Some in-sentence examples of “life support”

How to use in-sentence of “life support”:

+ Emergency departments follow basic advanced cardiac life support protocols, which include keeping a patient’s blood pressure and blood saturation at acceptable levels.

+ On June 25, 1990, the Court decided it was legal to require “clear and convincing evidence” that stopping life support is what a person would have wanted.

+ The medical team and the child’s parents disagreed about whether to keep Evans’ life support or to remove it, resulting in a legal battle.

+ The vastly greater travel times involved would require a life support system.

+ He was disconnected from life support and died on September 21, 1987 at the age of 35 at a hospital in Fort Lauderdale.

+ On February 27, 2013 rumors said that his daughter stopped the life support on February 23.

+ He was taken off life support over 12 hours later, quarter to midnight and was pronounced dead at 12:08 am on 9 September 1976.

Some in-sentence examples of life support
Some in-sentence examples of life support

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