Some in-sentence examples of “do with”

How to use in-sentence of “do with”:

– This is not an issue which divides nicely into an issue of spelling nor something to do with either American English or Commonwealth English.

– For example: the church music of the 16th century composer Giovanni da Palestrina has nothing to do with dance music, but both the sacred and secular music of Johann Sebastian Bach two centuries later is full of dance rhythms.

– This quote had to do with Thurgood Marshall’s life because he was not rich but his parents and teachers worked hard to help him become a lawyer.

– He said he had nothing to do with Euronymous’s death.

– In medical astrology and anatomy, Libra rules any part in the body to do with excretion, for example the kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks, adrenals and vasomotor system, and lumbar vertebrae.

– I’m not quite sure what we should do with it as it is.

Some in-sentence examples of do with
Some in-sentence examples of do with

Example sentences of “do with”:

– Alyosha has lunch with his brother Ivan in a restaurant, and Ivan explains to him why he cannot believe in God: “Listen: if everyone must suffer, in order to buy eternal harmony with their suffering, pray tell me what have children to do with it? It’s quite.

– The question and answer may also have to do with “who”, “what”, “when” and “where”.

– Wilson took a ship to Europe to talk with the leaders of the other Allies about what to do with Germany.

– Pro-choice supporters believe that the unborn baby is not the same as a person, and the woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body and that the government should not intervene.

– He attracted the anger of the Soviet Union when he helped gather support for the defence of South Korea after it was invaded in 1950 and later worked to end the Soviet boycott of UN meetings, though his involvement has only little to do with the eventual return of the Soviet Union to the UN.

– Most ways of measuring social capital have to do with trust – people who trust that favours and help will be available when they need it will favour and help others more.

– However, I had no knowledge of this and had nothing to do with it.

– Colonial means having to do with a colony.

– They all have to do with trying to get sexual pleasure out of things that are often painful or upsetting.

– The function of the system is a little unclear, but it has something to do with reinforcing the pair’s bond.

– The ‘image dances’, according to Sachs, are to do with the world outside the dancer.

– There are numerous temples and few churches as the majority of the residents follow Hinduism however, that has nothing to do with any form of prejudice, class and other forms of anti-religion entropy as Kanglatongbi villagers are well-known for peace, integrity, and unison.

– Other than that it’s fairly fine and could do with more references.

– It has nothing to do with the Onondaga-Mohawk leader.

– Each holds something to do with sake.

- Alyosha has lunch with his brother Ivan in a restaurant, and Ivan explains to him why he cannot believe in God: “Listen: if everyone must suffer, in order to buy eternal harmony with their suffering, pray tell me what have children to do with it? It’s quite.

- The question and answer may also have to do with "who", "what", "when" and "where".

More in-sentence examples of “do with”:

– He hasn’t edited anything that didn’t have to do with Ophelia Bretnacher.

– Because of this, postfix is relatively easy to do with computers that have a stack to do calculations.

– Usually I can figure out template issues but I am not sure to do with this one.

– The third stage, the phallic stage is from 3-6 year olds and has to do with the genital region.

– Perjury in American law comes from the common law of England, which defined the it as giving a false testimony under oath that has to do with the issue.

– Borysovycha was touched at how full of motion was the music of Mykoly Hirshovycha, what he could do with the piano, deeply respected and loved his student.

– If not, it doesn’t matter The problem I can imagine is that you wouldn’t really get something to do with the tool…

– In this case, bondage sometimes has to do with BDSM, as often in the case of rope bondage and bondage of the female breasts.

– It has nothing to do with the word decade.

– One side point to put in, and really this has little to do with the black out and more to do with the possible of more attention to us if we are the last wiki standing – this may not be a good thing.

– The large number was partly to do with the failure of other early designs in the same power range, and reliable locomotives being needed.

– It had little to do with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

– This can be looked at as a mathematical trick—a trick that has little to do with the real world that can be seen and touched.

– Tiger’s painted sacred stories from his Dreaming, mostly to do with Piltati, where he was born.

– It teaches things to do with digital creativity and multimedia.

– You might be thinking, “why do these simple words ‘rare’ and ‘frequent’ have to turn into these long definitions?” The bottom line is, these definitions have everything to do with the usage in daily life.

– Here on seWP I am trying to build the Nazi Germany articles and also to write articles that have something to do with the police and/or New York City.

– Some towns have carnivals that have nothing to do with Lent and are at different times of year.

– For example, Tony Stark appears at the end of The Incredible Hulk, even though he has nothing to do with the rest of the story.

– However, my reason for removing him was in fact to do with his religious interrogations of IuseRosary which I found unprofessional and un-administor like.

– This is, however, nothing at all to do with suicide.

– Current has to do with electrons flowing in a circuit.

– North Korea said it had nothing to do with the Cheonan’s sinking.

– Pineapples have nothing to do with pine cones and apples, but because of the similar shape between the pineapple and the pine cone, most people change it into symbolism.

– His later work had more to do with contemporary issues.

– It has to do with holding and letting go of urine and feces.

– The reasons for the fighting were mostly to do with politicspower, money and religion.

– It is about the bad side of gambling and has to do with Dostoyevsky’s own experiences from his travels to Wiesbaden, Baden-Baden and other casinos.

– However, the name of the station has nothing to do with kissing.

– Some railfans collect things having to do with trains.

– But there is also a neat trick you can do with the caps lock and shift keys: when caps lock is on, you can hold the shift key while typing and what you type will be in lowercase letters instead of capitals.

– Most of the games have something to do with jumping and defeating enemies.

– This is easy to do with XORs.

– The reason why this is the case has to do with the fact that the exponentiation is not commutative.

– I can keep doing what I do with or without the mop – so there’s no big deal regardless of how this goes – and, again, I won’t be actively seeking or thinking about adminship if this request fails, as it really doesn’t mean all that much to me – it’s a few extra buttons at the end of the day.

– At the time, however, not only did doctors regard the “vulvular stimulation” required as having nothing to do with sex, they reportedly found that it took a lot of time to do and it was hard work.

– Facts and logic have nothing to do with truthiness.

– The origin of Proto-Indo-European is after the invention of farming since some of its words have to do with farming.

– The strength of a magnet has to do with the spaces between the magnetic flux lines.

– He wrote a book about how god had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks called “Dostoyevsky in Manhattan”.

– The modern meaning of humanism is more to do with using science to make the world a better place.

– Owls and hawks also kill these small birds, but that is not to do with their nest-holes.

– The thing that may have saved Eisenstein’s career at this point was that Stalin ended up saying that the “Bezhin Meadow” problems, along with several other problems facing the business, had less to do with Eisenstein’s approach to filmmaking as with the executives who were supposed to have been watching him.

– Not sure what to do with it because it will just copy-paste from another wiki.

– Instead, they have to do with phenomenonphenomena and events like the growth of trees, or rain, or wind, or other aspects of Nature; it is believed that these kami live in those natural things.

– They ask him to show them what he can do with the Tarn helmet.

– This equation shows how the electric and magnetic fields have to do with each other.

– Then don’t present this as having anything to do with serving readers.

– Today, the word “Pinoy” is used as an adjective for things that have to do with the Philippines or Filipinos.

- He hasn't edited anything that didn't have to do with Ophelia Bretnacher.

- Because of this, postfix is relatively easy to do with computers that have a stack to do calculations.

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