Some in-sentence examples of “detail”

How to use in-sentence of “detail”:

– More detail can be found in Standard asteroid physical characteristics.

– The brain fills in with surrounding detail with information from the other eye, so the blind spot is not normally perceived.

– In 1986, Halley’s Comet was the first to be observed in detail by spacecraft.

– It contains a lot of detail and explanation.

– The template automatically places the name of the state detail article where the template is used after the text “”This page is about the section of””.

– You will find this post useful to understand the approach we are proposing and the attention to detail and quality that we are suggesting to run the next pilot.

– I would like to also ask all the administrators on here to talk in detail about this problem, as I believe that it is one that needs to be fixed.

Some in-sentence examples of detail
Some in-sentence examples of detail

Example sentences of “detail”:

- With that, I propose that we create categories to track stubs, as described in detail above.

- Lopez then goes into detail about the concept behind the music video of "If You Had My Love".
- This he worked up in great detail in a series of books, of which "The logic of scientific discovery" is the most famous.

– With that, I propose that we create categories to track stubs, as described in detail above.

– Lopez then goes into detail about the concept behind the music video of “If You Had My Love”.

– This he worked up in great detail in a series of books, of which “The logic of scientific discovery” is the most famous.

– One detail which is uncommon, but shows his realism are the horse droppings shown in the foreground of the picture.

– This is an important detail for the nozzle to work properly.

– Criticism has been ongoing however, with some viewers complaining about the colour scheme, and of a lack of detail beyond 36 hours.

– It is unnecessary to detail the opposition to the degree that he has done – the article is about the metric system as a whole: the problems that French had two hundred years ago warrants a passing mention but nothing more.

– If some light can be seen through an object but some of the detail of the image is lost, it is a translucent material.

– Dewey, Gale, Douglas, Kyle, and Judy intervene, having been clued by a detail about Gale’s injury that Jill somehow knew.

– In September 2009, Goldman Sachs published its 188th Global Economics Paper named “A United Korea?” which highlighted in detail the potential economic power of a United Korea, which will surpass all current G7 countries except the United States, such as Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany and France within 30–40 years of reunification, estimating GDP to surpass $6 trillion by 2050.

More in-sentence examples of “detail”:

– This detail would not have been planned when a series was first being made.

– The picture is done with a lot of detail to make it look exactly like a photograph.

– They include detail about military technology, rules, and history.

– The Quran discusses this covenant in detail in several places, including sura 14.

– While DP2 looked like a British Rail Class 55Class 55 locomotive in outline, there were many detail differences; particularly the large bodyside radiator vents at one end, and the single roof fan as opposed to the four symmetrically placed fans on the Deltics.

– Morrell may have been honestly mistaken, through miscalculation of his ship’s position or by misremembering detail when writing the account after nine years.

– I won’t go into more detail here unless requested.

– In the 1920s, Segovia met Villa-Lobos and commissioned a guitar study: the composer responded with a set of twelve, each taking a tiny detail or figure from Brazilian chorões.

– But the drawing of the Korat in this book did not have enough detail to positively say it is this breed.

– Watson admires Sherlock Holmes attention to detail and Holmes explains the importance of details that appear unimportant but can be crucial in solving a mystery.

– Because of the high level of detail that can be done by a master engraver, fakefaking engraved designs is almost impossible, and modern banknotes are almost always engraved, as are plates for printing money, checks, bonds and other papers that should not be faked.

– Architectural detail of the frieze showing the alternating triglyphs and decorative emblems.

– Technology lets us travel to places we could not otherwise go, and probe the nature of the universe in more detail than our natural senses allow.

– Isopach maps detail the variations in thickness of stratigraphic units.

– The seven trumpets are sounded by seven angels and the events that follow are described in detail from Revelation Chapters 8 to 11.

– This was a brilliant libretto and it helped him to write a great masterpiece in which every little detail of the story is beautifully described by the music.

– We need just enough detail to show that almost as soon as Heisenberg made his breakthrough a part of how the universe works that nobody had ever seen before came into view.

– Their comparative anatomy was worked out in detail by Charles Darwin.

– More detail on the health of the drive may be obtained by examining the SMART Attributes.

– Although I do not wish to go into detail the ‘incident’ was an accident and I took the response from users here quite hard.

– I mentioned the user here so they can explain in more detail if they want to.

– This interpolated function should achieve the same results as the more complex function, but will make some errors, or lose some detail as compared to the original function.

– This mark should not only be the detail to divide into male or female partridge.

– If Roy finds the object Mr Mann wants then Mr Mann will add some other detail which must be required for him to buy it.

– Many topics directly relate to other major topics, and a single article page cannot adequately cover all the information, in a balanced manner, because some topics would have far more detail than others within the same page.

– This is a new detail added to give the reader or viewer a new understanding of the story.

– Albert Einstein published a paper in 1905 that explained in precise detail how the motion that Brown had observed was a result of the pollen being moved by individual water molecules.

– The evolution of the peppered moth has been studied in detail over the last 150 years.

– The patent also includes a long description of the idea itself called a “detailed description.” In this section, the inventor tries to describe every detail of his or her invention.

– The 389 members of the Constituent Assembly formed many committees to examine in detail all the issues relating to the country.

– As told in detail by dancer David Drew, who was in the company at the time.

– William Baffin described the bay in detail in 1616.

– In the computing world, processes are “formally” defined by the operating systems running them and so may differ in detail from one OS to another; for example in Microsoft Windows environment each instance of the same application is called a task.

– The detail and near-perfection of the cuckoo nest parasitism, and the defences of the host birds, are extraordinary.

– There’s obviously a lot about this that falls under WP:BEANS but I’d be happy to discuss it in greater detail if necessary.

– Ambiguity is not the same as vagueness, which means that there is so little detail given that a statement can mean almost anything.

– His writing of gold mining in Nubia in eastern Egypt is one of the earliest texts on the topic, and describes in vivid detail the use of slave labour in terrible working conditions.

– Every detail was scrutinized ahead of time in painstaking, behind-the-scenes preparations that touched on everything from shoes to seating arrangements.

– Even though it may be invoked from a barangay, The NSCB/PSA web pages show barangay detail only on municipality / city page.

– It is usually better to abbreviate the classification to the major ranks and then discuss the classification in more detail in the article.

– As per the official standard procedure, All Complanists were Investigated by the concern investigating offices, authorities in detail at the central level, and according to a 13 pages closure reports Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj is a completely clean man.

– A Committee of Detail assembled during the July 4 recess and produced a rough draft.

– Those are few places to reduce complexity in a long article with a lot of detail in it.

– These points are explained in further detail below.

– This type of detail is rare in fossils since the soft tissues from an animal do not usually fossilize; they almost always rot before mineral replacement can take place.

– The idea was spelled out in detail in Nimzovich’s books “My system” and “Chess praxis”.

– The attention to detail and appearance of the lions moving make them stand out, especially for the time period they were made in.

– We do not know much detail about his early life.

- This detail would not have been planned when a series was first being made.

- The picture is done with a lot of detail to make it look exactly like a photograph.

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