Some in-sentence examples of “coordinates”

How to use in-sentence of “coordinates”:

+ Instead, he has to find a webcam on the published coordinates and take a photo of himself.

+ Recent lightcurve analysis indicates that its pole points towards either ecliptic coordinate systemecliptic coordinates with a 10° uncertainty.

+ However, when used outside of infoboxes, the template supports splitting the coordinates into individual components using the parameters listed below.

+ It is primarily for specifying the World Geodetic SystemWGS84 geographic coordinates of locations on Geo microformat.

+ The values for the parameters are the pixel coordinates of the location mark when the image is scaled to a width of 1000 pixels.

+ For simplicity, the “y” and “z” coordinates are unaffected; only the “x” and “t” coordinates are transformed.

+ The different variables are combined to form coordinates in the phase space and they are displayed using glyphs and colored using another scalar variable.

+ The equatorial coordinates are based on the position of stars relative to the Earth’s equator.

Some in-sentence examples of coordinates
Some in-sentence examples of coordinates

Example sentences of “coordinates”:

+ When using, as in this example, these coordinates will be displayed in the infobox, and at the top of the article, above the infobox.

+ No matter if the template is set to display coordinates of a faraway section, the GeoGroup box’s wording will still assert it will display coordinates of “this section”.

+ Lightcurve analysis indicates that Massalia’s pole points towards either ecliptic coordinate systemecliptic coordinates with a 10° uncertainty.

+ To ensure that coordinates are seen by these tools, one set should be displayed beside the title.

+ A three-dimensional structure can be described using the Flory convention by applying a vector conversion from the Cartesian coordinates to the generalized coordinates.

+ Wikilinks are acceptable in any of the Infobox fields except coordinates and map parameters.

+ The axis of the mutual orbit of the two asteroids points towards ecliptic coordinates This is tilted about 63° to the circumsolar orbit of the system.

+ With this code, the coordinates will also appear on the top of the page.

+ This template creates links to mapping services which display all the coordinates on a single map, and links to other services which allow the coordinates to be used or downloaded in a variety of formats.

+ The Secretariat of State, under the Cardinal Secretary of State, directs and coordinates the Curia.

+ When using, as in this example, these coordinates will be displayed in the infobox, and at the top of the article, above the infobox.

+ No matter if the template is set to display coordinates of a faraway section, the GeoGroup box's wording will still assert it will display coordinates of "this section".

+ Homogeneous coordinates of projective geometry offered an extension of the notion of coordinate system in a different direction, and enriched the scope of algebraic geometry.

+ The most detailed analysis indicates that it points either towards about ecliptic coordinates with a 10° uncertainty.

+ Usually people use Cartesian coordinates to write down a position.

+ It coordinates regional development projects and manages funds from the European Union.

+ The group coordinates campaigns, public forums, emergency relief, speak outs, and educational programs for the community.

+ Other 3D coordinate systems such as spherical coordinates include both linear and angular measurements.

+ The program coordinates scientific research and operational support in the region.

+ By default, coordinates appear in the format used to specify them.

More in-sentence examples of “coordinates”:

+ Clicking on the coordinates will take users to an experimental mapsource wiki where they can choose a particular map site to view that location.

+ The coordinates for Leavenworth are of water.
+ Traditional cache: The basic cache type, hidden on the place defined by coordinates in header of listing.

+ Clicking on the coordinates will take users to an experimental mapsource wiki where they can choose a particular map site to view that location.

+ The coordinates for Leavenworth are of water.

+ Traditional cache: The basic cache type, hidden on the place defined by coordinates in header of listing.

+ Among the most active of the major Curial institutions are the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which oversees church doctrine; the Congregation for Bishops, which coordinates the appointment of bishops worldwide; the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, which oversees all missionary activities; and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which deals with international peace and social issues.

+ Military receivers then displayed only the geographic coordinates, or some had no display but only gave the coordinates to another machine.

+ The y-coordinate is equal to zero at these values of x, and so the coordinates are the places where the graph of the function crosses the x-axis.

+ This template is not intended for articles with single sets of coordinates; such coordinates already link indirectly to.

+ Agency’s coordinates are.

+ This template places the coordinates in the upper-right of the article, just below the horizontal rule running under the article’s title.

+ Its coordinates are from 12.955214, 77.689368 to 12.946359, 77.670829.

+ The cylinder is a “degenerate quadric” because at least one of the coordinates does not appear in the equation.

+ This parameter is used to place geographic coordinates in the upper right corner of the page via the template.

+ Cylindrical coordinates take the same idea that polar coordinates use, but they extend it further.

+ This method requires the geographic coordinates to be entered using the parameters below and assigning the name of the area covered by one of a set of location map templates.

+ His outfits in photos are almost all casual style, but he coordinates many patterns and colors well-balanced.

+ The coordinates information position a pushpin coordinate marker and label on the map ‘automatically’.

+ To display coordinates in the Infobox two methods can be used.

+ This template places latitude and longitude coordinates for the location somewhere near the article’s title, depending on the skin used and whether a user is logged in.

+ This formula applies to the coordinates of a graph, where each point on the line is written.

+ The upper left hand corner marker image will be displayed at the coordinates specified.

+ WADA promotes, coordinates and monitors the fight against drugs in sports.

+ The template also accepts and displays coordinates formatted as degrees and decimal minutes as found on charts and maritime references.

+ Logged-in users can customize how coordinates appear in their browsers.

+ There are various accounts of the introduction of polar coordinates as part of a formal coordinate system.

+ By default, can be added to make the coordinates display at the top of the page as well.

+ There are two versions: the geocentric ecliptic coordinates centred on the Earth, and heliocentric ecliptic coordinates centred on the centre of mass of the solar system.

+ Used by and display coordinates in the title bar.

+ These coordinates are in degrees, minutes, and seconds of arc.

+ Swain encouraged participants to meet at a set of coordinates and compete for the right to use the name Josh.

+ It look find during edit preview because coordinates line up with the Preview statement.

+ As head of government, the Prime Minister coordinates the actions of ministers, represents the Government of Portugal to the other bodies of state, is accountable to Parliament and keeps the President informed.

+ The same idea as is used by polar coordinates can also be extended in a different way.

+ These coordinates are in decimal degrees.

+ This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker, and its position relative to the right border of the map image.

+ The first unnamed parameter shown as is “Spain”, the map image and coordinates are based on the values defined for Spain in Module:Location map/data/Spain if it exists, or in Template:Location map Spain otherwise.

+ Globe coordinates as literal values must be formatted with forward slashes i.e.

+ The recommend input format for the marker coordinates is to use, where is the marker number.

+ If the geographic coordinates of the locations are known and a location map template exists, then one of the templates in the family should be used instead.

+ The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency – who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate – chairs the Military Intelligence Board, which coordinates activities of the entire defense intelligence community.

+ Geo is a microformat for marking up WSG84 geographical coordinates in HTML.

+ In addition to location codes, the data also provides geographical coordinates for a subset of locations.

+ The parameter is used to display coordinates in the infobox, and optionally at the top of the page; use the template.

+ Its coordinates are 13°4’40″N 77°44’41″E.

+ The cerebellum coordinates body movements.

+ Any ansible may be used to communicate through any other, by setting its coordinates to those of the receiving ansible.

+ Lightcurve analysis indicates that Kalliope’s pole most likely points towards ecliptic coordinate systemecliptic coordinates with a 10° uncertainty, which gives Kalliope an axial tilt of 103°.

+ In modeling the position vectors of atoms in macromolecules it is often necessary to convert from Cartesian coordinates to generalized coordinates.

+ Could someone take a look at the infobox at White House and help fix the coordinates issue? I’m not sure what the problem is.

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