syphilis.

– His accidental finding of penicillin in the year 1928 marked the start of today’s antibiotics.

– Methicillin-resistant “Staphylococcus aureus” is “Staphylococcus aureus” that is not cured by the antibiotic Methicillin or any other penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics.

– At that time, penicillin was used as a treatment for syphilis, and often cured the disease.

– Because of this, a single shot of penicillin – which will usually cure early syphilis – is not enough to cure neurosyphilis.

– Even after the 1940s, when the researchers knew penicillin could cure these people, they refused to let them get treatment or even tell them that penicillin could help them.

– Because it is such a popular antibiotic, penicillin is the most common cause of serious allergic reactions to a drug.

– Antibiotics from this family can be used in patients who are not able to take some regular antibiotics, such as Penicillin because of allergies.

– They found that penicillin was the most interesting.

– In fact, it is now resistant to all forms of penicillin and cephalosporin.

– During World War II, Woodward was an advisor to the War Production Board on the penicillin project.

– Because penicillin and cephalosporin are the most important drugs that doctors use to treat “Staphylococcus aureus” infections, doctors may not be able to cure people with MRSA.

– He shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, with Alexander Fleming and Howard Florey, for the discovery of penicillin and how it could cure bacterial infections.

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