Some in-sentence examples of “extremely”

How to use in-sentence of “extremely”:

– Brains are extremely complex.

– Polly loves her papa very, very much, and when he leaves, is extremely unhappy.

– I realise that this is perhaps extremely hard to achieve given that recently a few articles were not promoted because they did not reach the minimal number of votes.

– There have been two major reviews of research into animal play, and both have said it is extremely difficult to define.Fagan, Robert 1981.

– The article is of a promotional nature with extremely weak claims with little references to back the claims up.

– Parasitic wasps are typically parasitoids, and extremely diverse in habits, many laying their eggs in inert stages of their host, or sometimes paralyzing their prey by injecting it with venom through their ovipositor.

– In 2008 there was a Dr Who prom which was extremely popular, especially with children.

– Some extremely important laws are simply definitions.

Some in-sentence examples of extremely
Some in-sentence examples of extremely

Example sentences of “extremely”:

– Edward manages to move extremely quickly by her side and pushes the van away with his hand, leaving a huge pressure mark in the side of the van.

– Coevolution is extremely common, and may involve more than two species.

– They became extremely common in the Mesozoic.

– To reduce stress, a building’s ground floor can be supported by extremely rigid, hollow columns, while the rest of the building is supported by flexible columns inside the hollow columns.

– Many of the areas of the city are extremely flat.

– The presence of feathers in closely related animals makes it extremely likely that it was feathered as well.

– A few palms are adapted to extremely base basic lime soils, while others are similarly adapted to very acidic soils.

– In these individuals, hemoglobin in red blood cells is extremely sensitive to oxygen deprivation, and this causes shorter life expectancy.

- Edward manages to move extremely quickly by her side and pushes the van away with his hand, leaving a huge pressure mark in the side of the van.

- Coevolution is extremely common, and may involve more than two species.

– A tornado does not necessarily need to be visible; however, the extremely low pressure caused by the high wind speeds and rapid rotation usually causes water vapor in the air to condense into a visible “condensation funnel”.

– Having a third tier–or “forth”, even, given that two of the three branches also split by gender–seems extremely unnecessary.

– Rocks here have been exposed from beneath the retreating Arnhem escarpment; they are of volcanic origin and are extremely old.

– Some of the smaller types did not have longer forelimbs had an extremely long neck.

– Hypocritical much? I particularly make this comment in reference to the extremely pointless questions and the opposes that raise the number of bureaucrats.

– The music of this long opera is extremely cleverly linked so that musical ideas flow into one another and combine to comment on the drama.

More in-sentence examples of “extremely”:

- In general, DNA polymerases are extremely accurate, making less than one mistake for every 10 nucleotides added.

- Despite the polarizing response from critics and fans alike, the album became extremely successful.

– In general, DNA polymerases are extremely accurate, making less than one mistake for every 10 nucleotides added.

– Despite the polarizing response from critics and fans alike, the album became extremely successful.

– Because of the limited print, however, it has become extremely valuable and rare to the fans.

– Harry also discovers that in solving problems and overcoming difficulties, having friends with very different talents can be extremely useful.

– The movie has received extremely negative reviews and is widely considered to be one of the worst movies of all time.

– I consider myself extremely fortunate to call him a friend.

– For children, sports play an extremely important part in their lives by providing all round development of the child, physically, mentally and emotionally.

– An event is brief, possibly extremely brief.

– The AR-15s light weight, accuracy, and light recoil has made it extremely popular with shooters and its use is spreading around the world.

– Callisto is surrounded by an extremely thin atmosphere made out of carbon dioxide and probably oxygen molecules.

– An extremely small hole in a thin material can create an image when all light rays from a scene go through a single point.

– Some think they cannot go much more towards the north, because they do not survive well in really cold winters or extremely dry summers.

– People are usually said to have BDD if they are extremely critical of their body, even though there may be nothing noticeably wrong with it.

– In Canada, the accent sounds extremely similar to American English but with few exceptions.

– In the United States, one or two people maximum were executed, although recently it has become extremely uncommon.

– The film received extremely positive reviews and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.

– Learning different languages in order to feel comfortable in a country is also extremely difficult for some people They might not have the opportunity to go a to school and learn certain things.

– This piece became extremely famous and is still his most popular piano piece today.

– Microsleep can be extremely dangerous in situations when people drive a car, work on a machine or otherwise need to stay alert.

– Francis admitted she even attempted suicide due to the hospitals environments being extremely upsetting.

– Both directors are extremely successful in directing films in the style of jidaigeki, a period drama.

– Conversely, an annual grown under extremely favourable conditions may have highly successful seed propagation, giving it the appearance of being biennial or perennial.

– The town had a famous pier which was extremely popular with tourists and visitors.

– Both diamond and graphite have extremely high melting point, which is unusual for nonmetallic element.

– Fiberglass is material made from extremely fine fibers of glass.

– Munsell’s system became extremely popular, the de facto reference for American color standards—used not only for specifying the color of paints and crayons, but also electrical wire, beer, and soil color—because it was organized based on human perception measurements.

– Due to his popularity, the Gods became extremely concerned and jealous.

– Due to the practice of building in stone on the virtually tree-less islands, Shetland is extremely rich in physical remains of all these periods, Turner p18 states that there are over 5,000 archaeological sites all told.

– Golden Retrievers are very good family dogs because they are extremely sweet and gentle with young children and do not bark very much.

– Chlorine trifluoride is extremely toxic and dangerous.

– Spider monkeys are extremely quick, and they have long, thin fingers with almost no hair at all.

– Gambon admits not having read the “Harry Potter” novels and says that this is because he does not want to be upset by an extremely large change or death in the books.

– Traditionally sruti is not read, but chanted according to extremely precise rules of grammar, pitch, intonation and rhythm.

– Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles or kilometers beneath the Earth’s surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

– Moisture from Eta combined with a cold front moving eastward across the Eastern United States, generating extremely heavy rainfall across Virginia and the Carolinas.

– These coins are known as “holey dollars”, a nickname which is applied to the extremely rare New South Wales 5/- coin and the Prince Edward Island 5/- coin, which were cut and counterstamped from Spanish-American Pieces of Eight.

– Despite their small size, the traps are extremely sophisticated.

– George Mason University Professor Tyler Cowen wrote in the Marginal Revolution Marginal Revolution blog that “his main contribution is a better understanding of the Phillips curve and the dynamics of short-run unemployment and the concept of the natural rate of unemployment.” Cowen also wrote that “his 1960s macro work was true, important, and extremely influential.

– Note: Florida was not called until November 10 due to an extremely close race.

– The legs are adapted for running, but not extremely so.

– Lossy encoders, such as MP3 encoders will generate smaller files than lossless encoders such as FLAC, although with a lossy codec the decoder’s output will not be exactly identical to the encoder’s input, although with a decent encoder at sufficient bitrate, it will be extremely close.

– An extremely thin foil is called a metal leaf.

– They are extremely common near the shore, and on reefs.

– This was an extremely resourceful page that had hundreds of Continental/Brazilian Portuguese proverbs/sayings that were also translated into English and other languages.

– It is a wide ranging subject, and is extremely versatile.

– Electromagnetic radiation includes everything from cosmic rays on the high energy photon end, to the visual light spectrum, and on down below the infrared to the extremely low frequency radio waves.

– Hera discovered that her husband, Zeus had an affair with a mortal women named Alcmene and she became extremely jealous at the mortal woman.

– Many continue to point the incident with Richmond, to show that an extremely “good ol’ boy” system is still in place with NASCAR.

– Some women have extremely bad reactions to menstruation and may even feel suicidal.

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