Some in-sentence examples of “disperse”

How to use in-sentence of “disperse”:

– He is considered an important icon of the Arauco War, due his revolutionary strategy and responsability in the union of the disperse mapuche people.

– The spore mass smells of carrion or dung, and attracts flies and other insects to help disperse the spores.

– Some prisms are used to disperse light.

– The barnacles reproduce sexually, and produce little nauplius larvae which disperse in the plankton.

– The Marquis — being informed shortly after his arrival in Aberdeen that a meeting of Covenanters was to be held in Turriff on the fourteenth of February — resolved to disperse them, by occupying the town with 2000 men.

– They use competitively dominant plant species, and disperse seeds and create disorder of the soil.

Some in-sentence examples of disperse
Some in-sentence examples of disperse

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