Some in-sentence examples of “discover”

How to use in-sentence of “discover”:

– In the early 1940s Wooward was using ultraviolet spectroscopy to discover the structure of natural products.

– There, Thalia fights her old friend Luke, and it seems that she has strong feelings for him, and they discover that Kronos used Thalia to twist destiny into her hands, since she would be turning sixteen on the day following the Winter Solstice.

– The next day, Alan, Lex, and Tim discover dinosaur eggs.

– Just before Snape’s death in the seventh book Snape asks Harry to do a last thing for him, he asked Harry to take his tears and put them in the Pensieve to discover Snape’s real story.

– Only 200 years later did Girolamo Fracastoro discover that diseases spread through infection.

Some in-sentence examples of discover
Some in-sentence examples of discover

Example sentences of “discover”:

- Cleaners who discover seriously damaged surfaces and equipment on their sites can notify specialists, like plumbers and carpenters, about the need for professional repairs.

- They also discover that Jill has left the house and gone to Kirby's.

– Cleaners who discover seriously damaged surfaces and equipment on their sites can notify specialists, like plumbers and carpenters, about the need for professional repairs.

– They also discover that Jill has left the house and gone to Kirby’s.

– Knowing the lanterns are made for her, on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel plucks up the courage to ask Gothel’s permission to see the lanterns and discover their source, but she refuses.

– They discover a wardrobe in Professor Digory Kirke’s house that leads to the magical land of Narnia.

– In 1728 Bering sailed north far enough to discover that Siberia and North America were not connected.

– Then the woman heads over to a group of people to discover them gathered around a man who’s tank broke and he is dying now.

– Every year, scientists discover new kinds of cactus.

– She may discover he is not Giovanni.

– At the end of the movie he is horrified to discover that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

– Later, when the Potts follow Bomburst’s airship to his native Vulgaria, they discover how cruelly the Baron treats his subjects.

– At some point a few weeks before the start of the game, they managed to slip past the Brain Scorcher and all the way to the Nuclear Power Plant, finding the Monolith, an electronically locked vault door beneath the Monolith chamber, and documents hinting at the fact that the giant glowing Monolith was in fact a deliberate trap for anyone attempting to discover the secrets of the Zone.

– One way to discover that joy, is by what they call “mindful” meditation.

– What the agencies discover is called “intelligence”.

– Two years later, while on a walk with Madame, Babar is shocked to discover Arthur and Celeste, who have left the Great Forest in search of him.

– The Comet was removed from service and tested to discover the cause.

– The first people to discover naturally magnetic rocks were the Chinese.

– This allowed Voldemort to discover Crouch Jr.’s whereabouts, then formulate a plan to install Crouch at Hogwarts and lead Harry to him.

– Tommy and Angelica are left to stay with Didi’s parents for a weekend, where they discover toys in their attic.

– They discover that the movie was created by Georges Méliès, Isabelle’s godfather, an early – but now neglected and disillusioned – cinema legend, and that the automaton was a beloved creation of his, from his days as a magician.

More in-sentence examples of “discover”:

– They can be used to discover distant objects.

– Later, they again hear Josh crying for help, but this time they follow them and discover an abandoned house in the woods.

– An older version of the story tells the old woman discover the giant, floating peach and take it home with her, as she finds it to be of good color and looking tasty.

– Galileo, for example, could only look at Jupiter and discover that it has moons.

– During Bella’s pregnancy, Edward realizes he can read the child’s mind, and is astonished to discover that the baby already loves Bella.

– Dias did not discover the “Cape Verde Islands”, but rather the actual cape.

– She was named one of the 50 Most Important Women in Science by Discover magazine.

– You could find clues to discover more about the story.

– They discover Marquet has been suffocated and the bogus doctor has escaped.

– That night, Babar’s troubles manifest in a nightmare in which he is threatened by a visit from the demon Misfortune and rescued by elephant angels, but he is awoken by Flora the next morning to discover that both Cornelius and Madame are well on their way to recovering from their respective ordeals.

– He was one of the scientists to discover Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

– He had no idea that he was going to stumble over a hidden secret of nature when he set off to discover the explanation for the intensities of the colored lines characteristic of each of the elements.

– Now he wanted to discover new lands.

– Eastwood also stars in the movie as a journalist covering the execution of a death row inmate, only to discover that the convict may actually be innocent.

– I spend a lot of time online, especially to this wiki, and I happen to discover a lot of vandalism, including pages that need quick deletion and repeated vandalism, that I feel that I could more efficiently help with if given the mop.

– Other synchrotron labs, such as the Lawrence Berkeley Lab did not have enough energy to discover new particles.

– In the early 20th century, scientist were able to discover that matter itself can be created from energy and vice versa.

– Soon, they discover a multitude of humanoid stick figures suspended from trees.

– This is the opposite of ‘objectivity’, which says that the truth is always there and people have to discover it.

– It was founded to discover and sell information about DNA sequence analysis, especially the human genome.

– After an accidental suggestion by Chuckie’s that he’s “hiding” the babies look for him in the backyard and discover a lizard which looks exactly like him and come to assumption that it is Reptar’s child.

– EVE attempts to send WALL-E to the escape pod, but they discover that Gopher placed the plant in the pod, when he stole it from EVE.

– The blind men discover that they disagree when each describes what he has learned from touching the elephant.

– The length of the key makes it more difficult to discover the phrase or the hidden secret by trial and error i.e.

– Apart from his many contributions to plant history, Fortune was the first European to discover that black tea and green tea were actually from the same plant.

– The movie is about a London gangster, Jack Carter, who travels back to his home town to discover more about his brother Frank’s supposedly accidental death.

- They can be used to discover distant objects.

- Later, they again hear Josh crying for help, but this time they follow them and discover an abandoned house in the woods.
- An older version of the story tells the old woman discover the giant, floating peach and take it home with her, as she finds it to be of good color and looking tasty.

– Boog sneak into the camp and discover there’s buns in trailer.

– They discover a small group of kangaroo-like creatures, which had not been seen before.

– Say you’re creating a new page or revamping an old page, and discover the need for a convenient way to make several entries containing, and link that symbol to the page “Speed of light”.

– Laurel’s guards discover Patience.

– They believed that they can discover nothing important in areas of the house where Minnie spent most time.

– Other scientists had seen film similarly ruined but did not discover why.

– The first person to discover and prove true binary stars was the Anglo-German astronomer William Herschel.

– At Jill’s house, Sidney, Jerry, Douglas and Kyle discover that the policemen assigned to guard the house are dead.

– The English archaeologist Howard Carter and his financier, Lord Carnarvon discover the grave of Tut-Ench-Amun.

– The portal to Treasure Planet is opened, and the group discover the planet is a giant space station which Flint commandeered in order to store his loot.

– The local record for that time interval is missing and geologists must use other clues to discover that part of the geologic history of that area.

– He helped discover 3-transposition groups and created the three Fischer groups.

– They discover that Rose herself is the Bad Wolf, and that the words are a message.

– If you have any information on how to find the page history, let me know, because I’m really anxious, and you should report McDonald-ross, instead of him fixing articles, that are did wrong, he deletes them, and it’s not appropriate for the site, let me know if you can discover the page history for “human”, that was deleted, because I’m very upset, message me back please, and McDonald-ross should owe me an apology for deleting it, because I felt so bad, I couldn’t sleep, please let me know if you can discover the deleted history, I’m so sad.

– Kepler is a space observatory launched by NASA to discover Earth-like planets orbiting other stars.

– In 1609 and 1616 he published his three laws governing the shape of their orbits and their speed along those orbits, but did not discover why they moved that way.

– Portuguese sailors were among the first to discover this region in the 15th century.

– The observation of such magnetic resonance frequencies of the nuclei present in a molecule allows any trained user to discover essential, chemical and structural information about the molecule.

– Those who wish to discover beautiful beaches can head onto National Highway 1A towards Cam Thinh Dong Commune in Cam Ranh Town.

– The next morning, they discover that Mary’s father is Cletus Spuckler.

– It was a triumph of 19th century biology to discover the real nature of the siphonophores.

– This movie is about November 2004, during which four adoptive brothers return to Detroit to discover what happened.

– While Amanda enjoys Alyssa’s wealthy lifestyle and Alyssa gets to experience being a kid at summer camp, the two get to know the other’s parental figure and discover that Roger and Diane would be perfect for each other.

– He was shocked to discover that a few particles were scattered through large angles, even completely backwards in some cases.

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