Some in-sentence examples of “ecosystem”

How to use in-sentence of “ecosystem”:

+ Most species of wildlife are found in the northern part of the country, in the ecosystem of the Day Forest National Park.

+ The Red List of Ecosystem was developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

+ They are an ecosystem which includes many plants and animals.

+ Methods to estimate the value of ecosystem services which cannot be derived from market prices include “stated preference” methods and “revealed preference” methods.

+ The tallgrass prairie is a Native native ecosystem of the drainage basin of the Mississippi.

+ Other studies have focused on the marginal value of ecosystem changes, which can be used in cost-benefit analysis of environmental policies.

+ The Park protects a very complex ecosystem with three communities: prairie grasslands, badlands, and riverside cottonwoods.

Some in-sentence examples of ecosystem
Some in-sentence examples of ecosystem

Example sentences of “ecosystem”:

+ Detritivores are essential in the ecosystem as they return important materials such as carbon back into the environment.

+ Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in Indo-Malayan peat swamp forests.

+ Detritivores are essential in the ecosystem as they return important materials such as carbon back into the environment.

+ Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in Indo-Malayan peat swamp forests.

+ This ecosystem is a massive source of revenue as indicated in 2015, when sales from the platform reached $750 million.

+ To be a tree is to occupy a different space in the ecosystem from shrubs or climbers.

+ A thriving and diverse ecosystem is destroyed.

+ A food chain also represents a series of events and consumption in which food and energy are consumed from one organism in an ecosystem to another.

+ More complex arguments in ecosystem valuation regard nature’s services and the assignment of values in a service economy to all that nature does “for humans”.

+ If a foreign species of frogs is introduced to another country, the local ecosystem might be affected.

+ Its management has been controversial: the area is a flagship site for conservation groups that promote ecosystem management.

+ Wetland ecosystem management and restoration: an international perspective in “Everglades: the ecosystem and its restoration”.

+ The coastal ecosystem is recognized as part of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme.

+ He is president of the International Society for Ecosystem Health.

+ The Bering Sea ecosystem includes resources belonging to the United States and Russia, as well as international waters in the middle of the sea.

More in-sentence examples of “ecosystem”:

+ This suggests that in this ecosystem pterosaurs were more common and diversified than birds.

+ They can cause problems when they become Pest pests and damage the ecosystem they are introduced into.

+ This suggests that in this ecosystem pterosaurs were more common and diversified than birds.

+ They can cause problems when they become Pest pests and damage the ecosystem they are introduced into.

+ They are a good indicator of the health of the ecosystem they occupy.

+ The Jehol biota includes all the living organisms – the ecosystem – of northeastern China between 133 to 120 million years ago.

+ This kind of ecosystem occurs in subtropical places like Florida Bay, and around Bermuda.

+ Duckweed also threatens the local ecosystem because it shades the lake: Other plants in the lake do not get enough light, and die off.

+ A feral population can damage an ecosystem by eating vulnerable plants or animals, or by competition with indigenous species.

+ The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem Report reindeer, wolf, ermine, Arctic hare and polar bear.

+ These have produced a very diverse and unique ecosystem with a wide variety of coastal marine waters.

+ The “Millennium Ecosystem Assessment” released in 2005 showed that 60% of ecosystem services are used in a way that destroys them.

+ On the west coast, oak and birch predominated in a temperate rainforest ecosystem rich in ferns, mosses and lichens.

+ The concept of ecosystem services is similar to that of natural capital.

+ An ecosystem in a particular area.

+ A unique ecosystem in the British Isles, the Caledonian pinewoods are home to some of the country’s rarest wildlife.

+ Unlike most national parks in the US, Everglades National Park was started to protect a weak ecosystem and its unique geographic feature.

+ The plan is to promote management, research and education in ecosystem conservation.

+ The chert was formed when silica-rich water from volcanic springs rose and rapidly petrifactionpetrified the early terrestrial ecosystem “in situ”.

+ The photosynthesis carried out by all the plants in an ecosystem is called the gross primary production.

+ Because these cats play a huge role and the ecosystem cannot afford to lose such species, researchers found a way to regenerate the endangered animal.

+ The simplest form of ecosystem valuation is that one looks at an ecosystem as if its ecological yield had the same value as it would be on commodity markets.

+ However, the concept is also applicable to water, and soil, and any other aspect of an ecosystem which can be both harvested and renewed – the so-called renewable resources.

+ Beyond urban legends: an emerging framework of urban ecology, as illustrated by the Baltimore Ecosystem Study.

+ This process may occur not only on traditional islands, but also in other situations where an ecosystem is isolated from external resources and breeding.

+ In many cases by those who hold that markets and pricing exist independently of any individual human observers and “users”, and especially those who deem markets to be “out of control”, ecosystem valuation is considered a part of economics.

+ An exceptionally preserved Lower Cretaceous ecosystem “Nature” 421:807–811.

+ Its ecosystem is surrounded by prairies.

+ It also has the largest mangrove ecosystem in the Western hemisphere.

+ The Greater Yellow Ecosystem is a kind of natural laboratory in landscape ecology and geology.

+ The ecosystem in the Lower Cretaceous was dominated by wetlands and numerous lakes.

+ An example of apex predators affecting an ecosystem is in Yellowstone National Park.

+ When a system can reorganize, that is shift from one stability domain to another, a more relevant measure of ecosystem dynamics is ecological resilience.

+ In general, these put ecosystem health first on a list of human moral and political priorities, as the way to achieve better human health and social harmony, and better economics.

+ It is done by giving an economic value to an ecosystem or its ecosystem services.

+ Research on EGS Life Cycle Analysis has shown that a good correction for this would be to hook the drill up to the power grid decreasing the already minimal impact GEP power plants has on human health, climate change, and ecosystem quality.

+ The ecosystem of the RNSP preserves a number of threatened animal species.

+ The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is one of the last remaining large, nearly intact ecosystemecosystems in the northern temperate zone of the Earth.

+ Several sections of the path have been surfaced with large stone slabs in this area, to try to minimise environmental damage to the delicate moorland ecosystem by the large number of hikers it attracts all year round.

+ They are from when the ecosystem was evolving from rich rainforest to semi-arid grassland.

+ Each ecosystem has its own community.

+ Thus, a price can be put on the natural capital of an ecosystem based on the price of natural resources it yields each year.

+ In Peru there is an effort to preserve the fragile ecosystem of the garúa-watered lomas.

+ The wetlands and ecosystem has been designated as a biosphere reserve.

+ The ecosystem is recognized as part of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme.

+ Singapore’s original tropical primary rainforest ecosystem makes up half of the reserve.

+ French Tech is a French label awarded to metropolitan centers recognized for their ecosystem of startups, as well as a common brand that can be used by French innovative companies.

+ This includes landscape level spatial simulation modeling; analysis of energy and material flows through economic and ecological systems; valuation of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and natural capital; and analysis of dysfunctional incentive systems and ways to correct them.

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