Some in-sentence examples of “gender identity”

How to use in-sentence of “gender identity”:

+ Principle 18 of the Yogyakarta Principles, a document about international law on human rights states that “any classifications to the contrary, a person’s gender identity is not in and of itself, medical condition”.

+ The Preamble tells of human rights violations because of sexual orientation and gender identity and explains what sexual orientation and gender identity are.

+ Principle 3 demands legal recognition of the sex change of transsexuals without any surgery, including sterilization and sexual reassignment surgery, because the each person’s self-defined gender identity is seen as important for the autonomy and dignity of the person.

+ However, some don’t, as some feel this implies that they identify as a gender other than their assigned gender at birth, and prefers to stick with “agender.” Agender may be seen as a non-binary gender, or as a statement of not having a gender identity at all.

+ State law does not address hate crimes based on gender identity or sexual orientations.

+ A psychiatrist may medical diagnosisdiagnose this person with Gender identity disorder, but medical diagnosis itself is a controversial subject because being transgender has one been considered to be a mental illness, the stigma is still there.

Some in-sentence examples of gender identity
Some in-sentence examples of gender identity

Example sentences of “gender identity”:

+ Hawaii has a law that addresses hate crime protection for both actual and/or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

+ Homosexuality is illegal in the TunisiaRepublic of Tunisia and the law does not include sexual orientation or gender identity in its civil rights laws and there is no legal recognition for same-sex couples.

+ Biological, can affect gender identity development as well.

+ The World Health Organization renamed Gender Identity Disorder to Gender Dysphoria in 2019.

+ The Act defines “transgender person” as someone with a “mixture of male and female genital features or congenital ambiguities” a male who “undergoes genital excision or castration” or, more broadly, “any person whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the social norms and cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at the time of their birth” which allows people to self-identify as such.

+ The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees point out the asylum seekers because of gender identity together with the Yogyakarta Principles.

+ People can have gender presentations that don’t match their gender identity, or a gender identity that doesn’t match the gender they were assigned at birth, etc.

+ There are many people whose gender identity differs from the one they are at birth, but the person hides it due to fear of rejection, laws that do not protect transgender people, being abandoned or cut off by family and friends, and even fear of getting assaulted.

+ A person whose gender identity matches the gender they were assigned at birth is called ‘cisgender’.

+ Another condition, Gender identity disorder, where the person finds his or her gender as a male or female uncomfortable, often has BDD-like feelings that are only directed at the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics on their body, which disagree with the person’s perception of their own gender since birth.

+ Using a person’s deadname is considered to be very disrespectful because it ignores a person’s gender identity and is a type of transphobia if it happens on purpose.

+ They may prevent against discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and disability.

+ Homosexuality is legal in the Republic of Turkey, but the law does not include sexual orientation or gender identity in its civil rights laws and there is no legal recognition for same-sex couples.

+ Discrimination based on gender identity in employment and public accommodations is forbidden under the new law.

+ Only the “Green Party of PakistanPakistan Greens” has publicly expressed support for their LGBT rights for its citizens in general and abroad and has called for greater public openness and awareness about Sexual orientations and gender identity issues.

+ Hawaii has a law that addresses hate crime protection for both actual and/or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

+ Homosexuality is illegal in the TunisiaRepublic of Tunisia and the law does not include sexual orientation or gender identity in its civil rights laws and there is no legal recognition for same-sex couples.

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