Some in-sentence examples of “keep out”

How to use in-sentence of “keep out”:

– The town has about 1700 people, many of whom live in underground houses to keep out of the heat.

– Glass was used later in the Middle Ages, but windows had shutters to keep out the cold and the weather.

– Roof tiles are designed mainly to keep out rain, and are traditionally made from locally available materials such as clay or slate.

– The top would be covered with a pile of rocks to keep out the animals.

– They also keep out rain, direct sunshine, and noise.

– If there are words you want to keep out of the search, you can write a hyphen and put the words in double quotation marks.

– His health was poor and he found it hard to keep out of debt.

Some in-sentence examples of keep out
Some in-sentence examples of keep out

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