Some in-sentence examples of “grind”

How to use in-sentence of “grind”:

+ Its praise of Uncle Joe might grind the average set of teeth down to the gum; it included the following: “A new light shone on the world…

+ Their tools started being able to grind and chop.

+ Herbivores have teeth that are adapted to grind vegetable tissue.

+ Sauropod dinosaurs appear to have used stones to grind tough plant matter.

+ They can also be used in cooking to grind herbs.

+ The town also had many water mills to grind the grain.

+ Utensils for use in preparing food can include things such as the Mortar and pestlevessel in the gallery below used by the Ede people to grind corn and grains for food.

+ British gritstone was used for millstones to mill flour, to grind wood into pulp for paper and for grindstones to sharpen blades.

Some in-sentence examples of grind
Some in-sentence examples of grind

Example sentences of “grind”:

+ To get the ink the writer had to grind the inkstick against an inkstone with some added water.

+ While in prison, Samson worked on a treadmill, a machine used to grind grain.

+ To get the ink the writer had to grind the inkstick against an inkstone with some added water.

+ While in prison, Samson worked on a treadmill, a machine used to grind grain.

+ Secondly, it should be rounded and polished, because inside a gizzard any genuine gastrolith would grind against other stones and fibrous materials, like the action of a rock tumbler.

+ This allows the animal to both capture and grind food.

+ After taking a few years off from the money-making grind to enjoy spending his earnings on women, Getty returned to Oklahoma in 1919.

+ Engines need oil to make them slippery or the moving parts would grind together and stick.

+ They would grind seeds into rough flour.

+ The pebbles grind the food, and help its digestion.

+ Before modern times, windmills were most commonly used to grind grain into flour for making bread.

+ Initially, it was explained that, because it is very hard to grind up, gold chokes their respiratory systems.

+ As the name suggests, they are like smaller molars, and their function is to crush and grind food.

+ People who need to grind a small amount of a food, such as spices or grain, for their own cooking often use a hand-powered mortar and pestle or a hand-powered grinder, such as a pepper grinder.

+ An earthworm has no teeth, so it swallows grit to help grind food in its multi-chambered gut.

+ Traditional methods, tools and techniques are used to grind natural pigments into powder form, and then mixed with a binder to become a thick, sticky paint.

+ Once food is in the goldfish’s mouth, it’s pushed to the back of the throat where a set of teeth grind and crush it.

+ Legend has it that the mortar, a tool he used to grind materials, was buried in a pool near his grave.

+ Anything other than a coarse grind will go through the press filter and into the coffee.

+ The player character can wall-run, use zip-lines, and grind rails to easily move through Sunset City.

+ The gizzard can grind the food with previously swallowed stones and pass it back to the true stomach, and vice versa.

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