Some in-sentence examples of “keep”

How to use in-sentence of “keep”:

– There are many theories of how to run a government better, and keep people from hurting each other.

– Lisa tells Bart to go along with it so that they have enough time to figure out how to save Lou because she thinks that Cletus will not keep Lou if Bart doesn’t want to get married to Mary.

– This helps keep the courts independent.

– The outside wall angle was changed to help keep cars inside the track.

– MediaWiki offers a collection of special pages and tools to keep track of what is going on in the wiki.

– A revert war, or change war, is where two or more people keep on reverting to their own version.

– God’s curse would keep him from being King of Jerusalem.

– Though Dunham never missed major events such as birthdays, his work would keep him away from home two and a half to three weeks a month, which proved difficult for the family.

Some in-sentence examples of keep
Some in-sentence examples of keep

Example sentences of “keep”:

- Until then, the fairy requested that Hulda keep it safe for her while she was gone.

- The fishermen catch the tuna at sea, and then they keep the tuna in these farms.

– Until then, the fairy requested that Hulda keep it safe for her while she was gone.

– The fishermen catch the tuna at sea, and then they keep the tuna in these farms.

– His publisher purchased one and promised to keep the purchase a secret.

– I don’t think they are useful enough to keep and maintain.

– This lets the fire keep burning on its own for some time.

– Players can use this virtual cash to buy items for their characters in games that support a “Cash Shop.” The NEXON Cash system has appeared in other games to generate additional funds for their company and keep their games free to play.

– They create little pockets of slow air, which make it easier for the fuel to keep burning.

– Ferns do not have waxes or special cells on their surface that keep water from evaporating.

– The library has to keep and develop a national collection of library material.

– The couple try their best to keep their lesbian affairs secret.

– He gives Bart a baseball bat so he can keep spying on the Simpson family.

– The Australian Electoral Commission tries to keep the names of original Federation electorates.

More in-sentence examples of “keep”:

– Usually they were trained from young age and had to keep a very specific physical shape.

– In most cultures it is normal to keep parts of the body covered.

– The first lines would stab at their opponents, at the same time try to keep in position.

– Gorillas usually keep their wrists straight when they knuckle-walk.

– If you don’t have another reason, and just keep this one, it’ll show that you are more immature than Shappy and comments about his maturity on EN have nothing to do with him on simple.

– However, more people voted to keep having just one assembly.

– Since Hunter is an original Federation electorate, the Australian Electoral Commission’s guidelines for redistributions means it has to try and keep the Hunter name.

– Scientists also keep working on creating antiviral drugs to treat attacks of dengue fever and keep people from getting severe complications.

– By ‘fractional reserve banking’ is meant banks who do not keep enough reserves to cover their debts.

– Thirty-one trail clubs and many partners help keep it usable.

– Companies might get subsidies to help keep people in work.

– John’s friends keep asking why he decided to “run off” so quickly.

– The simplest building is just a roof to keep the space beneath dry, or shady.

– The main idea is that the processes serve to keep them alive by homeostasis.

– In zero gravity, the astronauts do not use their legs very much, so they need to get lots of exercise to keep them from becoming too weak.

– This has the advantage of saving energy during times when they cannot get enough food to keep up the higher temperature.

– The advantages of using a genealogy database are that it helps to keep the data organized, especially when relationships change; it can generate several types of charts or tables with the data filled in; it may make it easier to share data with others; and it takes up less room than paper and notebooks.

– Under Harold Wesson, the company manufactured other items to try to keep up profits.

– After the war, Frederick William did not keep the promises he had made in 1813 to supply Prussia with a constitution.

– This means that when people start taking the drug, they will want to keep taking more, even if it is making them sick.

– To keep other kakapos out of their territory, they make a ‘skraaarking’ sound.

– Steampunks are very fond of particular machines and these keep re-appearing as themes in fiction or in costume.

– These healthy bacteria keep “C.

– Many people looted so then the Army had to come in to keep the peace, but there were reports of the army looting as well.

– The Christians were able to keep France and other European countries.

– Wheelchairs can have extra cushions and other parts added to improve support if the wheelchair user cannot keep their body in a good sitting position, or to make the wheelchair more comfortable to sit in.

– To keep people from panicking and fighting back, the Nazis told the prisoners they were going to shower and get deloused.

– When they walk on the ground, gibbons hold their long arms in the air to keep them from dragging.Pous, Dinora “Blue Planet Level 5”.

– The Fremen have many rituals that keep water safe.

– The goal of CPR is to force blood and oxygen to keep flowing through the body.

– In law, the term deterrence is used to describe the situation where punishment or threat is used to keep people from committing a crime.

– A criminal gang called the Beagle Boys keep trying to steal Scrooge’s money.

– His house was a safe place to keep pictures and other things from the Louvre when GermanyGerman soldiers were in France.

– The Fact that alot turkish media talk mention this player shown much notable for the page to be * Keep and player was mentioned on live transfer move to arsenal on the sun newspaper UK in January seems the deal didn’t go throughsock strike.

– Prinz Eugen” shifted its fire towards “Prince of Wales” to keep both British ships under fire and scored a couple of hits on “Wales.” “Prinz Eugen” was ordered to move behind “Bismarck” to keep track of “Norfolk” and “Suffolk.” At 06:00 “Hood” was completing her second turn to the left when “Bismarck’s” salvo hit.

– If any Man shall offer to run away, or keep any Secret from the Company, he shall be marooned with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm, and Shot.

– At this point Lee’s main problem became how to keep his army from being destroyed.

– He received the nickname “Stompin’ Tom” when Boyd MacDonald, a waiter at the King George Tavern introduced him as “Stompin’ Tom Connors” and because he used to stomp the heel of his left boot to keep rhythm during his songs.

– This mode is very useful for articles about software products whose vendors keep releasing updates or newer versions.

– These opponents sometimes become tougher targets because of the hostages they keep so near to them.

– Building from that one planet, he/she later has the option to keep on developing that planet or to expand his/her colony to include up to as many planets they can afford to build, originally 9 planets.

– He asked the crowd who he should keep under his belt by mentioning names of WCW wrestlers and asking for a reaction.

– It can be used in curtains to insulate windows and keep heat indoors.

– When he was sent back home after the war, he was allowed to keep both the manuscript of the book he had been writing and his pet starling.

– Among the things mentioned are that religions help keep a psychological equilibrium and that they provide a certain amount of stability to a society.

- Usually they were trained from young age and had to keep a very specific physical shape.

- In most cultures it is normal to keep parts of the body covered.

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