Some in-sentence examples of “influence”

How to use in-sentence of “influence”:

– First ladies have focused on different causes and have had a strong influence in a range of sectors, from public opinion on policy to fashion.

– While the other party argue that popular culture articles are at the same value of historical figures because of their importance and influence on modern society and technology.

– There is also the fear of spirits, the dead, and of magic, which influence everyday life.

– He had more influence on music in Europe than any other composer of the 15th century.

– They have had a lot of influence in many countries.

– His family used his money and influence to make Romanus the pope.

– Having a schizophrenic parent may be very stressful, and there may also be genes that influence the development of schizophrenia.

Some in-sentence examples of influence
Some in-sentence examples of influence

Example sentences of “influence”:

– He sought to preserve his city’s freedom and to establish an alliance against Macedon, in an unsuccessful attempt to impede Philip’s plans to expand his influence southwards by conquering all the Greek states.

– What this IP editor does however is point out something; this may influence other editors to vote in a certain way; so this action is perfectly legitimate.

– But this study had no great influence on government policy or on World Trade OrganizationWTO, IMF or G8 economic and trade policy.

– Holdsworth has been called as an influence by such renowned rock musicrock, metal and jazz guitarists as Eddie Van Halen,Obrecht, Jas.

– Studies found that other factors influence the peak-end rule.

– From the nineties on, new archaeological evidence from Northern European prehistoric cultures was put forward on the influence and expansion of Kurgan cultures.

– However, depending on the political set-up, governments can sometimes have almost total control over monetary policy if they are allowed to influence or control their central bank.

– Kakadu’s coast and the creeks and river systems under tidal influence make up this landform.

– Modern research has shown quite clearly that genetic inheritance does influence psychological aspects of life, not just physical aspects.

– It was about being against the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War.

– Manet reflected the influence of Spanish painting in “The Fifer”.

– Also, as individuals they frequently have significant influence on other notable family members.

- He sought to preserve his city's freedom and to establish an alliance against Macedon, in an unsuccessful attempt to impede Philip's plans to expand his influence southwards by conquering all the Greek states.

- What this IP editor does however is point out something; this may influence other editors to vote in a certain way; so this action is perfectly legitimate.
- But this study had no great influence on government policy or on World Trade OrganizationWTO, IMF or G8 economic and trade policy.

More in-sentence examples of “influence”:

– It is a larger form of argument than logical argument, because in a debate, the debaters try to influence the feelings of the audience, in order to persuade them on a topic.

– It is not safe to drive under the influence of any intoxicant.

– He had a very important influence on Johann Sebastian Bach.

– However, it also had an important influence on historiography, David Levin, “History as Romantic Art: Bancroft, Prescott, and Parkman” ch.

– While he was the leader, the Knights of Labor had the most members and most influence it ever had.

– She also wrote comedies that had a great influence on many writers to come.

– Due to Tiffany’s dominant influence on the style, the term ‘Tiffany lamp’ or ‘Tiffany style lamp’ often refers to stained leaded glass lamps.

– Scotland and England had already independently had much influence over Ireland since 1200.

– British influence grew, until Charles Belgrave became an advisor; Belgrave brought modern education to Bahrain.

– The trust continues to exercise an international influence on housing and town planning generally.

– James Sidney Edouard, Baron Ensor was a Flemish peopleFlemish-Belgian painter and printmaker, an important influence on expressionism and surrealism who lived in Ostend for almost his entire life.

– Being taught by Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson, it was when Zhimo started working on poetries that showed influence of English romantic literature.

– While China was never actually taken over by Europeans, many European countries, such as Britain and France built spheres of influence in China.

– Commedia dell’arte had a lot of influence on theatre plays in many countries.

– A lot of people think that she was one of the best singers of her time, and along with Louis Armstrong, she was an important influence on later jazz singers.

– SFT tries to influence public policy decisions within government institutions.

– Italian cultural and historic presence in Dalmatia is related to the Italian influence in Dalmatia from the historical and cultural points of view.

– Aztect and christian are the main influence of it.

– In his book “Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races de Gobineau states that the mix of races has a bad influence on culture.

– In 1838, he used his political influence to persuade Congress to form an independent army unit separate from the Corps of Engineers called the Corps of Topographical Engineers.

– Obrecht himself was a big influence on Josquin, even though Josquin was older than Obrecht.

– This name has changed by some Arab countries since the 1960s, there was no act until the early 1960s does a major new development occur with the adoption by the Arab states bordering on the Gulf of the new expression “al-Khalīj al-ʻArabī” as a weapon against Iran for political influence in the Gulf.

– The book had an important influence on the development of optics and on science in general because it introduced the experimental scientific method.

– These of course have an influence on the economic systems of the countries that have them.

- It is a larger form of argument than logical argument, because in a debate, the debaters try to influence the feelings of the audience, in order to persuade them on a topic.

- It is not safe to drive under the influence of any intoxicant.
- He had a very important influence on Johann Sebastian Bach.

– The British now had influence over the Nawab.

– The United Kingdom has strong economic, cultural, military and political influence and is a nuclear power.

– The shapesused also influence how accurate the approximation is.

– Both feared that if they saw the countries as independent, they could come under the influence of the other western powers.

– Although he was stunned by the offer, Pizarro had no intention of releasing the Inca because he needed the ruler’s influence over the native people to maintain order in the surrounding country.

– Milan is the fashion capital of the world and its important influence on design, economics, opera, and the media make it amongst the world’s top 18 Global cities, along with Moscow, Buenos Aires and Kuala Lumpur.

– That was to influence local cultures and languages to become more like those of Russia.

– After Moody’s departure from the band, Lee dismissed the public assumption that Evanescence’s music would be softer and that “all the sappy stuff comes from “, explaining that Moody was “more about the pop influence and being commercial” while she wanted to do “the more artistic, weird thing”.

– They had a very big influence on the culture of these countries.

– In physics, energy is the capacity to do work; the influence required to perform an action.

– A second example, taking influence from Aalto, is the second-generation modernist architect Juha Leiviskä.

– A second and final influence came from the Eastern Roman Empire when emperor Heraclius was able to take control of Caucasian Albania in 627 AD with help from the Gokturks of the Western Turkic Khaganate, in the Third Perso-Turkic War.

– He is cited as being an influence to many different rappers.

– The character Kitty Pryde from the X-Men comic was an early Model model for Whedon’s strong teenage girl characters: “If there’s a bigger influence on Buffy than Kitty, I don’t know what it was.

– For some time he had so much influence in Norwegian culture that he got the nickname “The Godfather”, even though he has always considered himself a down-to-earth musician.

– Neither civil society nor individual citizens in these states have any influence on the decisions taken in the process of national wealth distribution.

– Driving under the influence of marijuana is also still illegal.

– Buddhism began to spread in some areas of Kingdom Wu, and the influence of Daoism continued expanding.

– In Asia it had an influence on early Islamic architecture.

– This included more African-Americans moving to the North, where their political influence grew.

– The kabbalah has a great influence on the Jewish spiritual life.

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