Some in-sentence examples of “lie”

How to use in-sentence of “lie”:

– They are said to devour those who would present false information to or otherwise lie to Odin.

– Vienna and Johnny depart, hopeful that better days lie ahead.

– Barbaros Agri uses the social networking site Facebook to advocate anti-Armenianism by being the creator of “The Biggest Lie Ever Told: The Armenian Genocide”.

– He is known for his works on probability theory and ergodic theory methods to other areas of mathematics, including number theory and Lie groups.

– The name of the game likely descended from the French “poque”, which descended from the German “pochen but it is not clear whether the origins of poker itself lie with the games bearing those names.

– You can lie to your friends, family, but you cannot lie to God and yourself.

Some in-sentence examples of lie
Some in-sentence examples of lie

Example sentences of “lie”:

– I know that strength does not lie in numbers, in this case, but I still think we should do more in this regard.

– Often the purpose of a white lie is to protect someone from being upset.

– Dynkin especially worked in Semisimple Lie groupsemisimple Lie groups, Lie algebras, and Markov processes.

– Along one axis lie the galleries and along the other axis lie the administrative buildings.

– Snow may lie from more than a month to 105 days, but not at coastal or very low altitudes.

– Before blooming, the petals are crumpled in bud, and as blooming finishes, the petals often lie flat before falling away.

– Deep inside the medial temporal lobes lie the hippocampus, which is essential for memory function – particularly the transfer from short to long term memory and control of spatial memory and behaviour.

– Part of the former state of PEPSU, including the southeastern portion of the state around Jind and the Narnaul enclave, presently lie within the state of Haryana, which was separated from Punjab on 1 November 1966.

– An Earth-like planet would have to lie three times the distance of Pluto for its star to appear the same size in the sky as our own sun.

- I know that strength does not lie in numbers, in this case, but I still think we should do more in this regard.

- Often the purpose of a white lie is to protect someone from being upset.
- Dynkin especially worked in Semisimple Lie groupsemisimple Lie groups, Lie algebras, and Markov processes.

– German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt explains that taboos were originally nothing other than an objectified fear of a “demonic” power which was believed to lie hidden in a tabooed object.

– He took the scythe, and lay in wait for Uranos to come down to Earth to lie with Gaia.

– He was brought back to the Philippines and his remains still lie in a refrigerated crypt in Batac, Ilocos Norte until today because the current administration refuses to grant the former president a burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani where other former presidents of the Philippines who died are buried.

– After horseback riding on 11 February 1689, she felt a severe pain in the abdomen which forced her to lie down the rest of the evening.

– Slater and Gabriel won the Tag Team Championship on the next Raw when Barrett ordered Otunga to lie down and be pinned on purpose.

– He also told news reporters a lie about Jumbo saving both the dwarf elephant and Scotty, then turning to face the train alone and head-on.

More in-sentence examples of “lie”:

- As Secretary General, Lie supported the foundation of Israel and Indonesia.

- Terrain is used as a general term in physical geography, referring to the lie of the land.

– As Secretary General, Lie supported the foundation of Israel and Indonesia.

– Terrain is used as a general term in physical geography, referring to the lie of the land.

– He is best known for his singles “Riot”, “No Lie “I’m Different” and “Birthday Song”.

– In addition, there are about 29,000 square miles which lie outside the Indus basin but are dependent on the Indus river system for their water requirements and irrigation supplies.

– The Soviet Union fell in the 1990s and Central Asia split up into the many smaller countries that lie within or partially within the Amu Darya basin.

– But after an edit or two, it is clear that their edits are not sourced correctly or not sourced at all and highly biased, when asked if they have a COI, or are paid to do this, they lie and say ‘No I aren’t’, I then block User A after being repeatably warned not to do this again.

– With winter setting in, everyone works to create a functioning community that will help them endure the frigid months that lie ahead, and Asael reluctantly finds himself caught in the crossfire of his older siblings’ rivalry.

– They lie south of the Southern Uplands Fault line that runs from Ballantrae on the Ayrshire coast northeastwards to Dunbar in East Lothian on the North Sea coast, a distance of some The term is used both to describe the geographical region and to collectively denote the various ranges of hills within this region.

– The Indian rupee is also accepted in towns in Nepal which lie near the border with India.

– A number of craters lie within this range.

– Links inserted by named identifiers are presumed to lie behind a paywall or registration barrier – exceptions listed below.

– The largest of the low-pressure systems are the extratropical cyclones and the cold-core polar cyclones which lie on the synoptic scale which in meteorology is a horizontal length of 1000km or more.

– The majority of the islands and sandbars lie in the province of Friesland.

– The Baltoro Muztagh is to the north and east of the glacier, while the Masherbrum Mountains lie to the south.

– During a two year period, Hamsun made visits to Strømme; Hamsun would lie on a divan while being psychoanalyzed, and Strømme would sit behind Hamsun.

– Numbers lie – they always will – and aren’t a true representation of the wiki.

– In particular, during their hydrogen burning period, stars lie along a curve in the diagram called the main sequence.

– The Cotswolds lie within the current ceremonial counties of Englandceremonial counties of Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire.

– The Grenadines islands lie between the islands of Saint Vincent in the north and Grenada in the south.

– A Prism is a three-dimensional shape, which consists of two identical polygons, which do not lie in the same axis.

– Then, lie down on your bed facing the roof of your house whre you hanged the spear”.

– Cosmologically the Dvipas and Sagaras depict the entire Cosmos, though in Cartiography, all the Dvipas and Sagaras are shown to lie in the Southern Hemisphere.

– The islands of the Dutch Caribbean Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, which lie in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela, represent the submerged tops of the northern edge of the Andes range.

– Madrid laughed at his grim humour; ministers feared his vitriolic pen and courted him assiduously; he defended Liberalism against the Carlist rebellion; he was elected as deputy for Ávila, and a great career seemed to lie before him.

– Mesocyclones are normally relatively very small in size; they lie between the synoptic scale.

– It is also famous for its beach, Portuguese colonial architecture, churches, and for the scenic beauty in the twin towns of Nani-Daman and Moti-Daman, which lie opposite each other across the Daman Ganga.

– Some Neurologyneurologists believe that rabies might lie at the base of the myth.

– In 1940, when Norway was invaded by Germany, Lie ordered all Norwegian ships to sail to Allied ports.

– Green is traditionally associated with the Jebel al Akhdar, or “Green Mountains” which lie toward the north of the country.

– Rich Romans would lie on couches with roses laid on them.

– The probability that a randomly-chosen point will lie in that quarter-circle depends on the area of the circle.

– He had to lie about his age as he was still to young to join the army.

– He has made guest appearances in panel shows such as “Mock the Week” and “Would I Lie to You?”.

– But Uriah does not go home, saying, “The ark and Israel and Judah are staying in tents…How could I go to my house…and lie with my wife?” 2 Samuel 11:11 NIV His devotion shows how sinful David is.

– They lie and float on the upper mantle.

– The frequencies used by this bat species for echolocation lie between 45–76 kHz, have most energy at 47 kHz and have an average duration of 5.6 ms.

– Christian terrorism is a form of terrorism where the terrorists claim their motivations lie in their ChristianityChristian religion.

– His supposed historical reign is believed to lie within the period 2700 to 2500 BC, 200–400 years before the earliest known written stories.

– The Rhine Falls are the largest waterfalls in Europe and lie on the border of the canton of Schaffhausen, the canton of Zurich and Germany.

– As the wind blows all year round, everything in Marado including trees, houses, grasses lie flat on the ground.

– Tokyo’s northernmost and westernmost points lie in Okutama, as does Lake Okutama, an important source of water for Tokyo, located above the Ogōchi Dam in the town.

– Polar storms lie in the wake of the polar front.

– The Romani languageRomani language, whose roots lie in the Indo-Greek Kingdom, is now an official language in many countries of Europe under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

– Due to its lower density, hot oceanic lithosphere does not lie so deep as old, cool oceanic lithosphere.

– The Oort cloud may lie about 50,000 astronomical unitAU, or nearly a light-year, from the Sun.

– The roaring, blinding flames lie undisturbed in an enchanted sleep.

– A movie for “Your Lie in April” was released on 10 September 2016.

– Crocodiles can lie very still for up to one hour.

– The highest point in Guyana and the highest point of the Brazilian state of Roraima lie on the plateau, but Venezuela and Brazil have higher mountains elsewhere.

– And think about the shroudless thousands who lie so nobly beneath thee.

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