Some in-sentence examples of “fear”

How to use in-sentence of “fear”:

– Scientists fear the swine flu virus might mutate, or change, into a pandemic as deadly as the 1918/1919 pandemic.

– The romantic attraction becomes mutual after a day of high-spirited fun; however, Holly’s fear of being “caged” leads her to reject the relationship.

– They usually have some militant groups that do not fear to use violence.

– Partly from fear of losing her passport if she came back to the USA, she moved to China until her death in 1970, publishing a “Letter from China.” During that time, she got to know Zhou Enlai very well, and also knew Mao Zedong.

– Cyberphobia is a fear of working with computers.

Some in-sentence examples of fear
Some in-sentence examples of fear

Example sentences of “fear”:

– Men have a natural fear of fire.

– When an offspring observes the expression of behaviour such as fear in response to a stress stimulus, the same response would be elicited in the offspring when the stimulus is presented.

– There are many people whose gender identity differs from the one they are at birth, but the person hides it due to fear of rejection, laws that do not protect transgender people, being abandoned or cut off by family and friends, and even fear of getting assaulted.

– Pritam, in fear that Raghu will come once to take his money, so he shifts along with his children to Geeta’s house.

– Tonic immobility as a measure of fear in the domestic fowl.

– Soon, she fled to Lithuania due to fear of imprisonment.

– Tommy and Chuckie fear “the Sandman” after a story while Chas is out at a party.

– His greatest joy is to cause fear in the inhabitants of the Kingdom.

– No Fear is an United StatesAmerican lifestyle clothing brand.

– Hippopotami are very protective of their young and they often fear that humans pose a large threat to their young..

– A robbery is the act of theftstealing from a person using violence or by causing fear of violence.

– There is fear that professionals, such as social workers, may try to prevent autistics from being married or having children.

– People with specific phobias fear a certain thing, for example spiders or high places.

– It had been defeated by the British but had created segregation, suspicion and fear between the British and the Indians.

– In this view the emotions like love, hate, fear and joy are different from the mind.

– With the new Iron Maiden guitarist launches one of the best albums of his career Fear of the Dark.

– The object of getting the child to look at the feelings that come up in his heart/mind when he or she really thinks about what he or she did is not to make the child feel like a horrible person, and not to make the child fear punishment.

– Almost all of them refused, for fear of their father; only Kronos, the youngest Titan, was willing.

– Please make your constructive and helpful comments as soon as possible so that I can go to voting in two weeks without fear of new fundamental issues and opposers arriving on the last day of the voting.

- Men have a natural fear of fire.

- When an offspring observes the expression of behaviour such as fear in response to a stress stimulus, the same response would be elicited in the offspring when the stimulus is presented.
- There are many people whose gender identity differs from the one they are at birth, but the person hides it due to fear of rejection, laws that do not protect transgender people, being abandoned or cut off by family and friends, and even fear of getting assaulted.

More in-sentence examples of “fear”:

– He also co-wrote, which took a humorous look at the American fear of conspiracies.

– Watson carried out controversial science experiments known as the “Little Albert experiments”; in these experiments, Watson studied fear in infants.

– In July 2013, it was discovered that Schmidt bought 38,000 cigarettes due to a fear of them being banned in Europe.

– An example of fear being bad is if it stops one from doing something important, like going to see a doctor.

– Codependence can cause an irrational fear of rejection and being alone.

– I would ask for your assistance pretty much as soon as possible, since I fear vandal warnings won’t cut it with this one, they’ll probably get removed like everything else.

– However, due to the delays some considered “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” to be vaporware, like the game “Duke Nukem Forever”, or fear that the game may become a new “Daikatana”.

– For example, fear related memories help us recognize and better deal with dangerous situations.

– He used to be a psychologist who used his patients as test for his fear gases or fear drugs.

– If fed, the alligators will eventually lose their fear of humans and will learn to associate humans with food, thereby becoming both a greater danger to people, and at greater risk from them.

– It is a human but also wolf most people fear them because of how they look.

– A Union NavyUnion gunboat had chased them up the Cape Fear River.

– The story revolves around Ganesh who has fear of ghost and his family in a haunted house.

– When Shinji expresses his fear at what happened in the 14 years he was gone, Kaworu shows him the destruction of near-Third Impact, emphasizing that it was all brought about by Shinji, but also assuring him that “there is always hope” and later telling Shinji that together, they can fix everything with the two spears in Central Dogma.

– Dumas also appeared on a variety of television shows including Dark Angel, Fear Factor, and The Weakest Link’s “WWF Superstars Edition” in 2002.

– To show fear or submission, marmosets flatten their ear-tufts close to their heads.

– And because of his leadership, the world laid to rest an era of fear and tyranny.

– We can create fear in them, to some degree.

– Like in Salzburg many fans protested against this deal because they had the fear that the fanculture will vanish and football will be only a business.

– He wrote at great speed with the constant fear of the censor before his eyes, but no sign of haste is discernible in his work, and the dexterity with which he aims his venomous shafts is amazing.

– She uses fear to control her relatives or friends Mai and Ty Lee, reserving her family loyalty for her father alone.

– Indiana Jones is noted for his trademark bullwhip, his fedora hat, and his great fear of snakes.

– I fear that 2 or 3 years from now, no one will remember why these pages were blocked and they’ll always stay that way.

– There are problems in Meghalaya arise from the divide between tribals and non tribal settlers, identity issues and growing corruption besides the fear of being reduced to minority by native tribals.

– They could be critical without fear of punishment.

– I would request to all honourable Admins to look into the matter and take possible steps in order to stop such activities once for all.I very much fear that Admin Future perfect at Sunshine shall find some way impose block on me for Indefinite time.

– In Chapter 1, verse 17, they are told to “live in reverent fear during the time of your exile”.Stanton, Graham.

– Loretta is the wife of Iggy Lee, boss of the Panheads, a motorcycle gang who “struck fear in everyone, even the cops”, as Max puts it.

– In 1647 his ancestor, Hugo Baskerville, had attempted to catch a young woman whom he carried off; the girl had died of fear while Hugo was killed by a gigantic hound.

– Experts generally say Voldemort is a metaphor for fascism and fear of outsiders.

– It is sometimes called herpetophobia, which is a fear of reptiles or amphibians.

– In 1992 he starred as Claude Kersek in charge of guarding Sam Bowden; Nick Nolte, in “Cape Fear with Robert De Niro and directed by Martin Scorsese.

– As Richard struggled both with the need to find a purpose to his post-retirement life and the fear of being forgotten, he attached his name to numerous endeavours.

– In the 1980s, fear of the occult was a big problem.

– A fear of having one’s own picture taken is called ipovlopsychophobia.

– Their motives for leaving may have been fear of reprisals and murders, economic motives, or ethnically based.

– A person who identifies as nonbinary may keep their identity a secret to their family out of fear of being kicked out and left homeless, or sent to conversion therapy.

– Their use in a surprise attack in the Battle of the Somme caused fear among the German soldiers but their small numbers and poor reliability prevented them from making much difference.

– The effects of these experiments were often harmful to the subjects, even years later, because of the intense anxiety or fear caused when someone unknowingly takes a drug like LSD.

– However, once a page is saved, other editors might update it every 3 minutes, because many will change a word and save, change a word save, even though they know it’s sloppy: the fear of losing multiple changes makes some people SAVE after every tiny change.

– They fear it will increase in the water temperature and lower the water level, particularly on the private side.

– This is due to a fear of being judged badly by others which will cause feelings of low self-esteem.

– Patients in hospitals would not be bathed, because nurses did not want to touch them for fear of contracting AIDS themselves.

– Eliminating this fear can prevent further attacks and get rid of the general anxiety much more effectively.

– The opening of group homes is occasionally fought against by neighbours who fear that it will lead to a rise in crime and/or a drop in property values.

– Other terms used include aichmephobia and belanophobia, but these can also refer to a more general fear of sharply pointed objects.

– Economic insecurity, fear of further retaliation and the change of regime that eventually led to the Iron Curtain splitting the Trieste-Istria region, resulted in approximately 350,000 people, mostly Italians, leaving territories in Istria and Dalmatia.

- He also co-wrote, which took a humorous look at the American fear of conspiracies.

- Watson carried out controversial science experiments known as the "Little Albert experiments"; in these experiments, Watson studied fear in infants.
- In July 2013, it was discovered that Schmidt bought 38,000 cigarettes due to a fear of them being banned in Europe.

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