Some in-sentence examples of “in general”

How to use in-sentence of “in general”:

– He was appointed professor 1985 in general history at Åbo Akademi.

– But it’s the most accurate answer I can give in general terms.

– According to members of the Nooksack Tribal Council, Native Americans in general see “squaw” as an insulting word.

– The relief is just a bit hilly, with a predominance of a large plateau, in general low.

– A central idea in general relativity is the “principle of equivalence.” An example is that two people, one in an elevator sitting on the surface of the earth, and the other in an elevator in outer space accelerating at 9.8 m/s, will each observe the same behavior of an object they drop from their hand.

– This truce was strongly opposed by the Lords Justices and the Protestant community in general in Ireland.

– I suggest that WikiProject Video games is approved of in general and an admin should move the page to WP:Video games after a swift vote.

Some in-sentence examples of in general
Some in-sentence examples of in general

Example sentences of “in general”:

– This award should not be confused with the ACTRA Foster Hewitt Award, which was presented by ACTRA, the CanadaCanadian association of actors and broadcasters, for excellence in general sports broadcasting.

– He helped to hide or rescue several Polish people, including Jews, in General GovernmentNazi-German occupied Poland, and helped Polish-Jewish pianist and composer Władysław Szpilman to survive, hidden, in the ruins of Warsaw during the last months of 1944.

– He listened to music by Haydn and Mozart and became very interested in general knowledge.

– Unfortunately, this tribe has escaped the attention of social scientists in general and sociologists in particular.

– In addition to having written many books and articles dealing with Arabic literature in general and Iraqi Jewish Arabic literature in particular, he has been a major contributor to “Elaph”, the first online independent daily journal in the Arabic language.

– Compared to the members of Girls’ Generation the main focus of TTS is on the vocal ability of each member while the original group places more emphasis in general on songs and group performances.

– The state of the buildings at the station in general is bad, has been vandalized several times.

– He is also unhappy with his life in general and planning to commit suicide.

- This award should not be confused with the ACTRA Foster Hewitt Award, which was presented by ACTRA, the CanadaCanadian association of actors and broadcasters, for excellence in general sports broadcasting.

- He helped to hide or rescue several Polish people, including Jews, in General GovernmentNazi-German occupied Poland, and helped Polish-Jewish pianist and composer Władysław Szpilman to survive, hidden, in the ruins of Warsaw during the last months of 1944.

– In his “Course in General Linguistics”, Saussure first defines language and how it is involved in speech.

– Large mammals of the late ice age were in general larger than their descendants today.

– At that time, he worked in general relativity and mathematical physics.

– Ophiuroids in general are mostly scavengers or detritivores.

– The river flows in general to the northeast and gets into deep gorges in Lempdes-sur-Allagnon.

– The reason for doing this was that the badges were awarded to soldiers who experienced the hardships described in General Marshall’s memorandum.

More in-sentence examples of “in general”:

- In addition to performing very well in general in the Finals, his 101-degree fever in Game 4 didn't stop him from scoring the winning basket to tie the series 2-2.

- We're all human, we all make mistakes and in general this includes upsetting other people as a result.
- He did it by taking the story of the beginning of World War II as a basis of the oratorio, but he also made the work speak in general about the evil of this world.

– In addition to performing very well in general in the Finals, his 101-degree fever in Game 4 didn’t stop him from scoring the winning basket to tie the series 2-2.

– We’re all human, we all make mistakes and in general this includes upsetting other people as a result.

– He did it by taking the story of the beginning of World War II as a basis of the oratorio, but he also made the work speak in general about the evil of this world.

– The common name, a name that is in general use, is baby’s breath.

– In other words, all that can be known in advance about a particle in general are probabilityprobabilities, averages, and other statistical quantities associated with its physical quantities.

– In many cases, such faunal stages have been adopted in building the geological nomenclature, though in general there are far more recognized faunal stages than defined geological time units.

– It can be difficult to make a difference between erotic photography and pornography – in general erotic photography wants to arouse or stimulate the viewer.

– Council in general means a body that has the right to give advice or to administer.

– Unlike the term intergovernmental organization, “non-governmental organization” is a term in general use but is not a legal definition.

– Other references in the NT equate Christians in general with ‘saints’.

– Researchers in general say that 3-4 men are diagnosed for every woman that is diagnosed.

– Horses in general have been used for many years, for farm, racing, harness work and so forth.

– She wrote a book while she was there, called “Studies in General History”.

– Only the “Green Party of PakistanPakistan Greens” has publicly expressed support for their LGBT rights for its citizens in general and abroad and has called for greater public openness and awareness about Sexual orientations and gender identity issues.

– He was known for his interest in general relativity in the United States.

– The relationships of the owls in general are still unresolved.

– Miller Award for an Outstanding Recent Article in General Psychology.

– He can teach parents how to raise children, adults how to avoid problems and overcome any challenge in life, and in general he can make people feel close to God.

– The expiry “time” may not be displayed, and is not in general midnight UTC; it can be found in the, a link to which is shown in the template message at the top of the article.

– The unicameral National Assembly has 125 members who are directly Electionelected in general elections by the people for a five-year term and can be re-elected without any limit.

– After the Pakistan Muslim League secured majority in general elections held in 2013, Hussain was nominated and elected as President of Pakistan on 30 July 2013.

– Each gaming system has its own name for the gamemaster, such as “judge”, “narrator”, “referee”, “director”, or “storyteller”, and these names not only describe the role of the gamemaster in general but also help explain how the game is meant to be run.

– Some of the ideas of the Denishawn School of Dancing are quite Duncanesque, and the growth of modern dance in general owes something to her.

– Their peers also benefit when the concepts they learned in general education are reinforced in resource rooms.

– I’m sorry to everyone in general affected by this and I’m sorry to Barras personaly.

– The book had an important influence on the development of optics and on science in general because it introduced the experimental scientific method.

– Long fringe or long hair in general was also common.

– The Indian Government presently restricts access to the Nicobars by special permit, and in general non-Indian citizens are forbidden from visiting the Nicobar Islands.

– He invented calculus independently of Isaac NewtonNewton, and his notation for derivatives is the one in general use since then.

– I also tend to think of admin/tool access numbers as separate from editor numbers and in general they don’t limit the other but I realize thats coming from someone who as an editor is less active then most so…

– In Somalia there are limited sources of drinking water and grazing land, and disputes over grazing rights, water rights, or land in general can lead to fighting between families.

– This category includes articles related to monarchy as an institution, and other aspects of royalty in general and its types, including ruler titles, succession laws and related concepts.

– As governor, Kaine approved about $3.31 billion in general fund spending cuts.

– Even Bach’s music in general was forgotten by most people.

– The Border Ruffians also engaged in general violence against Free-State settlements.

– He worked in the field of General Relativity where he was known for introducing the term “event horizon”, Rindler coordinates, and for popularizing the use of spinors in general relativity.

– Nonetheless, the very existence of a Bangladesh state is a blow to the rhetoric of Islamic Unity that most Pakistanis and Muslims in general like to crow about.

– Despite being repeatedly accused of atheism by the political and military establishment, Faiz’s poetry, very popular amongst the masses, suggested his complicated relationship with religion in general and Islam in particular.

– Bacteria vary widely in size and shape, but in general they are at least ten times larger than viruses.

– The alternating harmonic series, while conditionally convergent, is not absolutely convergent: if the terms in the series are systematically rearranged, in general the sum becomes different and, dependent on the rearrangement, possibly even infinite.

– It is easiest to describe in general terms, with two complex numbers a + bi and c + di.

– I found no sources showing that the term is in general use.

– By the end of 1990, although the magazine still supported new British bands, the paper was dominated by American bands, because that was what the music scene in general was about.

– Note: this isn’t pertaining to this request only, but in general policy change to prevent “any” possible disruption.

– The river in general flows through steep hills on either side excepting the lower reach for about 35km.

– This led to similar changes in other cities, and a great improvement in general public health around the world.

– The faces are in general chiral, but the parallelepiped is not.

– It was meant to sound as if it was being improvised the word voluntary in general means “free”, i.e.

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